U.S. Migratión

Poll: U.S. Catholics Reject Bishops’ Migration Policies

A plurality of Catholics want less immigration, contradicting the bishops’ activist support for President Joe Biden’s mass migration, according to a June 2024 report by a church-affiliated survey team. Forty-three percent of 1,342 self-identified Catholics said they want the inflow reduced, according to a summary by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University. ust 34 percent favor more migration, even though 37 percent of the respondents said they are Latinos and 41 percent said they are Democrats. Just 30 percent said they were Republican. Twenty-three percent said they want migration to be raised, and 34 percent said they want it to be kept at its current level.


Los mitos de la inmigración

(Nueva Revista. Hein de Haas).

No, ni la migración se encuentra en máximos históricos, ni el mundo se enfrenta a una crisis de refugiados, ni nuestras sociedades son más diversas que nunca, ni los inmigrantes roban trabajos y abaratan los salarios… Y no, la inmigración tampoco es beneficiosa para todos, puede abundar en las desigualdades, no es la solución al envejecimiento de la población…

Des religieuses catholiques en Afrique expliquent comment les gouvernements peuvent répondre à la détresse des réfugiés

(Silas Isenjia. ACI Africa).

Des religieuses catholiques du Ghana et du Nigeria, pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, et leurs homologues du Cameroun, pays d’Afrique centrale, se sont exprimées sur le sort des réfugiés sur le continent, en partageant leurs idées sur la manière dont les gouvernements africains peuvent améliorer la situation des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays (PDI).

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Pacaraima, la frontera donde la Iglesia ensancha su tienda cada día

(Religión Digital. Luis Miguel Modino).

Pacaraima, una pequeña ciudad en la frontera de Brasil con Venezuela, solía ser un lugar desconocido que saltó a los titulares con el inicio de la migración venezolana. El rostro de la población ha cambiado, en diez años se ha duplicado, y hoy el 50% son venezolanos. Pacariama es un lugar donde la Iglesia ensancha cada día su tienda, convirtiéndose en casa de acogida, pero al mismo tiempo es un lugar donde se dan diversas formas de explotación, con episodios que son claros ejemplos de las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los migrantes en muchos lugares del planeta. La misión que la Comisión Episcopal Especial para la Trata de Personas de la Conferencia Nacional de los Obispos de Brasil (CNBB) realiza en Roraima, con visitas a Guyana y Venezuela, permite conocer una realidad que contiene muchas realidades oscuras, situaciones de sufrimiento que muchas veces no aparecen, pero suceden, provocando angustia en personas que llevan a cuestas historias de una vida herida.

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En la frontera entre EE UU y México

(La Prensa de Minessota. Ariana Figueroa).

Karina Parababire, de 17 años, mecía suavemente a su hija de tres meses mientras esperaban en un refugio para migrantes antes de un viaje en autobús a Chicago el viernes por la noche.  “Quiero que mi hija tenga todo lo que yo no tuve”, dijo en español Parababire, quien recorrió la peligrosísima ruta del Tapón del Darién estando embarazada.  La venezolana, que viaja con su familia, tuvo que detenerse en Honduras para dar a luz a su hija, Avis, antes de continuar hacia Estados Unidos. Una vez en México, ella y su familia consiguieron una cita a través de la aplicación CBP One, una herramienta que la administración Biden utiliza para conceder a los inmigrantes una reunión con un oficial de asilo.  Llevaba cuatro días en el refugio de la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón con su familia. Tenían previsto continuar hasta Chicago, donde les esperará su primo. Parababire espera que, cuando llegue a la Ciudad de los Vientos, pueda volver al instituto y, posiblemente, entrar en la universidad.  Parababire y sus familiares llegaron a Estados Unidos justo antes de que el Presidente Joe Biden promulgara una orden ejecutiva que prohíbe parcialmente las solicitudes de asilo cuando los cruces no autorizados superan un umbral diario. Como la familia fue admitida mediante la aplicación CBP One, se les permitió continuar su viaje.  En cuanto a otros inmigrantes en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México…

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Situation of Refugees, Asylum Seekers in Angola “one of the best”: Catholic Official in World Refugee Day Message

(João Vissesse. ACI Africa).

The situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Angola is better than before, the Director of the Jesuits Refugee Service (JRS) has said.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Angola is currently home to 55,764 refugees and asylum seekers. Of this number, 25,283 (46%) are refugees, and 30,279 (54%) are asylum seekers.

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Migranti. Quella strage sulla rotta turca: perché non li abbiamo ascoltati?

(Avvenire. Antonio María Mira).

Gli oltre 65 dispersi nel mare Jonio a 120 miglia dalle coste calabresi erano curdi, iraniani, iracheni, siriani. Fuggivano da guerre (chi parla più di cosa accade in Siria?), violenze, intolleranze, discriminazioni. Cercavano sicurezza, libertà, giustizia. Avrebbero avuto il diritto ad essere accolti: erano rifugiati, profughi. Come prevedono la Costituzione e varie leggi italiane ed europee. Morti quasi in coincidenza con la Giornata mondiale del rifugiato che si celebra il 20 giugno. Ora al massimo avranno il diritto ad essere sepolti. Magari senza un nome. Ma altri resteranno in mare per sempre. Un mare sempre più cimitero, “mare mortuum” lo ha definito papa Francesco.

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Con casi medio millón de migrantes atendidos, el 2023 fue un año “récord” para la Iglesia Católica en México

(Aciprensa. Diego López Colín).

La Iglesia Católica en México ayudó a un total de 499.995 migrantes a lo largo del 2023 a través de sus 54 casas y albergues, marcando así “el año con mayores registros” que han reportado.  Así se dio a conocer mediante un informe de la Dimensión Episcopal de la Pastoral de Movilidad Humana (DEPMH) de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano, compartido con ACI Prensa. El documento señala que 2023 representó “un año de abundantes retos para la Iglesia Católica en su labor de atención a personas migrantes y refugiadas en territorio mexicano”, marcado por un aumento notable en el número de migrantes y refugiados atendidos. De acuerdo al documento, este incremento ocurre “como consecuencia de la presión del gobierno de los Estados Unidos hacia México para contener los flujos migratorios”. “Las políticas migratorias de Estados Unidos influyeron en el diseño y ejecución de las decisiones que México tiene que tomar para responder en su compromiso de atender los flujos migratorios”, advirtió el informe. 

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Biden’s new border restrictions ‘dangerous, immoral and illegal’, Catholic leaders say

(Catholic Herald. John Lavenburg).

Catholic leaders have said that President Joe Biden’s new executive actions which will limit illegal immigration in order to gain control of the southern border, disregard U.S. asylum law, and will have serious human consequences. Most notably, Biden’s executive actions will bar migrants who cross the southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum, at least until the numbers of people trying to enter are reduced to meet certain thresholds. Migrants who apply at ports of entry are exempt from the new rules. Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference Committee on Migration, said in a June 4 statement that the conference is “deeply disturbed” by Biden’s executive actions, and called on the president to “reverse course and recommit his administration to policies that respect the human life and dignity of migrants, both within and beyond our borders”. Seitz argues that while a country has a right and responsibility to maintain its borders and regulate immigration, it cannot come at the expense of humanitarian needs of those who flee their countries.

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Biden’s new border restrictions will have ‘serious human consequences,’ Catholic leaders say

(Crux. John Lavenburg).

While President Joe Biden touts new executive actions that limit illegal immigration as necessary to gain control of the southern border, Catholic leaders argue the president’s decision disregards U.S. asylum law, and will have serious human consequences. Most notably, Biden’s executive actions will bar migrants who cross the southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum, at least until the numbers of people trying to enter are reduced to meet certain thresholds. Migrants who apply at ports of entry are exempt from the new rules. Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference Committee on Migration, said in a June 4 statement that the conference is “deeply disturbed” by Biden’s executive actions, and called on the president to “reverse course and recommit his administration to policies that respect the human life and dignity of migrants, both within and beyond our borders.” Seitz argues that while a country has a right and responsibility to maintain its borders and regulate immigration, it cannot come at the expense of humanitarian needs of those who flee their countries.

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A century ago, anti-immigrant backlash almost closed America’s doors

(National Catholic Reporter. Matthew Smith).

One hundred years ago, the U.S. Congress enacted the most notorious immigration legislation in American history. Signed by President Calvin Coolidge, the Immigration Act of 1924 dramatically reduced immigration from eastern and southern Europe and practically barred it from Asia. How the law did this, however, was somewhat subtle: a quota. Lawmakers calculated how many immigrants from each European country were residing in the United States in 1890 and then took 2% of that number. Only that many newcomers could be admitted from any particular country each year. Before the end of the 19th century, the number of immigrants from outside western and northern Europe was still relatively small — meaning their 2% quotas would be minuscule.

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Papa Francesco sulla crisi dei confini Usa: “le migrazioni fanno crescere un Paese” (Lee Morgan1

(Faro di Roma).

Il Santo Padre è stato intervistato dal canale americano CBS sul delicato tema dell’immigrazione, soggetto topic della campagna elettorale americana. Alla guida dell’intervista: Norah O’Donnell della CBS che per un’ora ha parlato col Santo Padre nella Città del Vaticano mentre un gran numero di madri e bambini in fuga dalla violenza camminavano per “migliaia di miglia” fino al confine americano con le loro famiglie per una vita migliore.

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‘Mass immigration affects not only the economy, but also our identity’

(Hungarian Conservative. Tamás Gyurkovits).

laams Belang (Flemish Interest), which strives for Flemish independence, is currently Belgium’s most popular party. However, according to Tom van Grieken, the leader of the party, it is not enough to win the opinion polls. He wants to win the elections. In an interview with Hungarian Conservative, the 37-year-old chairman said that if they reach 50 per cent of the vote together with other Flemish nationalist parties in the upcoming elections, they will put the issue of independence on the table and give the voters what they have longed for: an anti-migration and family-friendly policy.

On 9 June Belgium will hold federal and regional parliamentary elections simultaneously with the European Parliament elections. Tom van Grieken’s nationalist, anti-globalist, anti-immigration party, Vlaams Belang, is miles ahead of all other parties with less than a month to go before a general election, according to current opinion polls, and has become the largest party in Flanders, the wealthiest and most populous region, with polls showing it has at least 26–27 per cent of the Flemish vote. On a federal level, Vlaams Belang is not part of the seven-party Belgian government. Tom van Grieken, with whom we had the opportunity to talk at CPAC Hungary in Budapest, told Hungarian Conservative: the biggest problem is that while the Flemish people represent about 60 per cent of the Belgian population and pay 70 per cent of taxes, their voice is barely heard, so they don’t even have the opportunity to change the system that defines their everyday life.

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El SJR critica la propuesta de 15 países de la UE de externalizar la política de asilo

(Afa y Omega. Rodrigo Moreno Quicios).

Más de la mitad de Estados miembro ha pedido enviar a terceros países seguros tanto a los solicitantes de asilo como a quienes estén a la espera de ser devueltos a su país de origen.

La externalización de fronteras va en contra del compromiso que hemos firmado en la Convención de Ginebra de proteger a los refugiados», denuncia Alberto Ares, director del Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados (SJR) Europa, en conversación con Alfa y Omega. Critica así el llamamiento de 15 Estados miembros de la UE, encabezados por Dinamarca, para desarrollar la externalización de la política de migración y asilo y ante el que su institución se ha movilizado con la campaña Estimado Parlamento Europeo

Los 15 países europeos —más de la mitad del total— argumentan que el aumento «insostenible» de las «llegadas irregulares de migrantes» observado en los últimos años justifica pensar «fuera de lo común». «Si queremos seguir esforzándonos por romper las estructuras de incentivos que impulsan los movimientos migratorios irregulares y los viajes peligrosos hacia Europa, son necesarios esfuerzos complementarios», añaden.

La carta, fechada el 15 de mayo, pero hecha pública el pasado jueves, está dirigida a los altos funcionarios de la Comisión Europea. Además de Dinamarca, cuenta con el respaldo de Bulgaria, la República Checa, Estonia, Grecia, Italia, Chipre, Letonia, Lituania, Malta, los Países Bajos, Austria, Polonia, Rumanía y Finlandia, lo que refleja un consenso entre diferentes partidos.

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Migranti, proposta di 15 Stati Ue (Italia compresa) per creare hub in paesi terzi. Un azzardo costoso per aggirare i rimpatri al palo

(Il Fatto Quotidiano. Franz Baraggino).

Nonostante l’approvazione del Parlamento Ue del nuovo Patto migrazione e asilo, l’immigrazione rimane uno dei temi al centro della campagna elettorale per le elezioni europee, anche nei Paesi che il Patto avvantaggia, a differenza di quelli di primo ingresso come l’Italia che la riforma penalizza. Ma proprio perché sotto elezioni, sono in tanti a voler mostrare iniziativa, così la l’idea italiana dei centri in Albania fa scuola e 15 Paesi, compreso il nostro, hanno scritto una lettera alla Commissione europea per suggerire “l’esame della potenziale cooperazione con i Paesi terzi sui meccanismi di hub di rimpatrio, dove i rimpatriati potrebbero essere trasferiti in attesa del loro allontanamento definitivo”. La lettera è firmata da Paesi BassiAustriaPoloniaRomaniaBulgariaRepubblica cecaGreciaCiproEstoniaLituaniaLettoniaMaltaFinlandiaDanimarca e Italia. “Incoraggiamo – si legge – il rafforzamento degli aspetti interni ed esterni del rimpatrio, per arrivare a un’efficace politica di rimpatrio dell’Ue”.

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Are Catholic nonprofits really to blame for the migrant crisis at the border?

(American Magazine. J.D. Long García).

According to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, his office has obtained sworn testimony that Annunciation House—a Catholic outreach serving migrants in El Paso, Tex.—facilitates illegal border crossing and conceals “illegally present aliens from law enforcement.”

“Any [nongovernmental organization] facilitating the unlawful entry of illegal aliens into Texas is undermining the rule of law and potentially jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of our citizens,” Mr. Paxton said in a statement last week. “All NGOs who are complicit in Joe Biden’s illegal immigration catastrophe and think they are above the law should consider themselves on notice.”

It is tough talk—but not new. The notion that the humanitarian organizations have caused, to some extent, the influx of migrants at the southern border has become a common narrative in the last few years. The Heritage Foundation, for example, published a column in 2023 speculating that “it’s not unreasonable to allege that the [Biden] administration is paying NGOs to smuggle illegal aliens the final miles of their journey.”

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Migration helps offset serious problem of low birth rate in rich countries, Pope Francis says

(CNA. Almudena Martínez-Bordiú).

During a May 8 audience at the Vatican, Pope Francis said that migration helps fight the crisis caused by low birth rates, especially in “rich countries.”

Addressing participants at an event titled “Care Is Work, Work Is Care,” promoted by the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, the Holy Father reflected on decent work and social justice.

Pope Francis called low birth rates “a very serious problem” and lamented, as he has on previous occasions, that despite the low birth rate “rich countries aren’t having children.”

“Everyone has a dog, a cat, everyone, but they don’t have children,” he lamented, noting that “the migration comes to help the crisis caused by low birth rates.”

The pontiff said that “many people emigrate in search of work, while others are forced to do so to flee their countries of origin, often torn by violence and poverty.”

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Texas says Catholic group should be shut down over ‘criminal enterprise’ at U.S. border

(CNA. Daniel Payne).

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday filed an injunction against a Catholic nonprofit group in the state, accusing it of “systemic criminal conduct” for allegedly facilitating illegal border crossings from Mexico. 

Paxton announced the filing in a press release on his website, accusing Annunciation House in El Paso of facilitating “illegal border crossings” and of concealing “illegally present aliens from law enforcement.”

Located just a few thousand feet from the U.S.-Mexico border, Annunciation House says on its website that it serves “migrant, refugee, and economically vulnerable peoples of the border region,” primarily through “several houses of hospitality” in the region.

The group was launched in the late 1970s as a Catholic ministry that quickly became “a house of hospitality for the homeless poor,” primarily illegal immigrants. 

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