Congolese Catholics rally round as Cardinal Ambongo accused of ‘sedition’ in DRC

(Catholic Herald. Ngala Killian Chimtom/Crux).

After a prosecutor in the Democratic Republic of Congo announced an investigation of Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa on charges of sedition, both clergy and laity in the country’s capital have rallied to his defence, calling the probe “shameful” and pledging their loyalty.

“We openly reaffirm, in the clearest possible terms, our attachment and unfailing loyalty to our Archbishop, Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo,” said an April 30 statement from the Assembly of the Clergy of Kinshasa (ACKIN).

The Catholic Lay Apostolate Council of Congo (CALCC) likewise expressed full support, calling the investigation a “relentless effort to silence the cardinal.”

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