Pope Francisco

Church needs communion, harmony, moderation to be missionary, pope says

(Carol Glatz. National Catholic Reporter)

Envy is poison, and when envy and individualism prevail over communion, life becomes difficult, Pope Francis said. “When we are content with what is necessary, even with little, with God’s help we are able to go forward and get along, sharing what there is, everyone renouncing something and supporting each other,” he said before praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square July 14. The pope reflected on the day’s Gospel reading from St. Mark (6:7-13) about the mission of the twelve disciples in which Jesus sent them out “two by two” and told them “to take nothing for the journey” but only what was necessary.

Pope Francisco

Pope Francis authors preface to book on ‘Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church’

(Walter Sánchez Silva. CNA).

Pope Francis has written the preface to the book “Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church,” authored by three theologians and two cardinals who participated in the meeting of the Council of Cardinals, C9, this past February at the Vatican.  The theologians, noted Vatican News, are Salesian Sister Linda Pocher, professor of Christology and Mariology at the Auxilium in Rome; who also wrote the book’s introduction; Jo Bailey Wells, a female Anglican bishop and undersecretary general of the Anglican Communion; and Giuliva Di Berardino, consecrated woman of the Ordo Virginum of the Diocese of Verona in Italy, liturgist, teacher and organizer of spirituality courses and spiritual exercises.


Pro-LGBTQ+ Theologians, Pastoral Ministers React to New Synod Document

(New Ways Ministry).

Last week, the Vatican issued the latest working document for the Synod on Synodality, known as the Instrumentum Laboris, that will guide conversations at this October’s second General Assembly in Rome. The document omits any direct mention of LGBTQ+ issues, and reactions to it have been varied. For instance, Bondings 2.0 has published both New Ways Ministry’s statement that it opens the door for greater inclusion and an essay from Mary McAleese, the former president of Ireland, who believes the document offers only “crumbs of comfort” to LGBTQ+ people.

Pope Francisco

Pope urges religious orders to pray for new priests and nuns as their numbers continue to fall

(Nicole Winfield. AP News)

Pope Francis urged religious orders on Monday to work and pray harder for new priests and nuns to join, as he acknowledged the congregations’ futures are at risk with the numbers of men and women entering Catholic religious life plummeting in parts of the world. The Jesuit pope asked representatives of a half-dozen religious orders celebrating assemblies this summer in Rome how many people they each had training to be priests or nuns. Audience members responded saying eight, 12 and 17, with new members coming from Asia, Africa and Latin America.


El Papa Francisco anima a vivir la sobriedad para ser libres y advierte: “Lo superfluo te hace esclavo”

(Walter Sánchez Silva. Aciprensa).

El Papa Francisco animó a vivir y custodiar la sobriedad para ser libres al anunciar el Evangelio; y advirtió que “lo superfluo te hace esclavo”, durante su reflexión antes del rezo del Ángelus de este domingo 14 de julio, en la Plaza de San Pedro en el Vaticano ante miles de fieles presentes.


‘Excess enslaves you,’ Pope Francis warns Christians

(Hannah Brockhaus. CNA).

Pope Francis on Sunday urged Christians to be an example to others of how to live a sober, nonmaterialistic lifestyle in peace with one’s community. “It is important to know how to guard sobriety, to know how to be sober in the use of things — sharing resources, skills, and gifts, and doing without excess. Why? To be free: Excess enslaves you,” the pope said in his Angelus address on July 14. The pope addressed the problems of materialism in his comments before praying the Angelus, a Marian prayer he leads every week on Sundays.


Pope Francis praises National Eucharistic Revival in the U.S.

(Peter Pinedo. CNA).

Pope Francis praised the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival in the United States, saying in a letter published Tuesday that he wished to extend a special blessing to all those attending the National Eucharistic Congress later this month. “The faithful who approach the heavenly banquet, strengthened by the protection of heaven, are able to work more vigorously and diligently in sustaining their daily duties,” the pope wrote. “For this reason, we were very happy to hear the news about the National Eucharistic Congress in the United States of America.”

Papa Francesco

Appello al Papa da periferia Roma,qui degrado,a rischio Giubileo


Da Torre Spaccata lettera aperta anche al sindaco Gualtieri. Icittadini di Torre Spaccata, quartiere alla periferia di Roma dove nel 2025 dovrebbero tenersi alcuni importanti eventi del Giubileo 2025, hanno scritto una lettera aperta a Papa Francesco e al sindaco di Roma Roberto Gualtieri, perché, a due anni dal maxi-incendio a Centocelle, nulla è stato fatto contro il degrado della zona.

Papa Francisco

El papa Francisco, a los obispos españoles: no rotundo a las terapias de conversión

Según ha confirmado en exclusiva ‘Vida Nueva’, el Pontífice argentino reiteró hace unas semanas su preocupación por estas prácticas en un reunión con un grupo de prelados.La Santa Sede prohibió estos tratamientos en 2021, tal y como desveló esta revista, pero voces eclesiales denuncian que “siguen actuando de manera sofisticada en espacios eclesiales”


Is papal demography destiny?

(Brendan Hodge. The Pillar).

Pope Francis, head of the Vatican City State — and the Catholic Church — is 87, six years older than the U.S. president, making him the fourth oldest head of state in the world, among governments recognized as states by the Holy See itself.  The three who are older are: President Biya of Cameroon, 91, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, 88 — the Holy See recognized Palestine as a state in 2015 — and King Salman al Saud of Saudi Arabia, 88.


New statutes issued for Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

(Vatican News).

Pope Francis has approved new statutes guiding the Vatican foundation that oversees the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. Made public on 8 July, the new statutes recognize the history of the initiative and its mission. The Secretariat for the Economy now holds reponsibility for final approval of budgets and the appointment of a sole auditor, tasks previously entrusted to the Secretariat of State. The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network has the mission of mobilizing Catholics through prayer and action in response to the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. These challenges are presented in the form of prayer intentions entrusted by the Pope to the entire Church.