Bishop Marek Marczak is the new Secretary General of the Polish Episcopal Conference

(Polish Episcopal Conference).

In the Polish Episcopal Conference, Bishop Marczak serves as a member of the Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, a member of the Council for Youth Pastoral Care and a delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for Academic Pastoral Care. As Secretary General, he is a member of the Presidium of the Polish Episcopate. The Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate is also an ex officio member of the Permanent Council and a member of the Council of the St. Foundation. Józefa KEP, a member of the Council of the Joy of Love Foundation and a member of the Mixed Commission of Bishops – Higher Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

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Polonia, miles de personas en los conciertos de alabanza del Corpus Christi

(Vatican News. P. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik y P. Jakub Nagi).

«El concierto es una forma de oración en la que lo más importante es Cristo». Los organizadores de los conciertos de alabanza del Corpus Christi no lo dudan, «es Él quien reúne a tanta gente para la alabanza común tanto in situ» y probablemente por eso las retransmisiones y la información de los medios de comunicación llegaron a millones de personas en Polonia y en todo el mundo.

Concierto de tres horas

El concierto «Un corazón y un espíritu» de Rzeszów reunió a 25.000 personas de Polonia y otros países europeos. Participaron casi 200 artistas, entre coristas, solistas, instrumentistas y voluntarios. Durante las tres horas que duró la actuación, los participantes escucharon 26 canciones y obras religiosas. Los asistentes fueron recibidos por el padre Andrzej Cypryś, uno de los creadores y organizadores del concierto, así como por el director musical Marcin Pospieszalski y el presentador Jan Budziaszek. Al final, monseñor Jan Wątroba, obispo de Rzeszów, dio la bendición.

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Il sindaco di Varsavia vieta le croci, anche sulle scrivanie

(Wlodzimierz Redzioch. la Nuova Bussola Quotidiana).

Il sindaco pro-Lgbt Rafal Trzaskowski ha ordinato la rimozione di croci, immagini di santi e altri simboli religiosi, non solo dai muri, ma anche dalle scrivanie dei dipendenti degli uffici di Varsavia. Un ordine che ricorda la dittatura comunista, contrario alla Costituzione.

Rafal Trzaskowski è un politico di spicco del partito Piattaforma Civica (PO) del primo ministro Donald Tusk. È sindaco della capitale polacca ed è stato candidato alla presidenza della Repubblica nelle recenti elezioni presidenziali (è stato sconfitto dall’attuale presidente Andrzej Duda). 

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El líder del episcopado polaco se defiende de las acusaciones de «negligencia» y «falta de empatía» en la gestión de un caso de abusos

(Infovaticana. redacción).

Desde la caída del gobierno conservador en Polonia, la izquierda política y mediática ha puesto el foco en la Iglesia católica del país. Tal es así, que ahora centran sus esfuerzos para derrocar al presidente del episcopado polaco, Tadeusz Wojda. A través de un vídeomensaje, el arzobispo de Gdansk explica que las acusaciones que pesan contra él tiene que ver con «una supuesta negligencia en relación con el procedimiento en el caso de un sacerdote de la archidiócesis de Gdansk y una falta de empatía hacia quienes le acusaban». «Me gustaría asegurar que, a pesar de las diversas insinuaciones aparecidas en los medios de comunicación, el procedimiento se está llevando a cabo correctamente y con consideración hacia todas las partes implicadas», asegura el arzobispo.

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Allegations against Polish Bishops’ Conference Chairman Wojda


The new chairman of the Catholic Polish Bishops’ Conference, Gdansk’s Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda , is coming under pressure over alleged failures in dealing with cases of abuse. In a letter published on Monday, 46 people who said they suffered sexual violence in the Catholic Church called for Wojda to be suspended from the presidency until the allegations against him were clarified. The archbishop had previously been accused in Polish media reports of negligently handling complaints in his diocese from two young women in 2021 who were said to have been sexually abused by a priest.

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The Catholic Education Commission of the Polish Episcopal Conference is against the proposals of the Ministry of National Education regarding the organization of religion classes at school

( Catholic Education Commission of the Polish Episcopal Conference. Tomasz Kopiczko).

The Catholic Education Commission of the Polish Episcopal Conference expressed its opposition to the solutions proposed by the Ministry of National Education regarding combining students of different classes during religion lessons at school. We read about it in the communique from the meeting of the Commission, which met on May 17 under the chairmanship of Bishop. Wojciech Osial. The Commission reminded that any changes should always be made in accordance with applicable law and in consultation with all churches and religious associations.

The meeting of members and consultors of the Catholic Education Commission of the Polish Episcopal Conference took place under the chairmanship of Bishop. Wojciech Osial. The main topic was issues related to the changes introduced by the Ministry of National Education in the organization of religion classes at school. “The Commission for Catholic Education continues to remind us that any changes should always be made in accordance with applicable law, through mutual dialogue and in consultation with all Churches and religious associations,” we read in a statement after the meeting.

The committee “expresses strong opposition to the solutions proposed by the Ministry of National Education, which involve combining students between different classes into groups of up to 25 people (grades 1-3) and 30 people (grades 4-8).” He adds that “hasty introduction of changes from the next school year also poses a threat to religious teachers, who remain uncertain as to the scope of their employment.”

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First city in Poland bans religious symbols


Warsaw’s mayor has banned religious symbols such as crucifixes in state offices. Office employees are also not allowed to have religious symbols on their workstations, reports the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza (Thursday). However, the ban does not apply to “religious symbols for personal use worn by people who work in the office, for example in the form of a necklace, a tattoo or a bracelet,” it said.

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COMECE bishops in Łomża support EU future enlargements: “A strong message of hope for citizens seeking peace and justice”

(COMECE. Staff).

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the 2004 major enlargement of the European Union, the bishops of COMECE, gathered in Łomża (Poland) for their Spring Assembly from April 17-19, 2024, adopted the statement ‘Let us continue building Europe together’. The bishops support the prospect of future enlargements: “It is not only a geopolitical necessity for stability in our continent, but a strong message of hope for the citizens who desire living in peace and justice”.

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Ksiądz Tomasz Z. skazany. Duchowny w swoim mieszkaniu urządził gejowskie party, podczas którego zasłabł jeden z uczestników

(Wyborcza Sosnowiek – Anna Malinowska),

Ksiądz Tomasz Z. skazany. Duchowny w swoim mieszkaniu urządził gejowskie party, podczas którego zasłabł jeden z uczestników,

Ksiądz zaprosił na imprezę dwóch mężczyzn, osoby świeckie. W trakcie zabawy uczestnicy zażywali środki na potencję i pili alkohol. We wtorek (9 kwietnia) podczas pierwszej rozprawy zapadł wyrok w tej sprawie.

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