Turchia, Corte costituzionale: espulsione di leader protestanti non viola libertà fede


 L’espulsione da parte delle autorità governative di leader protestanti e pastori a capo di Chiese sulla base di rapporti dei servizi segreti “non costituisce una violazione della libertà di religione”. È quanto ha stabilito la Corte costituzionale con una decisione a maggioranza presa nei giorni scorsi e che riapre più di un interrogativo sulla pratica del culto. Nel mirino la comunità protestante, con oltre 170 comunità sparse sul territorio e che, da anni, segnalano criticità e abusi: richieste negate, permessi di soggiorno revocati e deportazioni a forza sono solo alcuni esempi. Ciononostante, per i giudici governo e amministrazioni hanno agito secondo giustizia e non vi sarebbe stata alcuna “violazione” nel vietare l’ingresso o la permanenza a leader religiosi che, in risposta, hanno promosso una protesta ricorrendo in tribunale.

Il direttorato per la Gestione dell’immigrazione ha applicato il codice restrittivo N-82 contro protestanti già residenti che comporta una “autorizzazione preventiva” all’ingresso. L’applicazione della norma è stata presa per motivi di ordine pubblico, sicurezza o salute, in linea con i rapporti dell’Organizzazione nazionale di intelligence (Mit) che descrivevano “attività missionarie”. Revocati i permessi di soggiorno, emessi ordini di deportazione contro alcuni e quanti sono andati all’estero per le vacanze non hanno potuto rientrare in Turchia. I funzionari religiosi hanno quindi portato la questione davanti alla magistratura ma già in primo e secondo grado non erano emersi estremi per rilevare violazioni e le decisioni erano “conformi alla legge e alla procedura”. Secondo i giudici all’ingresso era possibile richiedere un permesso speciale o un visto adatto allo scopo. 

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Christians join global calls for repeal of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws

(UCAnews reporter).

Some 300 Christians marched on the legislature in Pakistan’s Punjab province at the weekend, joining global calls for the repeal of the country’s draconian blasphemy laws days after a specChristian lynching victim died in hospital.

During the protest on June 8 in Lahore, the provincial capital, the protesters condemned the government for failing to stop recurrent Muslim mob attacks based on false allegations of blasphemy.

The demonstrators placed lit candles on a table around a picture of Nazir Masih, the 74-year-old Christian who died on June 3 days after a Muslim mob attacked and injured him in  Punjab’s Sargodha district.

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Alberto Reyes a quienes reprimen las protestas en Cuba: “Son solo fichas a las que se les vende ilusión de poder”.

(Redacción de CiberCuba).

“Personas que padecen las mismas carencias del pueblo se presten a frenar a aquellos que están teniendo el coraje de decir: ‘¡Basta ya!’, en nombre de todos”.

Alberto Reyes, sacerdote cubano de la diócesis de Camagüey y fuerte crítico del régimen, envió un mensaje a sus compatriotas que, no siendo policías ni militares, son convocados a deshacer las protestas populares y están autorizados a usar la violencia física contra la población.

En un texto compartido en Facebook, Reyes cuestiona a esas personas que padecen las mismas carencias del pueblo y se presten a frenar a quienes tienen el coraje de decir ¡Basta! en nombre de todos, solo porque se sienten importantes por unas horas.

El Padre Reyes llama a esos represores a darse cuenta de que tener el poder, aunque sea un poder ilusorio y momentáneo, les impide ver la realidad, y que no son más que peones, piezas de un juego que se decide a un nivel mucho más alto.

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Christian mother, children ordered by court to convert to Islam

(Anugrah Kumar. CP).

In a controversial ruling, an Iraqi court has decreed that a Christian mother, Elvin Joseph, along with her three children, convert to Islam. The decision was based on the interpretation of Iraq’s Personal Status Law which mandates that children must adopt Islam if one of their parents converts.

Joseph, a resident of Duhok in the Kurdistan Region, found herself entangled in this legal predicament following the revelation of her mother’s conversion to Islam after her divorce and subsequent remarriage to a Muslim man

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Madrid presenta propuestas ‘rompedoras’ al Sínodo de la Sinodalidad

(Religion Confidencial).

La archidiócesis de Madrid se pone a la cabeza de las propuestas más rompedoras doctrinal y pastoralmente de cara a la sesión conclusiva del Sínodo de la Sinodalidad, que se celebrará en el mes de octubre en el Vaticano. Según el documento “Respuesta de la Archidiócesis de Madrid al Formulario “Hacia octubre 2024” a partir de las aportaciones de los grupos”, colgado en la página web de la Archidiócesis y enviado a la Conferencia Episcopal, “las respuestas de los 57 cuestionarios recogidos en la diócesis, con un total de 856 participantes, señalan que las tres prioridades siguientes alcanzan el mayor número de consenso”.  Este trabajo se hace sobre el “Informe de Síntesis. Una Iglesia sinodal en misión”, documento oficial del Sínodo conclusivo de la primera sesión. 

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Opinión de Jorge G. Guadalix, sacerdote bloguero.

Some up-and-comers?

(The Pillar. JD FLYNN).

When Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha turns 75 on Wednesday, he will be one of 10 U.S. metropolitan archbishops serving past the formal retirement age for diocesan bishops. With Lucas’ birthday, nearly a third of America’s archdioceses will be led by an ordinary awaiting retirement — and  three more metropolitan archbishops are due to turn 75 within a year’s time. As presbyterates in Boston, Kansas City, Cincinnati, and elsewhere wait to hear who will next lead them, speculation about bishops likely to be promoted has become a frequent topic of conversation. But with massive turnover among the metropolitans in the offing, who are some of the American bishops most likely to see themselves receiving an archbishop’s pallium? The Pillar looks at five men possibly on the move.

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Catholic charity says Bangladesh can’t support Rohingya refugees on its own

(Crux. Nirmala Carvalho).

MUMBAI, India – A leading Catholic aid agency says the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are “forgotten.” Caritas Internationalis General-Secretary Alistair Dutton recently visited the population last week, and thanked the Bangladesh government for supporting the Rohingya for so many years. Most of the Rohingya at the Bangladesh camps have arrived from Myanmar since August 2017, when the military began conducting clearance operations after a series of rebel attacks in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. The Rohingya are Muslims and have long faced discrimination in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, including being denied citizenship since 1982. The military coup in Myanmar in February 2021 further heightened their vulnerability. The population density of the camps is staggering: About 103,600 per square mile, more than 40 times the average population density in Bangladesh as a whole – and it is one of the most crowded countries on earth. Refugees live in side-by-side plastic huts, each just a little larger than 100 square feet, and some holding a dozen residents. “I am profoundly moved by the hospitality and enduring support that the Bangladesh government has shown for Rohingya refugees for the past seven years,” Dutton said.

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Européennes 2024 : les catholiques pratiquants ne font plus barrage à l’extrême droite

(La Croix. Arnaud Bevilacqua).

SONDAGE EXCLUSIF. Selon une étude Ifop pour La Croix, les catholiques pratiquants ont voté à 42 % pour des listes situées à l’extrême droite lors des élections européennes, dimanche 9 juin. Dans cet électorat, la majorité présidentielle, qui avait été plébiscitée en 2019, connaît une chute brutale. Une forte hausse du vote des catholiques pratiquants pour les listes situées à l’extrême droite. C’est l’un des enseignements majeurs du sondage Ifop (1) pour La Croix, réalisé dimanche 9 juin pour les élections européennes 2024. Près d’un tiers des catholiques pratiquants (32 %) s’est porté sur la liste conduite par Jordan Bardella – un score très proche de l’ensemble des Français, qui monte même à 37 % pour l’ensemble des catholiques. Un chiffre très largement supérieur aux 14 % obtenus chez les pratiquants par ce même Jordan Bardella lors des élections européennes de 2019.

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À Quimper, un conflit qui résume le grand malaise entre l’Église de France et ses fidèles « tradis »

(La Croix. Héloïse de Neuville).

Depuis plusieurs semaines, les fidèles traditionalistes du diocèse de Quimper prient devant l’évêché pour convaincre l’évêque de revenir sur l’éviction de deux prêtres de la Fraternité traditionaliste Saint-Pierre. La Croix a enquêté sur les raisons qui ont mené au divorce entre le diocèse et ses fidèles adeptes de la messe en latin. Une mobilisation singulière. À genoux, des familles récitent le chapelet devant l’évêché. Ils étaient environ 300 catholiques à adresser une supplique à l’évêque du diocèse de Quimper, le 5 mai, pour le prier de revenir sur l’éviction du diocèse, en septembre prochain, de deux prêtres de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pierre (FSSP), une communauté traditionaliste – opposée à la nouvelle liturgie issue de Vatican II mais restée fidèle à Rome après le schisme de 1988. Depuis cette première action, chaque mardi soir, les récitations de chapelet se poursuivent devant la porte de l’évêché, qui reste pour l’instant close. « Nous demandons à Mgr Dognin qu’il accepte un vrai dialogue, confiait à Ouest-France ce jour-là Joseph Belbeoc’h, l’un des porte-parole de l’association traditionaliste. Nous refusons d’être des fidèles de seconde zone. Nous voulons garder nos prêtres et notre place dans le diocèse. » Approché par La Croix, l’évêque affirme, lui, avoir demandé, en vain, aux deux abbés de la Fraternité Saint-Pierre d’organiser une rencontre avec une dizaine de fidèles.

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‘The world’s on fire’: How the Catholic Church is responding to global warfare

(Kevin Clarke. America).

​This essay is a Cover Story selection, a weekly feature highlighting the top picks from the editors of America Media.

Years of a so-called shadow war between Israel and Iran erupted into a hot conflict in April after an Israeli strike in Damascus killed senior members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iranian forces retaliated days later with an armada of over 300 drones and missiles across Israel.

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Syro-Malabar synod in India threated to excommunicate priests who defy change to Mass

(Crux. Nirmala Carvalho).

MUMBAI, India – Syro-Malabar Church leaders in India are threatening to excommunicate priests who do not comply with facing the altar during Mass by July. The Syro-Malabar Church, with an estimated following of 4.25 million worldwide, is the second largest of the eastern Churches in communion with Rome. Ever since its synod decided in 2021 to adopt a new, unified mode of celebrating the Mass, the Church has been gripped by controversy, above all in its largest jurisdiction of Ernakulam-Algamany. he synod required that Mass be celebrated facing the people during the Liturgy of the Word, and facing the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. That decree, however, was resisted by a swath of clergy and laity in Ernakulam-Angamaly, on the grounds that Mass facing the people throughout the celebration represented their local tradition and is also more in keeping with the liturgical teachings of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). The dispute occasionally has turned nasty, with angry public protests and the burning of decrees in public. St. Mary’s Cathedral in the archdiocese has been closed for the last two Christmas seasons amid the controversy. Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil and Bishop Bosco Puthur set a deadline for the Ernakulam-Angamaly clergy to comply with Eastern Rite’s Mass structure  in a joint pastoral letter issued on June 9. The letter is also supposed to be read in all parishes on June 16.

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Note storiche, come il Vaticano ha gestito il Patrimonio dopo il 1870?

(Acistampa. Angela Ambrogetti).

Proseguiamo nell’illustrare la struttura economica e finanziaria della Sante Sede e si arriva a quella che ha origini più antiche, anche se ha avuto molte revisioni. Si tratta dell’ Ufficio cui spetta amministrare i beni di proprietà della Santa Sede, nato  ai tempi di Leone XIII, ma poi strutturato  da Paolo VI. LAmministrazione del Patrimonio della Sede Apostolica è stata costituita con la Costituzione Apostolica Regimini Ecclesiae Universae del 15 agosto 1967. La Costituzione Apostolica di San Giovanni Paolo II Pastor Bonus del 28 giugno 1988 ne tratta agli articoli 172 e 173, come modificati dal Motu Proprio di Papa Francesco dell’8 luglio. 2014, che ha anche abrogato gli articoli. 174 e 175. Grazie alle Note storiche dell’ Annuario Pontificio sappiamo che l’ APSA si occupa dei beni di proprietà della Santa Sede, e  e di quelli ad essa affidati da altri enti della Santa Sede, destinati a fornire fondi necessari all’adempimento delle funzioni della Curia Romana. L’Ufficio è presieduto da un Presidente, assistito da un determinato numero di Cardinali, e coadiuvato da un Segretario. “Leone XIII con Chirografo nel 1878 nominava il Cardinale Nina, Suo Segretario di Stato, Prefetto dei Sacri Palazzi e Amministratore del Patrimonio rimasto alla Santa Sede dopo il 1870.

Tra il 1880 e il 1883 nominava una Commissione di Cardinali per sovrintendere con voto consultivo all’Amministrazione dell’Obolo e del Patrimonio della Santa Sede. Finalemente nel 1891 lo stesso Leone XIII affidava alla Commissione la diretta amministrazione del Patrimonio della Santa Sede, con incarico di estendere le sue cure a tutti gli altri rami ed affari economici ad essa attinenti, stabilendo che la stessa Commissione continuasse ad amministrare liberamente il Patrimonio anche in tempo della Sede Vacante e rimanesse fornita delle sopraddette facoltà fino a che non fosse disposto diversamente”.

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In secular France, chaplains prepare to provide Olympians with spiritual support during the Games

(AP. Giovanna Dell’Orto).

PARIS (AP) — As athletes rev up their training and organizers finalize everything from ceremonies to podiums before the Paris Olympics, more than 120 faith leaders are preparing for a different challenge — spiritually supporting some 10,000 Olympic athletes from around the world, especially those whose medal dreams will inevitably get crushed.

“We’ll need to bring them back to earth, because it can feel like the end of the world after working on this goal for four or five years,” said Jason Nioka, a former judo champion and deacon who’s in charge of the largest contingent of Olympic chaplains, about 40 Catholic priests, nuns and lay faithful.

Ordained and lay representatives from the five major global religions — Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism — have been working together for months to set up a shared hall in the Olympic village outside Paris.

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Papa Francesco in Campidoglio: “Roma riscopra il suo carattere universale”

(Marco Mancini. ACI Stampa).

“Nel ritornare a farvi visita, provo sentimenti di gratitudine e di letizia. Vengo a incontrare l’intera città, che pressoché dalla sua nascita ha avuto una chiara e costante vocazione di universalità. Per i fedeli cristiani questo ruolo non è stato frutto del caso, ma è corrisposto a un disegno provvidenziale”. Con queste parole Papa Francesco ha aperto il suo discorso per la visita in Campidoglio, la seconda dall’inizio del suo pontificato.

L’arrivo del Cristianesimo a Roma – ha ricordato il Pontefice – ha “permeato e trasformato la vita delle persone e delle stesse istituzioni. Alle persone avrebbe offerto una speranza ben più radicale e inaudita; alle istituzioni la possibilità di evolvere a uno stadio più elevato, abbandonando a poco a poco un istituto come quello della schiavitù, che anche a tante menti colte e a cuori sensibili era parso come un dato naturale e scontato, per nulla suscettibile di essere abolito. Questo della schiavitù è un esempio molto significativo del fatto che anche raffinate civiltà possono presentare elementi culturali così radicati nella mentalità delle persone e dell’intera società da non essere più avvertiti come contrari alla dignità dell’essere umano”.

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Abuse investigation into German Franciscan Minorites presented


On Monday, the Franciscan Minorites were the first order in Germany to present an externally supervised, independent investigation into sexual violence . In it, two lawyers document and evaluate 152 pages of allegations against nine known members of the order since the 1960s. One brother describes assaults on 20 different people.

“One special feature was that a number of those affected had joined the order or had already been there, and there are still affected brothers,” say the authors Petra Ladenburger and Martina Lörsch. Many of those affected reported serious consequences, some of which still affect them today. Some of the accused brothers were charismatic personalities and highly respected. One had built up real “power enclaves” where he was “little or not at all controlled.”

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A 10 anni dall’inizio dell’occupazione jihadista, a Mosul sono tornate meno di 50 famiglie cristiane

(Agenzia Fides. Gianni Valente).

Mosul, 10 anni dopo. Era il 10 giugno del 2014 quando i miliziani jihadisti dello Stato Islamico riuscirono a fra sventolare le loro bandiere nere su tutta la seconda città irachena, mentre le truppe governative si ritiravano dalla metropoli.
Prima dell’arrivo dei jihadisti, a Mosul vivevano almeno 1200 famiglie cristiane.
Mosul è stata sottratta allo Stato Islamico dal 2017. Da allora, i cristiani fuggiti che hanno fatto stabile ritorno alle loro case sono pochissimi. “Sono circa 30-40 famiglie, spesso non complete. Molti sono anziani. Diverse famiglie vanno e vengono da altri posti, non rappresentano una presenza stabile e che si riesce a notare” conferma all’Agenzia Fides Paolo Thabit Mekko, Vescovo caldeo di Alqosh.
I giorni della conquista jihadista di Mosul vengono ricordati come l’inizio di un tempo pieno di traumi e dolore, che sembra aver mutato profondamente il profilo di una città un tempo descritta come luogo di convivenza tra diverse comunità di fede, compresa quella che viene riconosciuta come una delle più antiche comunità cristiane del mondo

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Indian bishops tell Modi to make his new term ‘inclusive’

(UCANews. Bijay Kumar Minj And Nirendra Dev).

Catholic bishops have appealed to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make his new term “inclusive” by treating all citizens equally and upholding the country’s constitutional values.

Modi was sworn in for another five-year term on June 9 after his pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with the help of allies, secured 293 seats in the Indian parliament.  

The coalition government was formed after the BJP, accused of following a Hindu-first policy, failed to win the required simple majority of 272 seats in the 543-seat Lok Sabha (lower house).

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Bishop Marek Marczak is the new Secretary General of the Polish Episcopal Conference

(Polish Episcopal Conference).

In the Polish Episcopal Conference, Bishop Marczak serves as a member of the Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, a member of the Council for Youth Pastoral Care and a delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for Academic Pastoral Care. As Secretary General, he is a member of the Presidium of the Polish Episcopate. The Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate is also an ex officio member of the Permanent Council and a member of the Council of the St. Foundation. Józefa KEP, a member of the Council of the Joy of Love Foundation and a member of the Mixed Commission of Bishops – Higher Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

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Vatican wants to propose new type of papal office


 The Vatican wants to present a document on Thursday that could have far-reaching consequences for relations between the Christian churches. The text was prepared by the Pope’s ecumenical authority, the Vatican press office announced.

The paper is entitled “The Bishop of Rome – Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Discussions and the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint”. It takes up an encyclical from 1995 by Pope John Paul II. The doctrinal text, which was groundbreaking for Christian unity at the time, had promised a new self-understanding and a different way of exercising the papal office, especially with regard to the churches of the East.

At the time, the Pope had invited the other Christian churches to seek, in a “brotherly, patient dialogue” with Rome, ways in which the papal office could be understood as a “service of mercy” to all churches. The Vatican’s ecumenical department then set up its own dialogue forums with several churches, which consulted for decades. The results are now available.

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Protestant Christians in Turkey facing violence, attacks at worship services

(Christian Daily International).

Protestant Christians in Turkey continued to face opposition for practicing their faith in 2023, according to a rights report. 

Both written and oral hate speech incidents, along with some violence, were reported, according to the Human Rights Violation Report 2023 issued on June 4 by the Protestan Kiliseler Derneği (Association of Protestant Churches).

Some of the 205 Protestant churches, all independent or in fellowship clusters, saw opposition to their church buildings. The report also cited the denial of legal rights in training ministry leaders. 

“No progress was made in 2023 with regard to the rights of Christians to train their own religious workers,” the association reported. “Many foreign church leaders were deported, were denied entry into Turkey or faced problems with getting their residence permits renewed.”

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