5 claves para entender mejor la encíclica Humanae Vitae

(Andrés Henríquez. Aciprensa).

El 25 de julio de 1968, el Papa San Pablo VI publicó una encíclica acerca de la regulación de la natalidad y los peligros que encierra el uso de métodos anticonceptivos artificiales, y su imposición como política de Estado: Humanae Vitae, en su momento rechazada por muchos incluso dentro de la Iglesia Católica.


Michelangelo’s Pieta’ getting new high-security barrier before Jubilee Year

(Carol Glatz. USCCB)

Ahead of the Holy Year 2025, the Vatican is enhancing security for Michelangelo’s “Pietà” with new bullet-proof glass panels, ensuring better visibility and protection. The new panels are part of a larger restoration of the Chapel of the Pietà that should be complete by September


Vatican’s Pius XII archives shed light on another contentious chapter: The Legion of Christ scandal

(Nicole Winfield. AP News).

The recently opened archives of Pope Pius XII have shed new light on claims the World War II-era pope didn’t speak out about the Holocaust. But they’re also providing details about another contentious chapter in Vatican history: the scandal over the founder of the Legionaries of Christ.


The Radcliffe resurrection: Meet Pope Francis’ synod preacher

(Christopher White. National Catholic Reporter).

Tensions were high inside the Vatican press room in October as Pope Francis’ high-stakes summit on the future of the church barreled toward its close, when a correspondent representing a right-wing website that had spent the month warning that the gathering was about to abandon long-standing church teaching took to the microphone.


Vatican approval of apparitions would now be ‘exceptional,’ doctrine chief says

(Justin McLellan. National Catholic Reporter).

Vatican rulings on allegedly supernatural phenomena, such as Marian apparitions, will continue to be released publicly, but official validation of an event’s supernatural status — as has happened at Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe — would be “exceptional,” the Vatican’s doctrine chief said. Speaking to Alfa y Omega, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Madrid, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, said that a Vatican ruling of whether an event was truly supernatural “does not seem necessary, because it has long been clear that not even a declaration of supernaturality obliges believers to accept such phenomena as of divine origin.”


Vatican authorizes new Marian feast for England and Wales

(ZENIT News / London, 07.15.2024).- The Vatican has granted permission for Our Lady of Walsingham to be celebrated as a new Feast in the dioceses of England, starting this year on 24 September. Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, wrote to Cardinal Vincent Nichols, president of the Bishops’ Conference, in response to his request last year that the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Walsingham be raised to the rank of Feast.


Vatican press office provides unprecedented billing for Sostituto

(Catholic Culture).

En un gesto sin precedentes, la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede ha publicado, en sus últimos boletines diarios, un discurso y una homilía pronunciados por el arzobispo Edgar Peña Parra durante un 
viaje a Honduras , otorgándole así un protagonismo típicamente reservado a los Romanos Pontífices.


Cardinal Fernández’s new norms: A shield against false mysticism

(Dr Paul Chu. Catholic Outlook).

Anyone who has spent enough time around the Catholic Church knows the type: they are variously stigmatists, exorcists, end-times prophets, levitating, bilocating, breathing forth the odor of sanctity – sometimes all at once. They claim knowledge not vouchsafed any other mortal before or since. 


¿Despido en el Vaticano por una boda católica entre trabajadores del IOR?

(Jesús Bastante. Religión Digital).

Dos empleados del IOR (el Banco Vaticano) quieren casarse. Por la Iglesia, con todos los avales canónicos. Y, sin embargo, tal vez no sea posible. O, al menos, sin que ambos pierdan su trabajo. ¿Por qué? La polémica, destapada por Il Messaggero, apunta a las nuevas normas de la Fábrica de San Pedro, que prohíben expresamente la contratación de dos cónyuges. Una situación inédita, para la que todavía no hay solución aparente, y que vuelve a demostrar los choques entre la pastoral familiar del Papa Francisco y las rígidas reglas dictadas desde el Governatorato.


Smascheriamo i sofismi clericali dell’inclusivismo fake

(Roberto Allier. Sabino Paciolla).

I sofismi sono uno strumento retorico, affinato in passato dai filosofi della scuola presocratica. Costoro, per convincere l’interlocutore, utilizzavano l’affabulazione, cioè metodi ingannevoli di persuasione fondati non sulla verità bensì insistendo su aspetti ambigui, presentati con astuta manipolazione di significato. I sofismi erano (e sono) ragionamenti capziosi, in apparenza logici ma sostanzialmente erronei.


Workers (again, and again) beg the Vatican to face its personnel problem

(John L. Allen Jr. Crux).

Some years back, a couple of enterprising figures on the Roman scene, devoted Catholics with backgrounds in business, had the bright idea of trying to help the Vatican build a genuine professional development system for its workforce of roughly 5,000, divided between the Roman Curia and the Vatican City State.


Le questioni aperte del Sinodo dei Vescovi

A giudicare dal documento di lavoro recentemente pubblicato [QUI], l’assemblea sinodale con cui Papa Francesco vuole introdurre il “metodo sinodale” come pratica della Chiesa, sarà un riflesso del pontificato di Francesco. Il documento di lavoro della fase finale del Sinodo sulla sinodalità presenta differenze sostanziali rispetto alla prima. È leggermente più lungo, sembra redatto in modo più “classico” – cioè più in linea con i documenti di lavoro delle precedenti Assemblee sinodali – e non comprende la parte della metodologia e dei temi che hanno caratterizzato il documento di lavoro della prima parte del Sinodo sulla sinodalità.