(Messain latino).
Over the past weekend, during the Three Days on Don Primo Mazzolari held every year in the Diocese of Cremona, yours truly met Professor Andrea Grillo, the leader of liturgical progressivism. Grillo is a professor of Sacramental Theology and the Philosophy of Religion in Rome, at the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo, and of Liturgy in Padua, at the Abbey of Santa Giustina. He is a prolific liturgist, theologian and author of the popular blog, Come se non.
From the point of view of liturgical theology, we disagree with Prof. Grillo on almost everything, but we have always appreciated his brutal frankness: at least he speaks clearly.
In Traditionis Custodes—a document that appears to have been prepared by officials within the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments—we recognize the thrust of his thinking, his writing, and his proposals.
The professor, whom we thank very much for his honesty, has kindly granted us an interview, which we reproduce below.
In the view of many in the Roman Curia, for Pope Francis, Prof. Grillo is on liturgy what Fr James Martin, S.J., is on homosexuality.