
Kill healthy people from the Netherlands

(Sam Buntz. First Things).

On June 2, Zoraya ter Beek committed assisted suicide in the Netherlands at the age of twenty-nine. She was neither dying nor physically ill. Her motivation for suicide? “For me, autism is the major hiccup in my life. That bothers me the most.” She was estranged from her family, bullied at school, part of Goth subculture, and had been wearing a “Do Not Resuscitate” tag on her neck since she was twenty-two. A psychiatrist had informed her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never going to get any better.”

La eutanasia es legal en Ecuador ¿cuántos pedidos hay para aplicarla?

(Ana Guerrero. El Comercio).

La eutanasia en Ecuador debe contar con una ley. Un reglamento está en vigencia.

La eutanasia en Ecuador se despenalizó el 7 de febrero de 2024 y el reglamento para la aplicación se emitió el 12 de abril de este mismo año.

Un comité interdisciplinario es el encargado de evaluar los casos y determinar la aplicación de la muerte digna, como se conoce a la práctica.

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Corte costituzionale. Suicidio assistito: un verdetto per fare chiarezza. Ecco i nodi

(Avvenire. Marcello Palmieri).

Udienza pubblica della Consulta per decidere sulla ìnterpretazione del criterio dei “trattamenti di sostegno vitale” tra le condizioni per la non punibilità dell’aiuto medico al suicidio. È attesa a giorni – secondo alcune indiscrezioni – la decisione della Corte costituzionale su un dei quattro criteri per la depenalizzazione dell’aiuto al suicidio stabiliti con i suoi recenti verdetti in materia.

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Catholic hospital facing lawsuit for refusing to euthanize 34-year-old Canadian woman

(Life Site. Alex Schadenberg).

St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver is facing a lawsuit from the family of a now-deceased 34-year-old woman after the institution, in accordance with Catholic teaching, refused her request for euthanasia. One of the main goals for the euthanasia lobby is to force all Canadian medical institutions to provide (MAiD) euthanasia. In June 2023, the Québec National Assembly passed Bill 11, An Act to amend the Act respecting end-of-life care. One of the provisions in Bill 11 created an obligation for all palliative care homes to offer MAID, even religiously affiliated institutions. In December, 2023 I wrote that St. Raphael Palliative Care Home and Day Centre, that had signed an agreement with the Archdiocese of Montreal and the Québec government guaranteeing that St Raphael’s would provide end-of-life care but not provide euthanasia, was being forced by the Quebec government to provide euthanasia.

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Netherlands permits euthanasia for physically healthy 29-year-old woman

(AC Wimmer. CNA).

A physically healthy 29-year-old woman was allowed to end her life through physician-assisted suicide in the Netherlands on the grounds of depression, sparking renewed debate about the sanctity of life and legislation.

Zoraya ter Beek died by euthanasia on May 22. Despite being physically healthy, the woman from Oldenzaal, a town near the German border, chose to end her life due to mental health issues.

Only days before her death, ter Beek told The Guardian: “People think that when you’re mentally ill, you can’t think straight, which is insulting.”

Diagnosed with depression, anxiety, trauma, and other issues, she was approved to die by assisted suicide for “unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement,” as per the official Dutch Euthanasia Code.

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El Papa Francisco hace fuerte crítica a la eutanasia: “Nunca es una fuente de esperanza”

(Aciprensa. Walter Sánchez Silva).

El Papa Francisco aseguró que la eutanasia “nunca es una fuente de esperanza ni una preocupación genuina por los enfermos y moribundos”, en su discurso enviado al Simposio internacional interreligioso sobre cuidados paliativos, que se realiza en Toronto (Canadá) del 21 al 23 de mayo, bajo el lema “Hacia una narración de esperanza”.

“Es la esperanza la que nos da la fuerza para afrontar los interrogantes que nos plantean los retos, las dificultades y las preocupaciones de la vida. Esto es aún más cierto cuando nos enfrentamos a una enfermedad grave o al final de la vida”, indicó el Santo Padre a los participantes del evento, patrocinado por la Pontificia Academia para la Vida y la Conferencia Episcopal Canadiense.

El Papa Francisco destacó que aquellos “que han experimentado la incertidumbre que suele acompañar a la enfermedad y a la muerte necesitan el testimonio de esperanza que les dan quienes les cuidan y permanecen a su lado”.

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Abortion and euthanasia news summary

aborto evangelización



Abortion and euthanasia news summary

aborto evangelización



Photo de Liv Bruce en Unsplash

Euthanasie : les soignants « extrêmement choqués de ne pas être entendus »

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(Michel Janva. Le Salon Beige).

Ce lundi 22 avril, les auditions de la commission spéciale chargée d’examiner le projet de loi sur la fin de vie vont débuter à l’Assemblée nationale. Pourtant, une partie des soignants n’a pas été conviée.

Dans une lettre adressée à Agnès Firmin le Bodo, présidente de la commission, et aux rapporteurs du texte, un collectif réunissant 13 sociétés savantes et organisations de soignants souligne sa totale « incompréhension ». Il demande « officiellement et formellement » une audition pour chacune des organisations. « Les soignants que nous représentons seront les premiers concernés par le projet de loi et seront tenus de mettre en œuvre ses dispositions » insistent-ils.

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