Members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) are concerned about the increasing number of private “ministries” that a section of Priests and Laity have established in the West African nation.


The National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) and the Movement to Combat Electoral Corruption (MCCE) published on Monday, September 2, a note on Complementary Bill (PLP) No. 192/2023, which is being processed in the Senate and proposes significant changes to the Clean Record Law (Complementary Law No. 135, of 2010), one of the most important democratic achievements of Brazilian society, the result of a broad popular mobilization coordinated by the two organizations.


Fearing Evangelical drug lord, four parishes suspend activities in Rio de Janeiro

(Crux. Eduardo Campos Lima).

 After a series of rumors about an alleged order from a powerful drug lord to shut down Catholic churches in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro, at least four parishes announced the suspension of all their activities between July 5-7.

According to the news website G1, local residents said armed men on motorcycles passed by St. Hedwig and St. Cecilia parishes in Brás de Pina, and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and St. Justin in Parada de Lucas and ordered the immediate suspension of all celebrations.

Brazilian Supreme Court justice accuses bishops of ‘disinformation’ on marijuana debate

(Crux. Eduardo Campos Lima).

As the Supreme Court of Brazil prepared to examine the decriminalization of marijuana possession, Justice Luis Roberto Barroso said the head of the Bishops’ Conference called him earlier to express his concerns over “the legalization of drugs,” adding it was a sign that he had been exposed to “disinformation.” Barroso claimed Archbishop Jaime Spengler of Porto Alegre had been misguided by “fake news,” since the court is not willing to allow the consumption of illicit drugs in Brazil.

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“What monster is going to come out of this girl’s womb?” says Lula about the ban on late-term abortion

(Monasa Narjara. Acidigital).

“Why is a girl forced to have a child by a guy who raped her? What monster will come out of this girl’s womb?” asked President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva today (18) in an interview with the CBN radio newspaper. The president was responding about the bill being processed in Congress that equates abortion at 22 weeks’ gestation with homicide. Late-term abortion would be prohibited even in cases where there is no penalty for the crime of abortion. The Penal Code exempts abortion from the penalty in the case of a baby created by rape and in the case of danger to the mother’s life. The Federal Supreme Court approved the abortion of babies with anencephaly.

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Project that equates abortion after 22 weeks with homicide “is, at the very least, insanity, says Lula

(Monasa Narjara. Aci digital).

“I think it is insanity for anyone to want to punish a woman with a sentence greater than that of the criminal who committed the rape. This is, to say the least, insane,” said President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) at a press conference closing the G7 Summit, on Saturday (15).

Lula was referring to bill 1904/2024, by federal deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ), which equates abortion of gestation after 22 weeks when there is a possibility of the baby’s life to the crime of simple homicide.

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In a meeting with Pope Francis, Haddad defends taxation of the super-rich.

(Tiago Pereira. Rede Brasil Atual).

On a trip to Europe, Fernando Haddad also sought support from the ministers of Spain and Italy in the global effort to tax the world’s billionaires.

São Paulo – The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, met this Thursday morning (6) with Pope Francis, at the Vatican. In a meeting lasting around 25 minutes, Haddad once again defended the creation of a global tax on the super-rich .

In this sense, the intention is to garner support from the pontiff of the Catholic Church for Brazil’s proposal for the presidency of the G20, which envisages charging a 2% tax on the wealth of around 3,000 billionaires around the world. In this way, the resources would be used to combat hunger and climate change.

During the audience, Haddad presented the pope with a gourd and mate bomb, a reference to the floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul . Last month, the Vatican donated 100 thousand euros in aid to the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

Through social media, the minister celebrated the meeting with the pontiff, in the name of “a global economy with ties that combat misery and poverty”. The Vatican also released a video showing the pope’s reception of Haddad.

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Fuerte denuncia de la persecución de cristianos en Qatar en un masivo acto evangélico en Brasil.


Miles marcharon con banderas pidiendo “Detengan a Qatar. Salven al Cristianismo”. Cómo es el doble juego del emirato con occidente y el islamismo radical.

Más de un millón de cristianos evangélicos asistieron este fin de semana a la “Marcha para Jesús”. Muchos de ellos llevaban banderas en las que reclamaban que Qatar pare con la persecución al cristianismo.

Desde el escenario, el apóstol Estevam Hernandes apuntó a Qatar, Corea del Norte y Afganistán “donde el Evangelio no puede ser predicado y la Iglesia es perseguida”.

“En esos países, hay familias enteras siendo asesinadas porque confiesan el nombre de Cristo. Hay pastores siendo decapitados y no se puede predicar el Evangelio”, denunció Hernandes

En el publico se veían cientos de banderas con el slogan “Stop Qatar, save christianity”.

No es la primera vez en los últimos meses en la que líderes evangelistas se manifiestan contra Qatar. Ocurrió no sólo en Brasil, sino también en Estados Unidos y España, entre otros países.

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Multitud abarrota Sao Paulo en la “Marcha por Jesús”.


El evento ha adquirido tintes políticos a medida que la comunidad cristiana evangélica ha crecido y se ha tornado cada vez más influyente en Brasil.

Una marea azul de cientos de miles de personas evangélicas tomó este jueves (30.05.2024) las calles de Sao Paulo, en el sudeste de Brasil, para la “Marcha por Jesús”, un acontecimiento con una fuerte dimensión política más allá del aspecto religioso.

Con sus brazos al cielo y ojos cerrados, quienes participaron bailaron, cantaron y rezaron mientras vestían camisetas azules con el logotipo de la 32ª edición de esta mega procesión, que se celebra en día festivo en la mayor metrópolis de América Latina.

Una enorme bandera israelí fue portada por la multitud, símbolo del fuerte apoyo del movimiento evangélico y ultraconservador de Brasil a ese país en medio de la guerra en la Franja de Gaza. También, se produce mientras aumentan las tensiones entre Israel y el Gobierno del presidente brasileño, el izquierdista Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, que el 29 de mayo retiró a su embajador en Tel Aviv, que no será sustituido.

El evento ha adquirido tintes políticos en los últimos años a medida que la comunidad cristiana evangélica brasileña ha crecido y se ha tornado cada vez más influyente, especialmente bajo el mandato del expresidente de extrema derecha Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022).

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El Congreso brasileño prohíbe destinar dinero público al aborto o la ocupación de tierras.

(AFP. France24).

El Congreso brasileño anuló un veto del presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva a una disposición que prohíbe destinar dinero público a actividades vinculadas con abortos, cirugías de cambio de sexo en menores u ocupación de tierras privadas.

El artículo fue incluido por la oposición en la Ley de Directrices Presupuestarias aprobada en enero, pero fue vetado posteriormente por el presidente izquierdista.

La disposición, que ahora será válida, prohíbe el gasto gubernamental en la promoción o financiación de “cirugías de cambio de sexo para menores”, “abortos en casos no autorizados por la ley” y acciones con el objetivo de “extinguir el concepto de familia tradicional”.

También impide destinar recursos a “acciones tendientes a influenciar niños y adolescentes, desde la guardería hasta la escuela secundaria, a tener opciones sexuales diferentes del sexo biológico”, y a “la invasión u ocupación de propiedades rurales privadas”.

El veto fue anulado en la Cámara baja por 339 votos contra 107, y en el Senado por 47 votos contra 23.

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Some priests blame atheists for catastrophic floods in southern Brazil

(Eduardo Campos Lima. crux).

Awkward religious ideas have spread after unprecedented floods devastated 90 percent of the cities in Rio Grande do Sul state earlier this month.

The flooding has displaced more than 700,000 residents and killed at least 161 more.

Since the beginning of the catastrophe in the southernmost region in Brazil, which impacted 2.3 million people and left the capital city Porto Alegre underwater for several days, several Christian leaders have tried to establish a relationship between human behaviors and the wrath of God, which they said was behind the heavy storms.

The most unusual of such theories was the one that blamed popstar Madonna, who held a free concert on May 4 on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro.

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