Un tribunal civil condena a dos obispos por «discriminación» al negar formación diaconal a una mujer

(Religión en Libertad. José María Carrera).

El exarzobispo de Malinas-Bruselas (Bélgica) Jozef De Kesel y su sucesor, Luc Terlinden, han sido declarados culpables de discriminación por el tribunal de Malinas, después de que una mujer, Veer Dusauchoit, les demandase por denegarle el acceso a un curso de formación de diaconado, orden permitida en la Iglesia únicamente a los varones. Los hechos se remontan a junio de 2023, cuando Veer Dusauchoit solicitó registrarse en el curso de formación de diáconado. De Kesel denegó la inscripción por no poder ejercer como tal al ser mujer, por lo que Dusauchoit trató de inscribirse de nuevo, sin éxito, cuando De Kesel fue sucedido por Luc Terlinden. Ante la negativa, Dusauchoit acudió al tribunal de Malinas, buscando que se anulase la negativa de los arzobispos. La mujer inició la demanda amparándose en que la negativa se basaba en un derecho canónico que considera “contrario a la Constitución”, exigiendo además que los eclesiásticos pagasen una indemnización al reconocer estos que la negativa para que participase en el curso era su condición femenina, relata el diario De Morgen.

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Women bishops: An alternative pathway to church leadership and ministry

(Global Sisters Report. Nameeta Renu).

Who is not familiar with the problem of male clericalism in the Catholic Church!? It is repeatedly mentioned by Pope Francis and never missed in any document that reflects the sensus fidelium. In fact, it has become a big challenge for formators in seminaries. An increasing number of feminists, especially those in consecrated life, do not seem to wholeheartedly support the possibility of the diaconate being extended to women in today’s church and world. They fear that women deacons would end up becoming the handmaids of priests. Even if they were allowed to preach, their homilies would be censored by some male authority. They would not have the final say in major decision-making processes in the church. On the other hand, I do not like the idea of doubling the problem of clericalism, which I think would be very likely if women became part of the same power system. I have personally experienced a lot of it, especially among women lay leaders (including feminists) who want to continue in their roles/positions at any cost, thus depriving newer persons of opportunities to serve. This is a known issue in India as women are the majority among lay leaders and have the potential to become deacons. So, the consequences of so many permanent deacons residing and serving permanently in the same parish are imaginable in the long run. This could probably be avoided if consecrated women who are accustomed to transfers became deacons, though.

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Schönborn: la Iglesia no puede ni debe ordenar mujeres

(InfoCatoliaca. Staff).

En plena polémica sobre el acceso de las mujeres al sacramento del orden, el cardenal y arzobispo de Viena, Christoph Schönborn, ha asegurado que la Iglesia no puede y no debe admitir tal cosa.

Sobre la cuestión del acceso de las mujeres al sacramento del orden sagrado, el arzobispo de Viena, cardenal Christoph Schönborn, está «profundamente convencido de que la Iglesia no puede ni debe cambiar esto porque debe mantener intacto el misterio de la mujer». Schönborn se expresó de esa manera en un sermón predicado en la Universidad Católica de Trumau, de la cual también es rector. Según nforma el Tagespost de Würzburg, el purpurado citó la enseñanza de Juan Pablo II sobre la materia y además recordó algo obvio: «Todos nacimos de una mujer. Esto se reflejará siempre en el misterio de la Iglesia». El cardenal austriaco ha abordado el tema tras las recientes intervenciones del cardenal Hollerich, Relator general del Sínodo, y el obispo Bätzing, presidente del episcopado alemán, a favor de la ordenación de mujeres, algo que el propio papa Francisco ha vuelvo a negar de forma tajante.

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Bishop Bätzing irritated by Pope’s statement against women’s ordination


The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Georg Bätzing , is surprised and “somewhat irritated” by Pope Francis’ recent negative interview statements on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church . “I have never heard him speak like that before and have often spoken to him personally about these issues,” said the Limburg bishop on Monday evening in Frankfurt. “Let me say: for me, what the Pope says in interviews is not what he does in teaching – but what he decides to do and puts it down in official documents.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS at Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women – but not at serving with ordination.”

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Stetter-Karp: I am relaxed about the Pope’s “no” to the ordination of women


The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, does not attach much importance to the Pope’s latest “no” in an interview on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “I take this individual statement calmly. He has given so many interviews that it is difficult to see the common thread in them,” she said on Tuesday in Erfurt before the start of the general assembly of the lay umbrella organization. The organization has long advocated allowing women access to 

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Jean-Paul Vesco sobre el diaconado femenino: “Lo que hoy parece inimaginable, mañana será natural”

(Vida Nueva. Elena Magariños).

Durante una entrevista concedida el 21 de mayo a la cadena estadounidense CBS, el papa Francisco confirmó la exclusión de la cuestión de la ordenación diaconal de las mujeres de la reflexión del Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad en la Iglesia. “Las razones de esta decisión son, sin duda, múltiples. Se pueden reducir legítimamente a la convicción íntima del Santo Padre forjada en la oración, eso es suficiente. Todavía es posible considerar al menos tres razones”. Así lo ha expresado el arzobispo de Argel Jean-Paul Vesco, en un artículo publicado por La Croix.

La primera razón es la responsabilidad del Sumo Pontífice como guardián último de la unidad de la Iglesia”, explica. “Le corresponde estimar los límites de su ‘elasticidad’ en su inmensa diversidad geográfica, histórica, cultural e ideológica”, dice el arzobispo, señalando, como ejemplo, la reacción al documento Fiducia Supplicans, ya que “mostró la extrema dificultad de tener ahora una sola palabra audible en todos los continentes como sociedades, y las relaciones de la Iglesia con cada una de estas sociedades son tan diversas”.

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Nun: Pope’s veto on women’s diaconate “should not be overestimated”


Benedictine nun Philippa Rath says she would like to continue to promote the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “There are very, very many of us. And our arguments for the ordination of women are the better ones,” said Rath in an interview with the portal kirche-und-leben.de . Pope Francis’ recent “no” to the female diaconate should “not be overestimated.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS on Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the church clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women, but not at serving with ordination.”

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Koch: Do not fear a schism in the Catholic Church over the ordination of women


Unlike in the Anglican Church, the Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch does not fear a split among Catholic bishops over the question of women’s ordination. “But even in the Catholic Church there are heterogeneous ideas and demands on this,” said Koch in an interview with the ” Tagespost ” newspaper (Thursday). “There are quite a few bishops in Germany, Switzerland and other countries who are firmly calling for the ordination of women and who are making the future viability of the Catholic Church dependent on it.” There are major differences within the Anglican Church regarding the ordination of women as priests and bishops . The blessing of homosexual couples has also recently caused discontent, particularly among Anglicans in Africa.

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¿Son el sacerdocio y el diaconado para las mujeres?

(Omnes. Philip Goyret).

Un dato se impone con predominio ante nuestros ojos por su inexorable evidencia: en la Iglesia la presencia de la mujer es largamente superior a la de los varones. En la Misa dominical, en las catequesis, en la vida consagrada, los números son números preponderantemente femeninos. Pero otro dato se impone también con evidencia: en la Iglesia católica, los cargos superiores de gobierno y de culto son cubiertos exclusivamente por hombres. Podríamos decir, simplificando mucho las cosas, que nos encontramos con una Iglesia de mujeres presidida por hombres.

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Diaconato femminile. Papa Francesco potrebbe istituirlo solo se non implicasse il sacramento dell’Ordine

(Faro di Roma).

Papa Francesco potrebbe accettare l’istituzione delle donne diacono solo se tale ministero fosse distinti dal primo grado del sacramento dell’Ordine. «Se si tratta di diaconi con l’Ordine Sacro, no», ha chiarito all’emittente statunitense Cbs.

Infatti, ha spiegato, «le donne hanno sempre avuto la funzione di diaconesse senza essere diaconi. Le donne sono di grande servizio come donne, non come ministri all’interno dell’Ordine Sacro». Per Francesco, insomma, «fare spazio alle donne nella Chiesa non significa dare loro un ministero».

Papa Bergoglio ha istituito due commissioni, la prima nel 2016 e la seconda nel 2020, perché la questione fosse ricostruita dal punto di vista storico e si verificasse se e in che modo esistessero donne diacono nella Chiesa primitiva.

Come è noto la richiesta di donne diacono è stata avanzata dai fedeli di varie parti del mondo, nelle consultazioni che hanno preceduto gli ultimi sinodi. Tanto che la questione, almeno formalmente, è rimasta aperta. Nell’ultimo Sinodo, alla fine di ottobre, i vescovi hanno approvato una relazione finale che diceva, tra l’altro: «Si prosegua la ricerca teologica e pastorale sull’accesso delle donne al diaconato, giovandosi dei risultati delle commissioni appositamente istituite dal Santo Padre e delle ricerche teologiche, storiche ed esegetiche già effettuate. Se possibile, i risultati dovrebbero essere presentati alla prossima Sessione dell’Assemblea».

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El cardenal Tscherrig reconoce que es posible que el diaconado femenino se discuta en el Sínodo de octubre


El ex Nuncio en Italia y San Marino ha concedido una entrevista a Kath.ch en donde reconoce que el tema del diaconado femenino estará con casi toda seguridad encima de la mesa en la última sesión del Sínodo de la sinodalidad que se celebrará en octubre de este año en Roma.

El 11 de marzo de 2024 cesó en su cargo de nuncio apostólico en Italia y en la República de San Marino por lo que Emil Paul Tscherrig, creado cardenal en septiembre del 2023, pasa ahora más tiempo en su país natal: Suiza.

Tras haber recorrido medio mundo yendo de nunciatura en nunciatura, el cardenal Tscherrig reconoce que ha echado de menos estar presenta en la infancia de sus sobrinos.

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Diaconat des femmes, ordination d’hommes mariés, décentralisation… Voici les points que l’Eglise de Belgique ira défendre au synode

(Clément Laloyaux. CathoBel)

Confrontée à de nombreux défis et désireuse d’emboîter le pas de la synodalité, l’Eglise de Belgique a elle aussi mené sa propre introspection. Plusieurs centaines d’acteurs du paysage catholique belge (diocèses, UP…) ont ainsi été consultés autour d’une même question : “Comment développer une nouvelle dynamique missionnaire ?”

🇧🇪 La Conférence des évêques publie aujourd’hui les résultats de cette grande consultation nationale ; en d’autres termes les points qui seront défendus par la Belgique lors la session conclusive du Synode, en octobre 2024.

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Do synod reports show a real consensus on women deacons?

(The Pillar. Luke Coppen).

The deadline passed this week for the world’s bishops’ conferences to submit feedback ahead of this October’s session of the synod on synodality.

A handful of territories have posted their reports online, including AustraliaAustriaLuxembourg, and Switzerland

There’s a striking convergence in those four reports: they all suggest there is significant support for the admission of women to the diaconate among Catholics in their countries.

Why are the reports addressing the topic of women deacons in the first place? What exactly are they saying? And how significant are they likely to be?

Why do the feedback reports address women deacons?

After the synod on synodality’s first session in Rome in October 2023, the General Secretariat of the Synod — the Vatican body overseeing the global synodal process — asked local Churches to offer feedback.

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Cardinal Hollerich and synodal inevitability

(The Pillar. Ed Condon)

The relator-general of the global synod on synodality, Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich, backed this week the incremental and “tactful” progress towards the ordination of women to the priesthood.

The cardinal, who is also Archbishop of Luxembourg, was appointed by Pope Francis to oversee the collection and synthesis of discussion and responses during the multi-year synodal process, due to reconvene in Rome in October.

Hollerich’s call for “patient” discussion towards women’s sacramental ordination runs contrary both to Francis’ affirmation that such ordinations are impossible and that the synod should not be treated as a venue for debating doctrinal change.

But if Hollerich is allowed to continue uncorrected in his role, many might question the integrity of the entire synodal process — and even the pope’s sincerity about his intentions for it.

Speaking to the official media portal of the Swiss bishops’ conference May 17, the cardinal from Luxembourg said that the campaign for the sacramental ordination of women needed to show some “tact and patience” if they wanted to see “real solutions.”

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¿Diaconisas en la ortodoxia? “Una señal del Espíritu” para la Iglesia católica

(Vida nueva. Miguel Ángel Maldavia).

En 2016, el Patriarcado Ortodoxo de Alejandría y de toda África tomó una decisión histórica: admitir a las mujeres al diaconado. La medida se remitía a que esto era algo habitual en los tiempos de la Iglesia primitiva. Tras un primer gesto, en 2017, cuando se ordenaron las primeras mujeres como subdiáconos en la República Democrática del Congo, ha sido ahora cuando el arzobispo ortodoxo Serafim, en Zimbabue, dependiente del Patriarcado de Alejandría, ha ordenado a Angelic Molen como diaconisa.

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Il cardinale bergogliano contraddice Wojtyła: “Il no alle donne prete? Può cambiare”

(Nico Spuntoni. Il Giornale).

Un cardinale che contraddice apertamente Giovanni Paolo II. Il suo nome è Jean-Claude Hollerich, arcivescovo di Lussemburgo ma soprattutto relatore generale del Sinodo sulla sinodalità. Il prelato nordeuropeo, nonostante il Papa polacco avesse parlato chiaro nella Ordinatio sacerdotalis dicendo che “la Chiesa non ha in alcun modo la facoltà di conferire alle donne l’ordinazione sacerdotale e che questa sentenza deve essere tenuta in modo definitivo da tutti i fedeli della Chiesa”, è tornato a sostenere pubblicamente il contrario.

Questione di pazienza

Il gesuita Hollerich, intervistato dal portale svizzero di informazione cattolica Kath.ch, ha detto che il “no” della Chiesa può essere cambiato. Rispondendo ad una domanda sulla possibilità che Francesco modifichi quanto ribadito nel 1994 dal documento di Giovanni Paolo II, il cardinale lussemburghese ha fatto riferimento alle risposte ai dubia di sei cardinali in cui il Papa ha detto che lo stop “è vincolante, ma non per sempre“, aggiugendo che “ciò significa che non è dottrina infallibile. Può essere cambiata. Ci vogliono argomenti e tempo”. Insomma, questione di pazienza. È lo stesso Hollerich ad ammetterlo nell’intervista, quasi a voler rassicurare i più oltranzisti che vorrebbero tutto e subito. “È necessaria una discussione più approfondita. Altrimenti c’è il rischio che venga visto come qualcosa che i cattolici liberali vogliono far passare. Ci vuole tatto e pazienza se si vogliono soluzioni reali”, ha detto il cardinale che Bergoglio ha voluto relatore generale del Sinodo ancora aperto.

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La Iglesia en Austria pide de forma mayoritaria al Sínodo que se apruebe el diaconado femenino

(Vida Nueva).

La posición de la mujer en la Iglesia, una orientación misionera de la Iglesia y una mayor participación: estos tres temas son prioridades que la Iglesia en Austria ha expresado, de cara a la próxima asamblea del Sínodo –que tendrá lugar en Roma el próximo mes de octubre–, en el informe de Austria publicado ayer, miércoles, y enviado a la Secretaría del Sínodo en el Vaticano.

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Woman sues church because she is not allowed to become a deacon

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


Eine Frau in Belgien verklagt die katholische Kirche, weil sie nicht zur Diakonenausbildung zugelassen wird. “Ich möchte die Ausbildung zum Diakon absolvieren, weil es mich interessiert und ich denke, dass ich dann mehr Rüstzeug habe, um das zu tun, was hier in der Gemeinde von mir erwartet wird. Und das kann ich nicht, weil ich eine Frau bin und deshalb ja, ich bin in der Tat wütend, aber auch entschlossen”, sagte die 62-jährige Veer Dusauchoit dem belgischen Rundfunk RTBF am Dienstag. Das Gericht hat einen Monat Zeit, um eine Entscheidung zu fällen.

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