
New Mexico forum highlights Catholic views on nuclear disarmament, deterrence

(Alejandra Molina. National Catholic Report)

Tina Cordova has made it her life’s work to shed light on the negative health effects plaguing the people of New Mexico after the U.S. military detonated the world’s first atomic bomb at the Trinity test site July 16, 1945. To grasp the severity of the radiation exposure, Cordova says, “it’s important to understand our way of life.”


Pope Francis’ Singapore Mass fuels hopes for future papal visits to China, Vietnam

(Christopher White. National Catholic Report)

As Pope Francis on Sept. 12 celebrated a Mass in one of Asia’s thriving metropolises — encouraging the small Singaporean Christian community in its “constructive dialogue” with other traditions — the closely watched papal visit here is fueling hopes he might continue to break down barriers in other places on the continent where Catholicism has been met with resistance


Q&A with Sr. Josée Ngalula, first African woman appointed to Vatican theological commission

(Sarah Mac Donald. National Catholic Reporter)

A Sister of St. Andrew, Josée Ngalula is the first African woman appointed to the International Theological Commission, the church’s premiere advisory body on theology and the church’s magisterium, notably the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. She is one of just five women theologians on the 28-member pontifical commission


Catholic activists mobilize as Democrats ignore abolition of death penalty

(Camillo Barone. National Catholic Reporter)

The Democrats’ once-strong stance on the need to end capital punishment in the U.S. weakened considerably when the party’s 2024 platform, approved by delegates at their convention in Chicago, omitted any mention of the death penalty for the first time since 2004


A ‘Nuevo Momento’ for Hispanic Catholic organizations is emerging

(Luis Donaldo González. National Catholic Reporter)

Almost 45% of Catholics in the United States self-identify as Hispanic — a number that will continue growing in the coming decades. This means the Catholic Church in America will become increasingly Hispanic. Undoubtedly, this is the time to step into a “Nuevo Momento” (“new moment”) to serve the Hispanic community in this country.


No challenge to ruling upholding Catholic school’s firing of gay teacher

(Brian Fraga. National Catholic Reporter)

A Washington, D.C. law firm that specializes in First Amendment religion cases is declaring victory after the American Civil Liberties Union did not challenge a federal appeals court ruling that upheld a North Carolina Catholic school’s decision to fire a teacher who had announced on social media that he was going to marry his same-sex partner.


Guatemala genocide trial exposes effort to destroy Mayan and Catholic cultures

(Mary Jo McConahay. National Catholic Reporter)

No matter what you knew about the genocide case against Gen. Benedicto Lucas García at the beginning of the trial here in April, the enormity of what happened — the murders and destruction — hits home only after hearing nearly a hundred accounts by survivors, psychologists, and forensic scientists who disinter remains from mass graves.


Catholic boarding school study in Montana finds no unmarked graves, documents 113 student deaths

(Katie Collins Scott. National Catholic Reporter)

After the remains of hundreds of children were discovered on the grounds of former residential schools in Canada in 2021, leadership at a Catholic boarding school for Native youths in southeastern Montana wondered whether unmarked graves might exist on its properties serving the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations.