Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, called for a “new planetary humanism” at a June 25 conference organized by the pontifical academy in collaboration with Greenaccord, Greenpeace, and the Italian Catholic Press Union. At the conference—entitled “From Laudato si’ to Fratelli tutti: There is no social justice without climate justice”—Archbishop Paglia said that the two encyclicals “require an overcoming of the old anthropocentrism and push toward a new vision of humanity.” “A globalization of this humanism must be pursued: the humanism of human rights, of women’s rights, liberty-equality-fraternity, democracy, global solidarity,” he continued. Archbishop Paglia contrasted this “new planetary humanism” with “ancient humanism,” which (according to Paglia) “produced an abstract, ideal universalism, in fact marked by a substantial ethnocentrism and a deviant anthropocentrism.” Continue reading at Catholic Culture