Catholic Priests in West Africa Urged to Find Solutions to Region’s Tribal, Religious Conflicts

(Agnes Aineah. ACI Africa).

Catholic priests in West Africa who are meeting in Guinea-Bissau for their general assembly have been urged to propose ways to address ethnic and religious divisions in the region.

In his goodwill message to the 10th Conference of the Regional Union of West African Priests, Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles of Sierra Leone’s Archdiocese of Freetown expressed regret that many countries in West Africa are experiencing divisions on tribal lines and that some of these divisions are manifest in the Church.

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Regards de l’Église sur l’Europe

(Conférence des évêques de France. Éditorial)

Que dit l’Église catholique sur l’Europe ? A l’approche des élections européennes de 2024, nous collectons quelques déclarations de l’Église catholique et des conférences épiscopales européennes sur certains thèmes communs : les migrants, l’économie, la défense, la construction européenne, l’aide au développement.

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What a gay Catholic family therapist wants the church to know

(Outreach. Brian T. Gillis).

In many respects, broader acceptance of LGBTQ people in our society has advanced at light speed over the past few years. But when it comes to communities of faith, the path to making LGBTQ people feel welcome remains uncharted territory. 

As a family therapist serving LGBTQ young people in Alabama, I have heard countless stories of both negative and positive responses to the disclosure of queer and trans identities. It strikes me that stories of parental rejection so frequently mention faith: “My parents are religious, so it wasn’t okay when I came out.” What saddens me about this type of story is the automatic assumption that religiosity requires rejection! 

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‘Plan renove’ del papa Francisco para los diáconos permanentes: “No son  curas de segunda clase”

(José Beltrán. Vida Nueva).

El papa Francisco quiere que el diaconado permanente recupere sus raíces y se desvista de toda adherencia clerical. Al menos, así se desprende de la reflexión que compartió ayer en voz alta ante los participantes en la Asamblea Plenaria del Dicasterio para el Clero, a quienes recibió ayer en audiencia en la Sala Clementina del Palacio Apostólico.

En el discurso que tenía programado, recordó cómo el diaconado permanente fue reintroducido por el Concilio Vaticano II, pero admitió que “ha tenido una acogida muy variada”. “Todavía hoy cuestionamos a menudo la identidad específica del diaconado permanente”, añadió. Es más, se refirió a algunas de las propuestas que nacieron de la primera vuelta del Sínodo de la Sinodalidad, que incluía apostar “más decididamente la diaconía de la caridad y el servicio a los pobres”.

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Colombo, vescovi contro il presidente sulla proroga del Procuratore generale

(Asia News. Melani Manel Perera).

La Conferenza episcopale dello Sri Lanka (CBCSL) smentisce che la Chiesa cattolica abbia avuto alcun ruolo nella decisione del presidente Wickremesinghe di prorogare il mandato del Procuratore generale dello Stato Sanjay Rajaratnam. Era stato lo stesso Wickremesinghe a dichiarare che le motivazioni del prolungamento del mandato del funzionario, ormai prossimo alla pensione, “andavano chieste ai vescovi”. “Negli ultimi 36 mesi Rajaratnam non è stato in grado di attuare le raccomandazioni contenute nel rapporto finale della Commissione d’inchiesta presidenziale sugli attacchi della domenica di Pasqua – si legge in una nota firmata dal vescovo di Kurunegala Harold Anthony Perera e dal vescovo ausiliare di Colombo J.D. Anthony, presidente e segretario generale della Conferenza episcopale -. Dichiariamo categoricamente che la CBCSL non ha assolutamente nulla a che fare con quest’estensione. L’intenzione riferita del presidente di cercare una proroga sfruttando gli attacchi della Domenica di Pasqua è condannata con fermezza”.

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Pierre Poilievre rebukes Conservative MP’s opposition to abortion, homosexual ‘marriage’

(Life Site News. Pierre Poilievre).

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre vowed never to oppose abortion or homosexual “marriage” after a Conservative member of parliament (MP) voiced pro-life and pro-family views. In a May 31 episode of Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith’s podcast, Conservative MP Arnold Viersen declared that he would support legislation to protect the unborn from abortion and that he opposes same-sex “marriage.” “We are the only country in the world with no pre-born protective rights,” Viersen noted, adding that he is “happy to wear the social conservative banner. I’m 100 percent pro-life.” “We want our country to be in a position where nobody needs to have an abortion. We have solid families that want to have children – that’s a pipe dream for sure, we live in a fallen world, but that is the dream and the hope,” he continued. “We want the humanity of the pre-born to be recognized,” he explained.

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Obispos colombianos piden un nuevo corazón para el país: el de la reconciliación

(Vida Nueva. Ángel Alberto Morillo).

Así pues, los obispos colombiano frente a la actual situación que atraviesa Colombia con el recrudecimiento del conflicto aprovecharon la ocasión para invitar “a todo el pueblo colombiano para que nos esforcemos por promover un horizonte para caminar juntos hacia la reconciliación”.

Propusieron cuatro pilares para encaminar a la nación por los senderos de la reconciliación, entre los que mencionaron: unidad nacional, política del bien común, economía con rostro humano y custodiar la casa común.

“Al proponer estos cuatro pilares, tenemos la convicción de que cada persona de nuestro país es un potencial de esperanza; con amor de pastores, los convocamos a buscar juntos las soluciones”, señalaron.

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Meet the elderly and infirm women now in prison for pro-life activism

(The Catholic World Report. Joe Bukuras).

Since she has been in prison, Jean Marshall, 74, a Catholic and pro-life nurse from Massachusetts, told CNA that she’s received over 150 letters of support, which have lifted her spirits. Marshall and three other women with major health issues spoke with CNA about their imprisonment and their treatment by the justice system under the Biden administration. Their crime? In an attempt to save the unborn on Oct. 22, 2020, they participated in a human chain, blockading the inside of a Washington, D.C., abortion clinic run by well-known late-term abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo. The women are among 10 protesters who participated in the attempt to save the unborn at the clinic that day who were convicted on federal charges under the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which has largely been applied to the prosecution of pro-life activists. All of them, including Marshall, are now incarcerated.

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ELEZIONI EUROPEE – Il “partito dei cattolici” è una Babele

(Il Nuovo Sismografo. Giulio Baffetti).

Dall’unità politica dei cattolici sotto il regno della Democrazia Cristiana alla polverizzazione della Terza Repubblica. All’epoca del melonismo sembra più che mai lontano il ricordo di un monolite cristiano, che riuniva tutte le sue correnti nella grande pancia della Balena bianca. Ora c’è tutto e il contrario di tutto. Come forse non era mai accaduto nella lunga storia politica dei cattolici italiani.  Il senso dello smarrimento è ben reso da un editoriale di Giovanni Diamanti, pubblicato su Il Messaggero il 1 giugno scorso. Si cita una recente ricerca dell’istituto Piepoli, seconco cui “solo il 3% degli italiani afferma che il proprio credo religioso incida ‘molto’ sulle proprie opinioni politiche”. Il 25% dice che incide “abbastanza”. Da cui la conclusione: “Nel ‘partito dei cattolici’ solo un elettore su tre è condizionato dalla religione”. 

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Papa Francesco dribbla folla e giornalisti, cambia la parrocchia di destinazione in cui pregare con la gente

(Il Nuovo Sismografo).

Papa Francesco oggi pomeriggio era atteso con grande trepidazione a Casal Bertone, in una parrocchia scelta giorni fa per pregare assieme ad un gruppo di famiglie della zona. Avrebbe dovuto incontrarli in un condominio a due passi dalla chiesa. All’ultimo minuto però il Papa ha cambiato destinazione. Il motivo di questa variazione piuttosto insolita è il troppo clamore che avrebbe avuto il suo arrivo poiché il parroco inavvertitamente, questa mattina, aveva pubblicato sul profilo Facebook della parrocchia l’avviso contenente l’orario preciso e l’indirizzo. Di conseguenza proprio per evitare calca e ingorghi come era accaduto anche la volta precedente ha dato disposizioni di cercare al volo una nuova location.  Il nuovo luogo scelto è caduto nella periferia Ovest della città, a Borgata Ottavia dove accompagnato da monsignor Rino Fisichella ha pregato e tenuto una sorta di lezione di catechismo ad una trentina di famiglie di un condominio. L’annuncio di questo momento è stato dato dal Vaticano attraverso una nota stringata e una fotografia in cui si vede Francesco al centro di un cortiletto chiuso da un muro di cinta mentre conversa con i parrocchiani.

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Vatican arrests ex-employee for attempted extortion using allegedly stolen Bernini manuscript

(Hannah Brockhaus. CNA).

The Vatican arrested a former employee in late May for attempted extortion after he sold an allegedly stolen 17th-century manuscript to the Vatican for hundreds of thousands of euros.

According to the Italian newspaper Domani, which broke the news June 6, the art historian and former Vatican employee was questioned and arrested by Vatican gendarmes on May 27 after being handed a check by Vatican Cardinal Mauro Gambetti for 120,000 euros (about $130,000) for the sale of the manuscript.

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Pope backtracks on clericalism warnings

In front of the participants in the general assembly of the Clergy Dicastery, he also dedicated himself to priestly training. In view of a constantly changing world in which new questions and complex challenges are constantly arising, constant further training is essential. In this context, it is important to create a strong network - with bishops, other clergy, parishioners, religious and associations. It is important that priests have a feeling of “home”.

Madrid y Alcalá fusionarán sus seminarios

(El Debate. Alex Navajas).

Es la directiva que ha marcado el Papa Francisco: agrupar seminarios con pocos candidatos al sacerdocio. Los siguientes en hacerlo van a ser los de Madrid y Alcalá de Henares, según ha podido saber El Debate de fuentes cercanas a ambas diócesis. De este modo, el seminario de la capital absorbería al alcalaíno –que cuenta con menos de una decena de seminaristas–, que se sumarían a los 84 que se forman en Madrid. Los seminaristas de Alcalá de Henares ya acuden a diario desde hace varios cursos a recibir sus clases a la facultad de Teología de San Dámaso (ubicada en el mismo edificio que ocupa el seminario de Madrid). La diferencia, a partir de ahora, sería que los seminaristas alcalaínos residirían además en el seminario conciliar, fusionándose ambas instituciones en una sola.

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Poll: Religious groups think Trump’s actions immoral in hush money case, split on whether he broke the law

(National Catholic Reporter. Jack Jenkins).

A new survey finds that majorities of all major U.S. religious groups believe actions by former President Donald Trump detailed in a recent hush money trial were immoral, but views are more split on whether he broke the law. It also remains unclear whether Trump’s new status as a convicted felon has helped or hurt his campaign to retake the White House. The 19th News/SurveyMonkey poll, which includes religion-related data provided to Religion News Service, was conducted online May 30-31 among a national sample of 5,893 U.S. adults, drawn from more than 2 million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform daily. (The margin of error overall is plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.) It polled Americans immediately after Trump was convicted last week on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The case centered on $130,000 in hush money payments meant to silence adult film star Stormy Daniels regarding what she described as a sexual encounter she had with the then-businessman, a scandal that threatened to derail Trump’s 2016 campaign.

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‘700,000 Prisoners To Be Reached With Gospel in 70 Nations’ (Worthy News Mission Watch)

(Stefan J. Bos. internacional Worthy News)

 Two major Christian organizations working in jails have agreed to “share the Gospel” of Christ with hundreds of thousands of prisoners and their families.

U.S.-based Prison Fellowship International (PFI) and Faith Comes By Hearing said they hope to reach at least 700,000 inmates and tens of thousands of families in 70 countries over the next five years.

The inmates and their loved ones will be invited to participate in PFI’s programs, The Listener’s Way (TLW) and PromisePath, which includes the distribution of 90,000 audio and video Bibles by 2029.

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How Safeguarding Ministry Responds To Sexual Abuse In The Church.

(Charlie Camosy. OSV News).

As the church continues to address sexual abuse cases among clergy and religious, Deacon Steven A. DeMartino, director for safeguarding initiatives for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, recently spoke with OSV News’ Charlie Camosy about the past history of these efforts and the best practices the church now has in place.

Charlie Camosy: I realize this is a big question, but would it be possible to summarize in broad strokes what has been done by Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis with regard to sex abuse and safe environment in the Catholic Church?

Steven A. DeMartino: A good place to start is with the reality that safeguarding ministry has gradually matured in the church over the past 30 years.

This new ministry is a response to our Catholic obligation to defend life and the dignity of the human person across the life span and has been informed by the courageous actions, and risks, of sexual abuse victim-survivors as they come forward to recount in each public story the painful and horrific wounds of sexual abuse caused by clergy.

These wounds include the inaction or cover-up in responding to sexual abuse allegations by some church leaders.

Pope John Paul II declared in 2001 that “a sin against the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue by a cleric with a minor under 18 years of age is to be considered a grave sin, or ‘delictum gravius.’”

This prompted our bishops in the U.S. to institute reforms to prevent future abuse, culminating in the development and approval in June 2002 of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and shortly thereafter for Religious Orders of Men to endorse the Praesidium Accreditation Standards for Catholic Men’s Religious Institutes.

Highlights of Pope Benedict XVI’s actions include authorizing “fast track” procedures at the Congregation [now Dicastry] for the Doctrine of the Faith to laicize any cleric found guilty of the sexual abuse of a minor, making important changes to canon law, such as waiving the statute of limitations on sexual abuse on a case-by-case basis and raising the age of consent to 18, and meeting with victim-survivors of sexual abuse by clergy during his pastoral visits throughout the world.

Pope Francis has universalized safeguarding ministry, both canonically and pastorally, by establishing Tutela Minorum, the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, which released the safeguarding ministry Universal Guidelines Framework that calls for every jurisdiction in the church to develop appropriate policies and procedures to address allegations of sexual abuse.

In addition, our current Holy Father promulgated Book VI of the Code of Canon Law, Penal Sanctions in the Church, 2021; released the Moto Propio “Vos estis lux Mundi” in 2023, which outlines new procedural norms to combat sexual abuse and holds leaders in the church accountable for their actions in responding to allegations of sexual abuse; and released the Vademecum, which is a guide to certain points of procedure in treating cases of sexual abuse of minors committed by clerics.

No recent pope has escaped criticism for their failings in responding to the scourge of sexual abuse.

Much has been done, but there is so much more to do to accompany victim-survivors of sexual abuse by clergy and ensure that the church is a safe haven for all vulnerable persons.

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Most Protestant pastors oppose gay marriage, mainline support stalling: survey

(Michael Gryboski. Christian Post).

Most Protestant pastors in the United States continue to oppose same-sex marriage, and the previously growing trend of support among mainline clergy is stalling, according to a recent report by Lifeway Research.

In a report released Tuesday, Lifeway found that, in 2023, 21% of surveyed Protestant pastors said they saw “nothing wrong” with same-sex marriage, which was a slight decrease compared to the 24% of pastors who said the same in 2019.

Even among pastors belonging to theologically progressive mainline denominations, Lifeway found that less than half (46%) support same-sex marriage, which was virtually the same (47%) in 2019, though still well above the 32% reported in 2010.

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Papa Francesco, quando il decimo concistoro del pontificato?

(Di Marco Mancini. Acistampa).

Se si eccettua il 2021, Papa Francesco ha presieduto un concistoro all’anno dall’inizio del suo pontificato, creando complessivamente 142 cardinali. Ed entro la fine del 2024 il Papa potrebbe procedere al concistoro numero 10 del pontificato.

Quando? Con Papa Francesco è impossibile fare previsioni, visto che il Pontefice ci ha abituati alle sorprese nei tempi e nelle scelte, soprattutto in tema di concistori. La data prescelta, comunque, potrebbe essere decisa intorno all’avvio della seconda sessione del Sinodo sulla sinodalità, che si aprirà il prossimo ottobre in Vaticano. 

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“Algunas noches me sacaba de la cama y me llevaba en brazos para abusar de mí”: el testimonio de una víctima del jesuita español Alfonso Pedrajas en un internado en Bolivia.

(Valentina Oropeza. BBC News Mundo).

Pablo guardó aquel secreto durante 42 años.

Se dedicó a estudiar para convertirse en el primer bachiller de su familia. Luego se graduó en ingeniería en la universidad, se casó y tuvo hijos.

Pero todo cambió cuando su esposa le hizo la pregunta que siempre había intentado evadir: “¿A ti te pasó esto?”.

“¿Esto?”, respondió Pablo mientras ella le mostraba un reportaje titulado “Diario de un cura pederasta”, publicado por el periodista Julio Núñez en el periódico español El País, a finales de abril de 2023.

Pablo es boliviano y vivió en ese internado durante la década de 1980.

“El mayor fracaso personal: sin duda, la pederastia”, escribió el sacerdote en su diario. “Hice daño a mucha gente (¿a 85?), a demasiados”.

Pedrajas cuenta en el diario que informó de los abusos a siete superiores provinciales y a una decena de clérigos bolivianos y españoles. Uno le recomendó no sentirse como un “pecador arrepentido”, ya que eran “casos aislados”. Otro le aconsejó que no abusara de menores. Nadie lo denunció ni lo apartó de las víctimas.

“Lo conté tantas veces”, insistió el jesuita en el diario.

Pablo siguió su primer impulso y le dijo a su esposa que no, que a él no le había pasado “esto”. Pero cuando su hermano le hizo la misma pregunta, sintió que ya no podía escapar del fantasma del padre “Pica”.

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