
Catholic Priest on How “survival mentality” is Impeding Authentic Formation in African Major Seminaries

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

Major Seminarians in Africa are not allowed “to be themselves” but must find ways to get by, a Catholic priest from Nigeria has said, and challenged institutions of formation of future Priests to encourage open communication between Seminarians and their respective formators.


Father James Martin’s Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted by ‘Married’ Homosexuals

(Michael Haynes. Complicit Clergy)

Father James Martin S.J.’s pro-LGBT group had its recent fundraiser hosted by two “married” homosexual men in a seemingly recurring event. In a social media post, the prolific LGBT advocate and Jesuit priest revealed details of the latest fundraiser for his pro-LGBT group, Outreach. “Thanks again to Brian Stevens and Alex Capecelatro for hosting a fundraising dinner for Outreach at their beautiful home in Provincetown, Mass,” Martin wrote.


Michelangelo’s Pieta’ getting new high-security barrier before Jubilee Year

(Carol Glatz. USCCB)

Ahead of the Holy Year 2025, the Vatican is enhancing security for Michelangelo’s “Pietà” with new bullet-proof glass panels, ensuring better visibility and protection. The new panels are part of a larger restoration of the Chapel of the Pietà that should be complete by September