Selected Abuse
Abuse news round-up
- Papa Francisco: El Papa pedirá perdón por los pecados de la Iglesia
- Malaysian: Malaysian police detain CEO and other leaders of Islamic group as probe into child sex abuse widens
- Ireland: Irish Archbishop says until abuse crisis is addressed, ‘authentic’ renewal is impossible for Church
- México, Argentina y Alemania: geografías del abuso sexual de clérigos
Abuse news round-up
- Canada: I’m a evolutionary psychologist – here’s the number one predictor of child abuse in the home
- Canada: I’m a evolutionary psychologist – here’s the number one predictor of child abuse in the home
Abuse news round-up
- Brasil: El crimen del padre Araújo
- España: La comisión del Gobierno de Navarra estudia 53 posibles casos de abusos en el seno de la Iglesia
- Irish: Irish bishop says abuse victims ‘have the right to tell their story’ after latest report issued
Abuse news round-up
- Bolivia: Bolivia investigates three priests for child abuse cover-up
- Bolivia: Clergy sexual abuse probe in Bolivia. Earthquake or business as usual?
Abuse news round-up
- New Zeland: 200,000 people were abused in New Zealand institutions that failed for decades to stop it
- Bolivia: Jesuitas admiten sobre 44 curas violadores y difunden 14 nombres; tres trabajaron en Bolivia