Canon Law Society of Nigeria Urged to Embrace God’s Commandments as “source of liberation”

(Jude Atemanke. Aciáfrica).

Archbishop Augustine Obiora Akubeze of Nigeria’s Catholic Archdiocese of Benin City has called upon members of the Canon Law Society of Nigeria (CLSN) to reflect on the significance of God’s commandments and the Church’s legal norms as instruments of liberation.


U.S. Must Acknowledge and Address Religious Persecution in Nigeria

(David K. Trimble. RealClear Politics)

Last month in Nigeria, Christians were confronted with yet another reminder of the ongoing threats they face in their own communities. In August, “more than 70 Nigerian Christians were killed and another 20 Christian medical students were kidnapped in separate violent attacks in the southeastern Nigerian state of Benue.”


Catholics in Nigeria Urged to Improve on Communication to Quickly Fish Out People “masquerading” as Church Agents

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

People masquerading as Catholic Priests and other Church agents are having a field day in the West African nation of Nigeria owing to gaps in communication between Parishes, the Local Ordinary of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Oyo has said.


Why the Catholic Church in Nigeria Has Remained Firm amid “prosperity gospel” Influences on Priests

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

From the rising number of private ministries led by wayward Catholic Priests to abhorrent Liturgical abuses, many worrying developments are creeping into the Catholic Church in Nigeria, some of which now threaten the unity of the Church in Africa’s most populous nation.


« La synodalité est un nouveau mot pour une vieille idée en Afrique » : Cardinal Onaiyekan

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

L’expérience africaine de « l’Eglise en tant que famille de Dieu » fait de la synodalité, qui invite le peuple de Dieu à cheminer ensemble dans la communion, la participation et la mission, « un nouveau mot pour une vieille idée », a déclaré le Cardinal John Onaiyekan du Nigéria.


Preoccupazione per la sorte dei 20 studenti di medicina rapiti il 15 agosto

(Agenzia Fides).

Non si hanno ancora notizie dei 20 studenti di medicina rapiti il 15 agosto nello Stato di Benue, nel centro est della Nigeria. Gli studenti si stavano recando al congresso nazionale annuale della Federazione degli studenti cattolici di medicina e odontoiatria (Federation of Catholic Medical and Dental Students FECAMDS), quando sono stati intercettati sulla strada da alcuni banditi armati.


Catholic Bishops in Nigeria Condemn Liturgical Abuses, Call for Immediate Reforms

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

Members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) have condemned in “strongest terms” abuses during Liturgical celebrations in the West African nation, urging Priests and Bishops to take “immediate action” to restore the dignity and sanctity of worship. 


Nigerian Bishops Condemn International Agreement over LGBTQ+ Rights; And More News

(Robert Shine. New Ways Ministry)

Nigeria’s Catholic bishops have voiced their opposition to an international economic agreement that the bishops claim would undermine the country’s values, particularly because of the document’s approach to sexuality and gender issues. Today’s post includes this news and other developments from Africa


Obispos y líderes musulmanes piden al gobierno de Nigeria que no ceda al colonialismo ideológico de la UE

(InfoCatolica. Staff)

El nuevo tratado vinculante amplía la cooperación entre Nigeria y la Unión Europea más allá de los asuntos económicos, incluyendo temas de derechos humanos, programas de educación sexual respaldados por Occidente, cuestiones de género y salud sexual y reproductiva integral, una frase que la Unión Europea interpreta como derechos al aborto.