
Bishops tell young African digital influencers: ‘Brace for the challenges ahead’

(Agnes Aineah. CNA).

Members of the African Synodal Digital Youth Influencers who graduated recently from the African Digital Faith Influencers Formation program of the Pan African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network (PACTPAN) were told to “brace for the challenges that lie ahead of [them] in the digital peripheries [they] seek to evangelize.”

In his keynote address at the Sept. 12 graduation ceremony, Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah of Nigeria’s Diocese of Nsukka warned the 56 participants in the PACTPAN program of the complexities that exist in digital spaces.


A Parigi Conferenza sul neocolonialismo nei paesi dell’Africa. “

Redazione. FarodiRoma

il neocolonialismo è ancora una realtà per i Paesi africani, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il controllo economico e lo sfruttamento delle loro risorse naturali da parte delle potenze occidentali. Sebbene molti Paesi africani abbiano raggiunto l’indipendenza politica, devono ancora affrontare forme di dipendenza economica e culturale che ostacolano il loro sviluppo. 


‘The church in Africa is a church that is not afraid to speak,’ says Cardinal Hollerich

(Juste Hlannon . La Croix international).

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, a member of the pope’s Council of Cardinals, visited Benin August 17-19. During his stay, he participated in the 70th national Marian pilgrimage at the Our Lady of Arigbo Sanctuary of Peace and Unity in Dassa-Zoumè.


African archbishop challenges prosperity Gospel, idea of a ‘white man’s God’

(Ngala Killian Chimtom. Crux)

A leading African archbishop has said that an historical tendency to regard Christianity as the “white man’s God,” and the current rise of a “prosperity Gospel” conflating Christianity with material success, both represent obstacles to real evangelization on the continent.


Bishops: “No to the petition to remove President Ruto from office; our name was included without consulting us”

(Agenzia Fides).

“We distance ourselves from the petition to remove the president, from office.” This is the response of the Bishops of Kenya, through the words of Msgr. Maurice Muhatia Makumba, Archbishop of Kisumu, President of the Kenya Bishops’ Conference (KCCB), to the petition to remove President William Ruto from office.


Catholic Priest on How “survival mentality” is Impeding Authentic Formation in African Major Seminaries

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

Major Seminarians in Africa are not allowed “to be themselves” but must find ways to get by, a Catholic priest from Nigeria has said, and challenged institutions of formation of future Priests to encourage open communication between Seminarians and their respective formators.


La Generazione Z africana è pronta a prendersi il futuro: una bomba che ci scoppierà tra le mani

(Stefano Pancera. il Fatto Quotidiano).

“E’ la Z Generation bellezza e tu non puoi farci niente: ti spazzerà via!”. Se mai esistesse una versione 3.0 del mitico film del ‘52 con Humphrey Bogart “L’ultima Minaccia” questa sarebbe la nuova versione della frase cult nel film. Già, la Z Gen. Un torrente di confusioni. Noi, con i nostri ombelichi che crediamo siano “il centro del mondo”, stiamo ignorando che la più grande generazione di giovani è in Africa. Non c’entra con le migrazioni, la maggior parte rimarrà là. E là diventerà ricca.