German bishops issue guidance on dismissing AfD members
(Luke Coppen. The Pillar)
Germany’s bishops clarified Thursday their criteria for dismissing supporters of “extremist” parties from Church positions
German bishops issue guidance on dismissing AfD members
(Luke Coppen. The Pillar)
Germany’s bishops clarified Thursday their criteria for dismissing supporters of “extremist” parties from Church positions
German Islamist on Sat1: “I would whip women and have homosexuals stoned”
Unbelievable statements by a Salafist with a German passport last night on SAT1/Ronzheimer – The journalist also reveals that German borders are not protected
Pope Francis is not tired of his office: he still attends major events and goes on long trips abroad, most recently to Asia. But at almost 88 years of age, he is one of the oldest popes in history. The question of his succession is therefore getting closer.
Diocese of Eichstätt: Child pornography suspicion against priest not confirmed
In January, allegations were made against a priest living in the diocese of Eichstätt in connection with child pornography. But now, according to the diocese, the Ingolstadt public prosecutor’s office has closed its investigation into the matter.
Anglicans and Catholics: Different approaches to sexual morality
What is the role of sexuality in marriage? Does it only serve the purpose of procreation or does it have another purpose? In 1930, the Anglican and Catholic churches came to different answers.
‘Into the future’ – German synodal path organizer calls for ‘aggiornamento’
(The Pillar)
As head of the faith and education office at the German bishops’ conference, Dr. Frank Ronge has a broad-ranging portfolio of responsibilities for the Catholic Church across in Germany
Sacerdotes bendecirán públicamente parejas homosexuales en una plaza de Colonia
«Estamos comprometidos con el desarrollo de nuestra Iglesia hacia un mayor respeto, reconocimiento y atención a las diversas formas de vida de las personas», dijo Platzhoff.
La organizadora de la manifestación también declaró que, aunque la decisión de la Iglesia católica el año pasado, que permite la bendición de parejas del mismo sexo, fue un primer paso, sigue siendo deshumanizante. La declaración «Fiducia Supplicans» solo permite bendiciones de las llamadas parejas irregulares -es decir, relaciones del mismo sexo y divorciados vueltos a casar- con una duración máxima de 15 segundos fuera de los servicios religiosos.
Kräutler on World Synod: Church too preoccupied with itself
The second part of the World Synod begins in a few weeks. However, Amazonian Bishop Erwin Kräutler still sees “serious barriers” on the way to a more synodal church and calls for far-reaching reforms – such as the ordination of women.
Three queer pastors for Hildesheim
The dioceses are increasingly becoming specialist departments for gender, climate and migration. This has little to do with the mission that Jesus gave to the church. The Monday Kick by Peter Winnemöll
José Lorenzi. RD
“Definitivamente valió la pena, porque hasta ahora no habíamos tenido la oportunidad de mantener conversaciones directas con la Curia romana a nivel de trabajo. Por supuesto, no todo ha cambiado de repente. Las tensiones entre el Camino Sinodal y el Vaticano probablemente no puedan eliminarse por completo, ya que no desaparecerán simplemente hablando. Pero cuando pudimos hablar abiertamente con nuestros interlocutores, creció el entendimiento mutuo“.
German bishops v. the AfD: Who’s winning?
(Luke Coppen. The Pillar)
Has the bishops’ assertive policy against the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party backfired? How much can we read into the election result? And what’s likely to happen next?
La Iglesia alemana, “impactada” por el triunfo de la ultraderecha: “El AfD pisotea la democracia”
José Lorenzo. RD.
“El resultado de las elecciones regionales en Turingia y Sajonia muestra que los gérmenes de fuerzas populistas y extremistas crecen cada vez más”. “Es central utilizar mayorías democráticas más allá del AfD para alianzas gubernamentales. Más del 30 por ciento para el AfD en Sajonia y Turingia son resultados impactantes. Hay que movilizar a toda Alemania”.
Los obispos de Turingia y Sajonia lamentan la gran subida de AfD en las elecciones de ayer
Redacción. InfoCatolica
La victoria de AfD en el estado alemán de Turingia y su segundo puesto en Sajonia no ha sentado nada bien a los obispos católicos de dichas regiones. Los prelados han expresado su preocupación por la estabilidad política tras las elecciones y el ascenso del partido nacionalista y han pedido al resto de partidos que formen coaliciones efectivas para defender la dignidad humana, rechazando el nacionalismo y el odio al inmigrante.
Bätzing: “Los cristianos no pueden votar por la extrema derecha”
José Lorenzo. RD
Los partidos de extrema derecha, como el AfD en Turingia, no pueden ser elegidos por cristianos. El nacionalismo étnico es incompatible con los valores fundamentales del cristianismo”. Es la advertencia del presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal alemana, Georg Bätzing , entrevistado por el periódico Tagesspiegel, ante las elecciones regionales en Turingia y Sajonia, donde esa formación política ultra puede ganar las elecciones el próximo domingo 1 de septiembre, precisamente el día en que se cumple el aniversario de la invasión de Polonia por parte de la Alemania de Hitler, dando comienzo a la II Guerra Mundial.
Catholic church in Saxony-Anhalt auctioned for 163,000 euros
A Catholic church in eastern Germany has been auctioned off together with the property and rectory. It has not been used for church purposes since 2020. However, the new owner is not allowed to use the church for everything.
Former Superior General of the Saint Joseph Congregation dies
The nuns of the Saint Joseph Congregation from Ursberg in Swabia mourn the loss of their former leader Gunda Gruber. She was 92 years old. In her long life, Gruber worked in several places.
The suspect in the Germany attack was motivated by Islamic State group ideology, prosecutors say
A Syrian man on Sunday was ordered held on suspicion of murder and membership in a terrorist organization in connection with the Solingen knife attack that left three dead and eight wounded at a festival marking the city’s 650th anniversary.
Moral theologian: Christian politics is neither right nor left
State elections will take place in Saxony in less than two weeks. Moral theologian Peter Schallenberg therefore looks at the characteristics of Christian politics – and discovers concrete clues in a chapter of Matthew.
Places of worship open their doors to campers and travelers
A place to sleep in or near the church – and without paying? A Protestant clergyman wants to turn churches into places to stay overnight. He has launched a nationwide internet portal called “church4night”.
Monasteries and orders will shape the future of the church in Germany
The number of people leaving the church is at a consistently high level and fewer and fewer men want to become priests. However, the negative developments in the church can also be an opportunity for the monasteries and orders, says Roland Müller.