
“Billboard Chris:” A Canadian Dad Calmly Confronting Gender Ideology

(Rebecca Oas. C-Fam).

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 5 (C-Fam) He has faced screaming mobs, been violently assaulted, had his posts censored on social media, was described as a “far right activist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” newsletter for his advocacy to protect children from harmful gender ideology.

First Nation, Catholic Church agree on residential school truths

(Courtney Dickson. CBC).

WARNING: This story contains details of experiences at residential schools.

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc and the Vancouver and Kamloops arms of the Catholic Church have released the details of a signed document agreeing to a historical record acknowledging the harms caused by residential schools and the role the church played. 

On Easter Sunday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, Diocese of Kamloops and the First Nation gathered to sign a Sacred Covenant outlining how it will work with the First Nation toward reconciliation. 

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City of Edmonton sued for denying pro-life group a booth at upcoming exhibition

(Life Site News. Anthony Murdoch).

A Canadian pro-life group, with the help of a top constitutional law group, is suing Edmonton after city officials denied the group the ability to rent a booth for an upcoming summer exhibition.   On Tuesday, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced that its lawyers had served Explore Edmonton Corporation, a corporation owned by the City of Edmonton, with a lawsuit on behalf of Edmonton Prolife.  “Public spaces are important forums for people to express a wide range of ideas,” said Darren Leung, counsel for Edmonton Prolife in a press release sent to LifeSiteNews.  “Governments are custodians of public spaces and must comply with the Charter when managing these public spaces. Government bodies like the Explore Edmonton Corporation are legally required to be neutral and have no right to censor content that they dislike or disagree with.”  The lawsuit, which was filed June 4 in the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, claims that Explore Edmonton Corporation has violated the Charter rights of Edmonton Prolife for disallowing the group to have a booth at the upcoming KDays exhibition, which is a large event held annually in late July.  

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Across Canada, LGBTQ+ Advocates Challenge Catholic Schools to Celebrate Pride

(New ways ministry. Robert Shine).

The debate over LGBTQ+ issues and Canada’s Catholic schools, particularly how to mark Pride Month, has roiled those publicly-funded Catholic school systems for years. A hallmark of this debate has been votes on whether to fly rainbow flags in June. With the school year concluding, today’s post features four news stories where communities have resisted anti-LGBTQ+ efforts to quell celebrations, and have instead endorsed Pride.

Catholic Elementary School Offers Pride Day Celebrations

For the third year, St. Denis Catholic School, Toronto, hosted a daylong celebration of Pride that included an assembly with pro-LGBTQ+ presentations, a hoisting of the rainbow flag, a dance party, and “a visit to the school from an ice cream truck [where] rainbow sprinkles are on the menu,” reported Beach Metro Community News. Parents and older students were invited to a film screening of With Wonder, an award-winning documentary about whether someone can be Christian and queer. A conversation with the director, Sharon Lewis, was held after the film.

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Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, seen as unusual fit for Francis’ Vatican, leaves the scene

(National Catholic Reporter. Christopher White).

When Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet turns 80 on June 8, the prelate who was touted as a potential future pope in both the conclaves of 2005 and 2013, will no longer be able to participate in the next papal election. Ouellet, who was archbishop of Quebec from 2003-2010 and then prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Bishops until his retirement in 2023 at age 78, has been a pivotal player under three papacies. And in two of those he played an outsized role in shaping the Catholic hierarchy throughout the world. The Canadian cardinal’s retirement last year brought about an end to an incongruous era, where a prelate much more identified with Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI was kept on by Pope Francis to lead the powerful Vatican office tasked with vetting potential candidates for the Catholic episcopacy.

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No proof of sexual misconduct against Quebec cardinal: Vatican-mandated investigation

(Montreal News).

A retired judge mandated by the Vatican to investigate sexual misconduct allegations against a Quebec cardinal says that despite the complainant refusing to collaborate with the probe, he could find no evidence tying the senior church leader to the alleged crimes. Retired Quebec Superior Court judge André Denis says that while his investigation doesn’t exonerate Cardinal Gérald Lacroix, archbishop of Quebec City, it hasn’t uncovered evidence to justify a canonical trial.

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Toronto Catholic Schools Allow Pride Flag, Reject Pro-Life Flag

(National Catholic Register. Charles Lewis).

There are some ideas so fundamental to Catholic teaching that they must be accepted by Catholics without question. Opposition to abortion and opposition to euthanasia are two such core teachings that are not up for question. These pro-life convictions provide a key to a greater understanding of what the Church stands for. If the Church isn’t for life, it isn’t for much of anything.

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Fosse comuni in Canada, smentita la bufala anticattolica

(Luca Volontè. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana).

La scoperta di “fosse comuni” di bambini indigeni canadesi nella primavera del 2021 era una grande bugia per screditare la Chiesa cattolica. Tre anni dopo quelle segnalazioni, a causa delle quali 85 chiese hanno subito incendi e vandalismo, le fosse comuni non sono state trovate.

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¿Desaparecerán en 15 años los muy «progres» anglicanos de Canadá? Parece probable con estas cifras

(P.J.Ginés. Religión en Libertad).

La Iglesia Anglicana de Canadá, que hace 60 años era una de las más importantes del país, se enfrenta hoy a la extinción, según los datos publicados hace un mes. Haber seguido todas las exigencias del “cristianismo progresista” no le ha dado ningún fruto, sino más bien lo contrario.

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El bulo anticatólico del genocidio nativo en Canadá: «Ni una fosa común, ni un cuerpo, ni un hueso»

(Religión en Libertad. ReL Staff).

En 2021 se fabricó en Canadá un bulo anticatólico que incluía todos los elementos de emotivización y victimización característicos de la cultura woke: 150.000 menores nativos arrancados a sus padres e internados en residencias a la fuerza, cientos de niños desaparecidos, fosas comunes… ¿Cuál es la realidad? Que decenas de templos fueron asaltados e incendiados como ‘respuesta’, pero no se han encontrado los restos de un solo cuerpo. Cristina Gauri cuenta toda la la historia y el estado actual de las investigaciones en el número de abril de Il Timone .

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