Who will light the way? Who will reframe religious life?
(Dorothy Fernandes. Global Sisters Report)
Religious life as we have known it has been a very effective means of being at the service of people
Who will light the way? Who will reframe religious life?
(Dorothy Fernandes. Global Sisters Report)
Religious life as we have known it has been a very effective means of being at the service of people
Los argentinos siguien pagando con sus impuestos materiales abortivos y anticonceptivos
Milei afirma que el crecimiento poblacional permite «mayor división del trabajo y mayor crecimiento económico» pero sus políticas no parecen encaminarse a esa meta. Si bien no compra abortivos sigue pagando y distribuyendo, abundantemente, «píldoras del día después» –ndr: que son también abortivas– y anticonceptivos, orales e inyectables y métodos de larga duración (DIUs, SIUs e Implantes subdérmicos). Los últimos incluyen a los que a través del Plan de reducción del Embarazo No intencional en la Adolescencia (Plan ENIA) serán colocados a adolescentes desde los 13 años sin conocimiento de sus padres.
‘Into the future’ – German synodal path organizer calls for ‘aggiornamento’
(The Pillar)
As head of the faith and education office at the German bishops’ conference, Dr. Frank Ronge has a broad-ranging portfolio of responsibilities for the Catholic Church across in Germany
(The Pillar)
Thousands of pilgrims have come to worship this week in a massive and modern convention center in the central district of Quito, Ecuador, during the Church’s International Eucharistic Congress, a global gathering held once every four years
La Lejeune Académie, une initiative née de La Marche pour la vie
(Michel Janva. Le Salon Beige).
La 3e édition de la Lejeune Académie s’est déroulée cet été sous le soleil de Normandie. Cinquante jeunes désireux d’en découdre avec la “culture de mort” se sont réunis.
Il secondo raduno dei sacerdoti stranieri nel Lazio
Redazione. Dioseci di Roma
Sono circa 1.500 i sacerdoti diocesani incardinati in diocesi estere presenti in Italia, di cui nel Lazio 300 sono studenti e 160 in servizio pastorale. La Commissione Missionaria Regionale del Lazio, presieduta da monsignor Vincenzo Viva, vescovo di Albano, in apertura dell’ottobre missionario, con la collaborazione di Migrantes Lazio e della Commissione regionale per il clero e la vita consacrata, incontra per il secondo anno consecutivo i sacerdoti non italiani ospitati nelle diocesi laziali, come segno di valorizzazione e risorsa di una forza missionaria presente nelle comunità diocesane.
New Mexico forum highlights Catholic views on nuclear disarmament, deterrence
(Alejandra Molina. National Catholic Report)
Tina Cordova has made it her life’s work to shed light on the negative health effects plaguing the people of New Mexico after the U.S. military detonated the world’s first atomic bomb at the Trinity test site July 16, 1945. To grasp the severity of the radiation exposure, Cordova says, “it’s important to understand our way of life.”
Archbishop Mark O’Toole announces creation of the united Archdiocese of Cardiff-Menevia
(The Catholic Church Bishops´ Conference of England and Wales)
In a pastoral letter to be read across the Archdiocese of Cardiff-Menevia on the weekend of 14-15 September, Archbishop Mark O’Toole shared the joyful news of the creation of the new Archdiocese of Cardiff-Menevia.
In city-state of skyscrapers, Pope praises a ‘love that builds up’
(Elise Ann Allen. Crux)
In a city-state whose urban core contains more than 100 high-rise structures straining towards the sky, Pope Francis on Thursday declared that while engineering and finance are critical to those symbols of development, at their core they also speak of a “love that builds up.”
Sanija Ameti,Muslim-born politician in Switzerland shoots image of Our Lady and Baby Jesus, resigns after backlash
(Andreas Wailzer. Life Site)
A left-wing Swiss politician is facing heavy backlash for shooting a picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the Baby Jesus
We Are All Liberal Protestants
(Kenneth Craycraft. National Catholic Register)
Many of us Catholics in the United States are actually liberal Protestants with rosary beads
Cultural Fragmentation and the Need for a New Catholic Renaissance
Ryan Bilodeau. Crissis Magazine
Today, as we confront an era of ideological polarization, social fragmentation, and a pervasive sense of disorientation, the question arises: Is this another moment that calls for a Catholic renaissance?
Judge closes case sparked by Indian diocese’s marriage rules
(Luke Coppen. The Pillar)
A judge in the southern Indian state of Kerala has closed a contempt of court case challenging a diocese’s unique marriage rules
Opus Dei prelate asks prayers for new statutes and to share ‘the fire of the Lord’
(CNA. Walter Sánchez Silva).
The prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, renewed his request for prayer for the new statutes of “the Work,” as its members call this institution of the Catholic Church, and encouraged them to share “the fire of the Lord” with others.
Preaching on Pride Can Be Fraught for LGBTQ+ People. But It Does Not Have to Be
(Robert Shine. New Ways Ministry)
A homily about pride can be a fraught experience for LGBTQ+ people given how often pride is framed as a sin and wielded against the community
Jesuit from Germany becomes auxiliary bishop in Russia
From Essen via Cologne to Rome and Moscow – and now to Novosibirsk: Jesuit Stephan Lipke has already had many stops in his CV. The Secretary General of the Russian Bishops’ Conference is now becoming an auxiliary bishop himself.
Pope merges two Welsh dioceses
(Luke Coppen. The Pillar)
Pope Francis has approved the merger of two of the three dioceses in Wales
Jacopo Coghe/Marco Tosatti. STILVM CURIAE
Ciò che sta emergendo in queste ore su come l’Unione Europea usa i nostri soldi per finanziare le battaglie politiche del movimento LGBTQ e indottrinare i nostri figli e nipoti è allucinante. Dopo che avrai letto l’assurdo elenco di follie che sto per condividere con te, capirai perché è urgente aiutarci a inaugurare un nuovo Dipartimento di Pro Vita & Famiglia per contrastare il bombardamento ideologico che l’Unione Europea ci fa piovere addosso usando i nostri stessi soldi. Dobbiamo reagire.
García Herrería: «Somos libres de querer elegir una visión más esperanzadora o triste de la Iglesia»
Alejandro María Lino. Religión en Libertad
Charlamos sobre la actualidad de la Iglesia con Javier García Herrería que, desde hace dos años, dedica la mitad de su jornada laboral a leer información religiosa de todo el mundo y ofrece un boletín semanal donde comparte gratuitamente una síntesis de lo más destacado (Si desea suscribirse a la newsletter semanal de Javier G. Herrería, puede hacerlo aquí). -¿Cómo valoras la situación de la Iglesia desde el punto de vista informativo?
The bells are back at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. They’ll ring for the post-fire reopening
(AP News)
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is getting its bells back, just in time for the medieval landmark’s reopening following a devastating 2019 fire.