
S.Sede, urgente cessate il fuoco, aiuti a gente stremata


La Santa Sede chiede un cessate il fuoco su tutti i fronti della guerra in corso a Gaza e in Israele, “il rilascio immediato degli ostaggi israeliani a Gaza, la consegna senza ostacoli degli aiuti essenziali al popolo palestinese e il rispetto del diritto umanitario internazionale da parte di tutte le parti coinvolte, senza eccezioni”.

I’m a Notre Dame peace studies student. I was arrested calling for peace in Gaza

(National Catholic Reporter. Joryán Hernández).

What does it mean to be a premier Catholic university? One that cultivates “a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice, and oppression that burden the lives of so many” and aims “to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice”? One that contains one of the leading peace studies programs in the world? And what does it mean when that university refuses to discuss whether its investments support the killing of nearly 38,000 people in Gaza? To an unaware outsider, it may have appeared like a splendid picnic on the campus lawn. On May 2, several students hunched over laptops, class notes spread out on fuzzy blankets, everyone preparing for finals. To the side of the lawn, a custom-made banner depicted two women, with lettering below that read “Nahida & Samar Lawn,” in honor of a Catholic Palestinian mother and daughter killed in Gaza.

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Catholic Relief Services unable to provide aid to southern Gaza amid ongoing war

(Kate Quiñones. Catholic World Report).

A Catholic Relief Services (CRS) official told CNA this week that the organization has been unable to get humanitarian supplies through the southern Gaza Strip since early May and that it no longer has supplies in the warehouses in the area.

“Most of the aid crosses through Rafah, and the Rafah crossing has been closed since early May because of the military operations there,” spokeswoman Megan Gilbert told CNA in an email.

“Some aid gets through the Kerem Shalom crossing, but it’s very limited,” she said.

CRS has served more than 750,000 people in the region since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7, 2023, according to an April press release from the organization.

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