
Catholic Priest on How “survival mentality” is Impeding Authentic Formation in African Major Seminaries

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

Major Seminarians in Africa are not allowed “to be themselves” but must find ways to get by, a Catholic priest from Nigeria has said, and challenged institutions of formation of future Priests to encourage open communication between Seminarians and their respective formators.


Catholic Church in Africa Challenged to Send Pastoral Agents to “missionary-poor areas” on the Continent

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

As the Church in Africa continues to supply missionaries to other places in the world experiencing a decrease in personnel, attention must also be given to places in Africa that equally have a shortage, the leadership of Symposium of Catholic Bishops in Africa has appealed. 


Recherche, connaissance de l’audience, moyens pour les jeunes d’Afrique d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour évangéliser

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa)

Les participants à la sixième session des conversations synodales en cours sur le Synode sur la synodalité ont proposé des moyens pour les jeunes catholiques d’Afrique d’utiliser efficacement les médias sociaux dans leur participation à la mission d’évangélisation de l’Église.


La communauté Sant’Egidio s’inquiète de la “faim généralisée” alors que les combats font rage au Soudan

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

La Communauté de Sant’Egidio, une association catholique laïque basée à Rome qui se consacre à la fourniture de services sociaux et à l’arbitrage des conflits, a mis en garde contre “une situation humanitaire très grave” au Soudan, alors que les combats font rage dans ce pays du nord-est de l’Afrique.


Nairobi Catholic Archbishop Urges Respect for Life “from conception” as Retrieval of Bodies Dumped in Quarry Continues

(Silas Isenjia. ACI Africa).

As the retrieval of dismembered bodies tied up in sacks and dumped in an abandoned quarry used as a dumpsite in  Kenya’s Embakasi South Constituency in Nairobi has continued, Archbishop Philip Anyolo Subira of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN) has called for respect for human life.


Synodal Process in Africa “should also foster intergenerational dialogue”: Catholic Youths

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

There is need for the Church in Africa to foster interactions between the young and the not-so young people in the spirit of the multi-year ongoing Synod on Synodality, which Pope Francis extended to 2024, with the first phase, 4-29 October 2023, having concluded with a 42-page summary report.


How Kenya’s Catholics Faced Backlash following Fiducia Supplicans, Declaration Permitting Blessing of “same-sex couples”

 (Agnes Aineah. Aciafrica).

When the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF) issued Fiducia Supplicans, the declaration permitting the blessing of “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations”, Catholic Church leaders in Africa expressed their sharp opposition to the move.


AFRICA – Sahel ed oltre: la guerra dei mercenari

 (L.M. Agenzia Fides).

Roma (Agenzia Fides) – “Arrivano i russi” ripetono da tempo osservatori occidentali scrutando l’arrivo di mercenari dell’ex società militare privata Wagner nel Sahel. E in particolare negli Stati dove a seguito di golpe si sono insediate giunte militari che hanno espulso le truppe francesi e più in generale occidentali dal loro territorio.


Un évêque catholique en Angola demande la protection de la forêt de Mayombe contre les étrangers cupides

(João Vissesse. ACI Africa).

La forêt de Mayombe, la deuxième plus grande forêt du monde après l’Amazonie, est exploitée par des étrangers, qui n’ont “aucune limite à leur appétit”, a déploré Mgr Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti, évêque du diocèse catholique angolais de Cabinda.

El Papa Francisco crea una nueva diócesis en Sudán del Sur, el país más joven del mundo

(ACI África).

El Papa Francisco erigió hoy la Diócesis de Bentiu en Sudán del Sur, y nombró como su obispo a Mons. Christian Carlassare, quien actualmente se desempeña como prelado de la Diócesis de Rumbek, en el mismo país.

La erección de la nueva sede episcopal, la octava en la nación más nueva del mundo, fue hecha pública por la oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede el miércoles 3 de julio.

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Catholic Priests in Guinea-Bissau Urge Government to Show Commitment in Fight against Drug Trafficking

(João Vissesse. ACI Africa).

Catholic Priests in Guinea-Bissau have expressed concern about the surge in drug trafficking in the country and called on the government to show that it is committed to fighting the vice.

In a statement at the end of the General Assembly of Diocesan Priests in Guinea-Bissau, the Catholic Priests urged citizens to say “yes to life and no to death.”

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Church Leaders in Nigeria Condemn “senseless act of violence” as Scores Die in Suicide Attacks

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

Christian leaders in Nigeria have expressed concern about the June 29 suicide attacks in the country’s Borno State that left dozens dead, and described the attacks as “senseless acts of violence”.

On June 29, at least 18 people were reportedly killed and 30 others injured after a series of attacks by suspected female suicide bombers in the town of Gwoza in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state.

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U.S. Government Criticized for Omitting Nigeria from Religious Persecution Watchlist

(Peter Pinedo. ACI Africa).

Religious freedom activists are criticizing the Biden State Department for continuing to leave Nigeria off its “countries of particular concern” (CPC) watchlist, despite the department’s own report highlighting the violent persecution of Christians in the country.

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“Le tissu de la société soudanaise a été déchiré” : Les évêques catholiques sur le conflit en cours au Soudan

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

Les membres de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Soudan (SCBC) ont exprimé leur préoccupation concernant le conflit en cours dans le pays, affirmant que la guerre civile a provoqué des destructions inimaginables et causé d’immenses souffrances à la population.

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