Pope Francis summarizes the preface to the book "As Jesus Taught Us: The Prayer of the Pilgrims of Hope" (Edizioni San Paolo), which will be published on the morning of Wednesday, October 9. The text is a compilation of Reflections on prayer, some unpublished
(Vatican News)
I learned to pray from my grandmother. She is the one who taught me to pray and also instilled in me a devotion to Saint Joseph. Then, the spiritual fathers I had, both in the seminary and in the Society of Jesus, helped me grow in my experience of prayer
Vatican News
New President of Centesimus Annus Foundation appointed
(Vatican News)
Professor Paolo Garonna succeeds to Professor Anna Maria Tarantola as new President of the Vatican-chartered academic institution founded in 1993 to promote the legacy of the St. John Paul II’s social encyclical by the same name
El Papa en Asia y Oceanía. Cardenal Tagle: Las pequeñas Iglesias nos pueden enseñar
Por Gianni Valente y Fabio Beretta.
Roma (Agencia Fides) – Cuatro naciones en dos continentes y casi 40.000 kilómetros. El avión papal despegará del aeropuerto de Fiumicino el próximo 2 de septiembre y comenzará la visita apostólica más larga y exigente del Papa Francisco, entre Asia y Oceanía. Pero el obispo de Roma no abandona su diócesis para batir récords. Para el cardenal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle, el de Francisco es más bien “un acto de humildad ante el Señor que nos llama”. “Un acto de obediencia a la misión”.
Parolin: inutile costruire una società che escluda Dio
(Marek Weresa. Vatican News)
Il cardinale Pietro Parolin ha presieduto la consacrazione episcopale di monsignor Kryspin Dubiel il 24 agosto a Leżajsku in Polonia. Sacerdote dell’arcidiocesi di Przemyśl, è stato nominato da Papa Francesco nunzio apostolico in Angola e in São Tomé e Príncipe.
Pope expresses solidarity with those suffering from Mpox, especially in DRC
(Vatican News)
Following the Angelus, Pope Francis offers his solidarity with Mpox sufferers, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, struggling with the outbreak, now a global health emergency.. He also offers his consolation to the people of Nicaragua, encouraging them to renew their hope in Jesus.
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Audiencia del Papa con el presidente de Malawi
Vatican News
Malawi es una nación pequeña pero entre las de mayor densidad de población de África y con una población con una edad media de unos 35 años. El país está experimentando un buen desarrollo socioeconómico, con transformaciones en marcha también a nivel eclesial: el mes pasado llegó la noticia de que Malawi, Zambia y Zimbabwe avanzan hacia una entidad episcopal autónoma a nivel regional. Esta es la imagen de un país que hoy, 19 de agosto, vio a su máximo representante institucional, el Presidente de la República, Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, mantener una conversación de unos veinte minutos con el Papa y luego mantener también un encuentro con los responsables de la Secretaría de Estado.
Cardenal Fernández Artime: agradecido por su década de servicio
Lucía Elvira – Ciudad del Vaticano
El Rector Mayor de los Salesianos de Don Bosco, tras celebrar el nacimiento de Don Bosco en Italia, anunció su renuncia el 16 de agosto. Acompañado por autoridades eclesiásticas y civiles, así como jóvenes de todo el mundo, agradece los diez años de servicio dedicados a la congregación.
Sudanese Bishops call for dialogue amidst humanitarian emergency
(Francesco Bartolini. Vatican News)
As Sudan faces a serious humanitarian emergency due to the ongoing civil war and forced displacement, the country’s bishops support peace talks to mitigate the “dreadful” humanitarian consequences.
Congolese Bishops call for Luanda Agreement to be respected
(Stanislas Kambashi. Vatican News)
The National Episcopal Conference of Congo (Cenco) urges respect for the ceasefire agreement signed at the end of July 2024 in Luanda, Angola, between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo so that it does not remain a dead document like previous accords
Patriarch Pizzaballa: We must urgently pray for reconciliation and peace
(Vatican News).
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem laments the war in the Middle East that continues to cause immense suffering, and asks everyone to pray earnestly for reconciliation and peace, ahead of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary.
Archbishop Noël Treanor, Apostolic Nuncio to the EU, dies aged 73
(Vatican News).
The Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union and Bishop emeritus of Down and Connor, Ireland, Archbishop Noël Treanor, has died of a heart attack in Brussels at the age of 73.
The Pope: True faith and prayer open the mind and heart, not close them
Vatican News
A la hora del Ángelus de este domingo, 11 de agosto, Francisco instó a no encerrarnos en la fortaleza impenetrable de las propias convicciones y de los esquemas rígidos, realizando prácticas religiosas que sólo sirven para confirmar lo que ya pensamos, sino a disponer nuestros corazones para escuchar lo que el Señor realmente quiere decirnos.
Pope to Afghan delegation: ‘No one can invoke God’s name to foment hate’
(Lisa Zengarini. Vatican Newes)
Addressing a delegation from Italy’s Afghan Community Association, Pope Francis reiterates that religion must never be used to incite hatred and violence.
Bishop Moronta: May will of Venezuelan people be heard
(Johan Pacheco. Vatican News)
As uncertainty prevails over results from last week’s presidential election, the Vice President of the Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Moronta, says people are waiting for “conscience, intelligence, and a sense of service to the people to prevail.”
Cardinal Tagle: “No more destruction. No more killing. No more war. Enough”
(Vatican News).
Un grito de paz para poner fin a las matanzas y a la destrucción, fruto envenenado de las guerras que “surgen de deseos o apetitos desviados”, se elevó el domingo 4 de agosto, desde el Santuario Militar de Cima Grappa, monumento que recuerda a los soldados de ambos frentes, italiano y austro-húngaro, caídos durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) en la zona de Monte Grappa, en la región del Véneto.
Rector of Nicaragua’s Matagalpa Seminary arrested
(Vatican News).
Nicaragua’s authorities arrest the rector of Matagalpa Seminary, also parish priest of Santa María de Guadalupe church. Fr. Jarvin Tórrez has been in prison since 5 August according to human rights activists and organisations who have also reported the detention of a lay collaborator, Lesbia Rayo Balmaceda, from a parish in Sébaco.
India, a Vailankanni non c’è sincretismo ma una Madre che accoglie tutti
(Vatican News Staff)
Lettera del prefetto del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede in vista della festa della Madonna della Salute nello Stato di Tamil Nadu: tanti i frutti spirituali di cui beneficiano i pellegrini, anche tra i non cristiani. A quelli che non possono ricevere i sacramenti non si nega la consolazione della Madre di Gesù. L’apprezzamento del Papa per questo luogo di fede.
Vatican issues clarification on Holy Doors during 2025 Jubilee
(Deborah Castellano Lubov, Vatican News)
The Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization issues a clarifying note regarding the 2025 Jubilee, specifying that Holy Doors will only be open at the four Papal Basilicas in Rome and in one prison.
Il saluto del Papa ai partecipanti alla conferenza di “Outreach”
(Vatican News)
Rispondendo ad un messaggio di padre James Martin, che svolge la sua missione tra le persone Lgbtq, Francesco si dice spiritualmente unito a quanti partecipano all’incontro in programma alla Georgetown University, a Washington, dal 2 al 4 agosto