dai cattolici solidarietà e condivisione con gli sciiti per l’Ashura

(asianews. Shafique Khokhar).

La Commissione per il dialogo interreligioso e l’ecumenismo (Ccide) ha promosso un “Sabeel” per la comunità musulmana Dawoodi Bohra. Fra gli eventi un “cammino” nell’area della cattedrale e la distribuzione di bevande fresche per rompere il digiuno. La carovana interreligiosa annuale del Rwadari Tehreek Pakistan ha raggiunto Karabla Gamay Shah


 l’Isis rivendica l’attacco alla moschea, nove i morti e quasi 30 feriti


Nove persone sono state uccise, tra cui tre aggressori, e quasi una trentina sono rimaste ferite, nell’attacco alla moschea sciita di Ali bin Abi Talib, in Oman, la sera del 15 luglio. Un episodio di sangue raro nel Sultanato, che ha causato la morte di almeno quattro pakistani, un indiano e un poliziotto. A rivendicare l’azione lo Stato islamico (SI, ex Isis) in un messaggio su Telegram.


Faith amid bombs: Priests minister to Christians in border towns of Lebanon and Israel

(The Catholic World. Marinella Bandini).

On October 7, 2023, when Hamas militants attacked Israel, hostilities between Hezbollah (a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group) and Israel resumed, putting Christian communities on both sides of the Lebanon-Israel border to the test.

Archbishop Gänswein: “If God wants me at the front, then I’ll go there”

(CNA. Rudolf Gehrig)

A few weeks ago it was announced that Pope Francis had appointed the former Prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, as Nuncio to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. On the sidelines of the “Benedict XVI Forum” in the Bavarian Marian pilgrimage site of Altötting, EWTN News spoke  with Pope Benedict XVI’s former private secretary at the weekend about his new tasks in the Baltic States and about the legacy of the German Pope ( here is the interview as a video ).

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The majority of Austrians reject gender equality


The approval of the Austrian population for gender has continued to decline from a low level in recent years. A survey by the Linz-based opinion research institute IMAS, which was published at the beginning of July, found that 52 percent never use gender-neutral language and only four percent “always”, reports the Kronen Zeitung . 12 percent each use gender “sometimes” and “rarely”.

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