
Cardinal Hollerich: ‘If women do not feel comfortable in the church, we have failed.’

The working document, or instrumentum laboris, for next October’s meeting of the Synod of Bishops is “taking up again” the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on the church by focusing on the missionary responsibility of all the baptized in the synodal church. That is what Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the relator general for next October’s synod, said in this exclusive interview with America’s Vatican correspondent.


Two Perspectives on the Synod’s New ‘Working Document’

The Instrumentum laboris [IL] for the October 2024 Synodal Assembly has now been published. The topic for consideration by the synod delegates is “How to be a Synodal Church in Mission.” The answer given in the IL is simple and stark:  we must change the way the Church is governed. Bishops and priests must cede authority to the laity, especially women. New power-sharing arrangements must be implemented to uphold (finally!) the faithful’s baptismal equality.

Arzobispo boliviano sobre el intento de golpe de Estado: “No se puede meter miedo a la gente”

(Julieta Villar. Aciprensa).

El Arzobispo de Santa Cruz (Bolivia), Mons. René Leigue Cesarí, reflexionó sobre la actualidad boliviana, en referencia a lo ocurrido el pasado miércoles con el presunto intento de golpe de Estado.

En la tarde del miércoles pasado, un grupo de militares irrumpió en el Palacio Quemado, sede del Gobierno Nacional de Bolivia, en la ciudad de La Paz, en un hecho catalogado por el presidente Luis Arce como un intento de golpe de Estado.

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Catholic Communicators in Africa Covering Synod on Synodality Urged to “protect image of the Church”

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

Catholic communicators in Africa have been urged to “work and protect the image of the Church” as they cover the ongoing Synod on Synodality.

Speaking during a Friday, June 7 webinar, Fr. Rafael Simbine Junior Secretary General of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) reminded communicators of their role to evangelize “amid forces seeking to destroy the Church”.

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Catholic Priests in West Africa Urged to Find Solutions to Region’s Tribal, Religious Conflicts

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

Catholic priests in West Africa who are meeting in Guinea-Bissau for their general assembly have been urged to propose ways to address ethnic and religious divisions in the region.

In his goodwill message to the 10th Conference of the Regional Union of West African Priests, Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles of Sierra Leone’s Archdiocese of Freetown expressed regret that many countries in West Africa are experiencing divisions on tribal lines and that some of these divisions are manifest in the Church.

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Presidenta de Federación luterana, “conmovida”


Se reunió con el Pontífice en ocasión de la audiencia general

 Kristina KUhnbaum-Schmidt, presidenta del Comité Nacional Alemán de la Federación Luterana Mundial (LWF) y obispa regional de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana del Norte (NLD) de Alemania, asistió a la audiencia general celebrada hoy en la Plaza de San Pedro y se sintió “conmovida” por el Papa Francisco.

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Biennale Venezia, Israele chiude padiglione fino a liberazione ostaggi Hamas

(TG la 7).

Resteranno abbassate le serrande del padiglione di Israele in occasione della 60esima Biennale di Venezia. Resterà chiuso “sino a che non sarà pattuito un cessate il fuoco e non saranno liberati gli ostaggi” nelle mani di Hamas, l’annuncio comparso stamane, martedì 16 aprile, in un cartello esposto all’esterno del padiglione israeliano alla Biennale Arte, giusto prima dell’apertura. 

La decisione del curatore e dell’artista, Ruth Patir, non è quella di cancellare l’esibizione, “ma – spiega – è una scelta di solidarietà con le famiglie degli ostaggi e la grande comunità di Israele che chiede un cambiamento”.

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Editor’s note

In a statement by Luis Badilla, published this afternoon in Il Messagero, the author of Il Sismógrafo said: “I read in amazement that there would be an information project that would take over the Seismograph experience. I deny having ever had anything to do with this project linked to Opus Dei and I don’t even understand why they should use my name”.

From Catholic Radar we want to confirm that indeed this project has no relation with the work developed by Luis, widely praised for his rigor and altruism. We are truly sorry for any misunderstandings that may have arisen in some people.

We also wish to clarify that this project has no institutional relationship with Opus Dei or any other institution of the Church. In fact, the editor is looking for volunteers from a variety of ecclesial sensibilities.

Catholic Radar has no intention of hiding the fact that the editor of the project does belong to Opus Dei, as can be seen in the news item published by Aciprensa this morning.

Enjoy the weekend!

Hello friends!

Friday has come to an end and we announce that we are taking the opportunity to be with the family and sanctify the holidays.

Barring some sort of hecatomb, we’ll be back with more news on Monday from 7am.

We look forward to seeing you.