Indian bishops tell Modi to make his new term ‘inclusive’

(UCANews. Bijay Kumar Minj And Nirendra Dev).

Catholic bishops have appealed to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make his new term “inclusive” by treating all citizens equally and upholding the country’s constitutional values.

Modi was sworn in for another five-year term on June 9 after his pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with the help of allies, secured 293 seats in the Indian parliament.  

The coalition government was formed after the BJP, accused of following a Hindu-first policy, failed to win the required simple majority of 272 seats in the 543-seat Lok Sabha (lower house).

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Bishop Marek Marczak is the new Secretary General of the Polish Episcopal Conference

(Polish Episcopal Conference).

In the Polish Episcopal Conference, Bishop Marczak serves as a member of the Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, a member of the Council for Youth Pastoral Care and a delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for Academic Pastoral Care. As Secretary General, he is a member of the Presidium of the Polish Episcopate. The Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate is also an ex officio member of the Permanent Council and a member of the Council of the St. Foundation. Józefa KEP, a member of the Council of the Joy of Love Foundation and a member of the Mixed Commission of Bishops – Higher Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

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Vatican wants to propose new type of papal office


 The Vatican wants to present a document on Thursday that could have far-reaching consequences for relations between the Christian churches. The text was prepared by the Pope’s ecumenical authority, the Vatican press office announced.

The paper is entitled “The Bishop of Rome – Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Discussions and the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint”. It takes up an encyclical from 1995 by Pope John Paul II. The doctrinal text, which was groundbreaking for Christian unity at the time, had promised a new self-understanding and a different way of exercising the papal office, especially with regard to the churches of the East.

At the time, the Pope had invited the other Christian churches to seek, in a “brotherly, patient dialogue” with Rome, ways in which the papal office could be understood as a “service of mercy” to all churches. The Vatican’s ecumenical department then set up its own dialogue forums with several churches, which consulted for decades. The results are now available.

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Protestant Christians in Turkey facing violence, attacks at worship services

(Christian Daily International).

Protestant Christians in Turkey continued to face opposition for practicing their faith in 2023, according to a rights report. 

Both written and oral hate speech incidents, along with some violence, were reported, according to the Human Rights Violation Report 2023 issued on June 4 by the Protestan Kiliseler Derneği (Association of Protestant Churches).

Some of the 205 Protestant churches, all independent or in fellowship clusters, saw opposition to their church buildings. The report also cited the denial of legal rights in training ministry leaders. 

“No progress was made in 2023 with regard to the rights of Christians to train their own religious workers,” the association reported. “Many foreign church leaders were deported, were denied entry into Turkey or faced problems with getting their residence permits renewed.”

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Call to Conversion and Holiness

(TCWR. Eduardo Echeverria).

The second of a two-part essay in response to James Martin, SJ, on experience, respect, morality, and authority.

Fr. James Martin calls all Christians to conversion. He says, “What I mean by conversion is the conversion that all of us are called to by God and the conversion of minds and hearts that Jesus called for” (BB, 23). He adds, “LGBT people are called to be holy, as all of us are” (BB, 44). The crucial question I want to ask now is about the relationship between faith and morality in the context of the call to holiness. As Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa rightly notes, “there is no sanctity without obedience,” and thus “to say that all those baptized are called to holiness,” which Vatican II does, “is to say that all are called to obedience.” He adds, “St Paul speaks of obedience to faith (Rm 1:5; 16:26), of obedience to the teaching (Rm 6:17), of obedience to the Gospel (Rm 10:16; 2 Th 1:8), of obedience to truth (Gal 5:7), of obedience to Christ (2 Cor 10:5).”16 There is no sanctity without obedience, and there is no obedience without the gift of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, trusting fully in his saving work, following him, dying to self, and living for him who loved me and gave himself for me on the Cross (Gal 2:20; cf. Mk 8:34-36).According to the Catholic Church, there is an intrinsic and unbreakable bond between faith and morality. Jesus said, “Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love” (John 15:10; 1 John 5: 2-3). This question about the bond between faith and morality must deal directly with the eternal significance of the moral choices that people make, indeed, with their eternal salvation. In this light, we can understand why St. Paul consistently urges us to make choices that are worthy of the calling that we have received in Christ (Eph 4: 1; Phil 1: 27; Col 1:9). In particular, he identifies the risk posed by, especially but not only, sexual offenses:

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Giubileo 2025, papa Francesco: “Aprirò una Porta Santa in un carcere”

(Il Giornale. Nico Spuntoni).

Francesco si era presentato al mondo come vescovo di Roma. Il suo legame con la città lo ha confermato oggi visitando il Campidoglio così come avevano fatto i suoi predecessori e così come lui stesso aveva fatto nel 2019. Questa volta, però, ad accoglierlo con la fascia tricolore non c’era Virginia Raggi, la sindaca grillina con cui aveva stabilito un buon rapporto personale, ma il dem Roberto Gualtieri. La visita è stata l’occasione per ringraziare le autorità cittadine per la collaborazione nell’organizzazione del prossimo Giubileo, previsto l’anno prossimo e che sta costando qualche disagio ai romani e ai pendolari. Proprio a proposito del Giubileo, Bergoglio ha fatto un annuncio nel corso del suo discorso in Campidoglio. Il Papa è molto sensibile sul tema dei detenuti e lo ha dimostrato sin dall’inizio del suo pontificato. Di recente si è recato a visitare il carcere della Giudecca nel corso del suo viaggio a Venezia e, uscendo, ha detto di aver pensato: “ogni volta che vado in carcere dico perché loro e non io”. Per questo Francesco ci tiene a coinvolgere i detenuti anche nell’Anno Santo. A questo scopo, in Campidoglio, ha annunciato che aprirà una Porta Santa in un carcere. L’annuncio, scandito con chiarezza, è stato seguito dall’applauso della Giunta e dei consiglieri presenti in Aula Giulio Cesare, prima che il Pontefice riprendesse il suo discorso. Una decisione presa proprio nello spirito che riconosce nella città di Roma.

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U.S. Bishops’ Synod Report Acknowledges LGBTQ+ Tensions, But Offers No Proposals

(New Ways Ministry. Kevin Molloy).

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has released its next national synthesis for the Synod on Synodality, and the document notes the passionate tensions among U.S. Catholics, including disagreements over LGBTQ+ issues.

The National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Interim Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod, drawn from over 1,000 listening sessions involving 35,000-plus participants, reported that participants articulated two hopes for Catholicism: that it be a church of “Safe Harbor of certainty and openness and prophetic mystery [which] is at the heart of our Fiery Communion.”

As a church of Safe Harbor, the USCCB acknowledges that many participants in listening sessions believe the “‘Church is at its best when it’s warm, welcoming, and focuses on community building and doing more for other people’ (Region XII).” The report recognizes, too, that the church is a vastly diverse community, and U.S. Catholics want to focus on diverse community building. The report stated:

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Virgen llora supuestas lágrimas de sangre: Arquidiócesis de Morelia investiga “milagro”.

(JORGE REYES. Desde La Fe).

La Arquidiócesis moreliana será conformará el equipo que estudiará el caso de la Virgen de Guadalupe que supuestamente llora sangre.

Recién el Vaticano publicó las nuevas reglas para validar los fenómenos sobrenaturales y en México, más precisamente en la colonia Obrera de la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán, se dio a conocer el supuesto caso de una imagen de la Virgen que llora sangre.

Ante este hecho, la Arquidiócesis de Morelia solicitó a la población en general y a los medios de comunicación tomar el caso con la debida cautela y prudencia, pues antes de emitirse un pronunciamiento se debe realizar una investigación exhaustiva.

La Iglesia investiga el caso de la Virgen que supuestamente llora sangre

De acuerdo a una serie de reportes difundidos en los últimos días, una imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe, ubicada en Morelia, habría derramado supuestas lágrimas de sangre que fueron detectadas ante la sorprendida mirada de los integrantes de la familia Melchor Mondragón.

En torno a este hecho, la Arquidiócesis de Morelia se pronunció por medio de una nota de prensa difundidad en sus redes sociales, firmada por el director de comunicación, el presbítero Ángel David Arias:

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Papa in Campidoglio: “Roma città unica e universale, continui a essere faro di pace”

(SIR Agenzia d’informazione. M.Michela Nicolais).

Papa Francesco è salito per la seconda volta sul Colle capitolino per ricordare a Roma la sua vocazione universale, in vista del Giubileo.

“Roma è unica”. Lo ha ripetuto Papa Francesco, nella sua seconda visita in Campidoglio, dopo quella del 26 marzo 2019. Roma, “città dallo spirito universale”, che deve continuare ad essere “faro di civiltà e promotrice di pace”, forte della sua millenaria tradizione di carità, ospitalità e accoglienza. Soprattutto alla vigilia del Giubileo, che “potrà avere una ricaduta positiva sul volto stesso della città, migliorandone il decoro e rendendo più efficienti i servizi pubblici, non solamente nel centro ma favorendo l’avvicinamento tra centro e periferie”.

“Vengo a incontrare voi e, tramite voi, l’intera città, che pressoché dalla sua nascita, circa 2.800 anni fa, ha avuto una chiara e costante vocazione di universalità”,

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El Papa reúne a los embajadores de Israel y Palestina para regar el olivo que plantaron Simón Peres y Mahmoud Abbas

(ABC. Javier Martínez-Brocal).

«Shalom, salam, paz». El Papa ha usado estas tres palabras para suplicar a Dios el fin de la guerra en Tierra Santa, ante representantes de la comunidad judía y musulmana de Roma, los embajadores de Israel y Palestina, y todo el cuerpo diplomático. Lo ha hecho este viernes por la tarde en los Jardines Vaticanos para recordar que hace justo diez años reunió en este mismo lugar a los entonces presidentes de Israel y Palestina Simón Peres y Mahmoud Abbas para rezar por esta misma intención.

Simbólicamente, el Papa ha pedido ayuda a un rabino, un representante de la comunidad islámica y a los embajadores de Israel y Palestina ante la Santa Sede para regar el olivo que ambos líderes plantaron hace diez años. Igual que entonces, con este gesto Francisco ha mostrado que es una blasfemia usar el nombre de Dios para hacer la guerra, y que el papel de las religiones es sostener cualquier tímido esfuerzo de paz.

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Meet the anti-abortion group using white coats and research to advance its cause.

(Bracey Harris. NBC News).

The Charlotte Lozier Institute wants to arm the anti-abortion movement with science, but critics say its research is flawed.

On a winter day less than two years after the fall of Roe v. Wade, Dr. Ingrid Skop beamed at a crowd of anti-abortion activists gathered at the Texas Capitol.

“The sun is shining on us. I think someone is happy with what we’re doing,” said Skop, a longtime OB-GYN, clad in a white doctor’s coat.

Her smile dropped as she launched into a speech attacking the Food and Drug Administration’s regulation of mifepristone for medication abortions. “One out of 20 women ends up needing emergency surgery with these dangerous pills,” she said.

The statistic isn’t far off, but the procedure that Skop warned of is a vacuum aspiration to clear the uterus, considered routine in miscarriage care and low-risk.

Skop’s warnings about abortion extend far beyond this rally. She is the vice president and director of medical affairs of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, established in 2011 as the research arm of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a nonprofit group that works to elect anti-abortion candidates. 

In a movement where many adherents are guided by religious or ideological beliefs, the institute has tried to win on secular grounds by offering research and studies aimed at countering the well-established scientific consensus that abortion care is safe.

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Critican postura de Iglesia Católica en toma de posesión de Bukele: “En vez de denunciar las injusticias y la represión, van a legitimar un evento”.

(Williams Sandoval. La Prensa Gráfica).

La Comisión Nacional Monseñor Romero criticó la participación de autoridades de la Iglesia Católica en el acto de investidura del 1 de junio pasado de Nayib Bukele. A su vez pidió que haya respeto a los derechos humanos en El Salvador.

La Comisión Nacional Monseñor Romero hizo este domingo un pronunciamiento en el que, entre otras cosas, criticó la postura de las autoridades de la iglesia Católica durante la toma de posesión de Nayib Bukele para un segundo período presidencialUn acto contrario a la Constitución de la República.

En ese sentido, pidieron una actitud más crítica de los líderes de la Iglesia, teniendo en cuenta el ambiente de “persecuciones políticas” y capturas arbitrarias que se continúan dando en el marco del régimen de excepción.

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El arzobispo de Canterbury en Panamá: Un líder religioso frente a los desafíos modernos.

(Rita Vásquez. La Prensa).

Justin Welby, el arzobispo de Canterbury, líder jerárquico de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y figura prominente en la Comunión Anglicana, estuvo recientemente en Panamá y mantuvo una conversación exclusiva con La Prensa.

El prelado, cuyo nombre es de notable importancia tanto en el contexto eclesiástico como en el mundial, ocupa una posición de autoridad y liderazgo en la Iglesia de Inglaterra, siendo el principal obispo de la misma y ejerciendo una influencia significativa en la dirección espiritual y social de la comunidad anglicana en todo el mundo.

Su presencia en Panamá destaca la relevancia que la Iglesia anglicana otorga a la región y subraya su compromiso con el diálogo interreligioso y la búsqueda de soluciones a los desafíos contemporáneos, como la migración, el cambio climático y los conflictos en Ucrania y Gaza.

Durante su estadía en Panamá, aprovechó la oportunidad para compartir con invitados en una recepción ofrecida en su honor por el embajador de Inglaterra en Panamá, James Dauries. En dicho evento, recalcó el valor de la participación de la sociedad civil, especialmente de la prensa libre e independiente, en la sostenibilidad de las democracias.

Welby no solo es un líder religioso destacado, sino que también sirve como asesor espiritual de la monarquía británica y desempeña un papel importante en eventos ceremoniales relacionados con la corona. Coronó al rey Carlos III el 6 de mayo de 2023.

¿Qué le trae a Panamá?

Como arzobispo de la Comunión Anglicana, cada año seleccionamos una región para una visita especial. Esta vez correspondió América Central. Hemos estado aquí durante diez días y parece ser la primera vez que un alto representante de nuestra Iglesia ha venido, así que era una deuda pendiente.

¿Cómo percibe la Iglesia de Inglaterra su papel histórico y su influencia actual en América Latina, especialmente considerando el legado colonial británico y las actividades misioneras en la región?

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Estas son las diez propuestas de la Iglesia Católica al gobierno de Claudia Sheinbaum.

(Omar Tinoco Morales. Infobae).

A través de una editorial propuso que desde el Gobierno se respete la dignidad de todas las personas sin discriminación alguna y se garanticen los derechos fundamentales.

Una semana después del triunfo electoral de Claudia Sheinbaum, la Iglesia católica presentó un decálogo de propuestas a la próxima presidenta de México, puntos que consideró como planteamientos importantes para la toma de las primeras decisiones de su Gobierno.

Entre estos 10 puntos, la iglesia propuso que desde el Gobierno se respete la dignidad de todas las personas sin discriminación alguna y se garanticen los derechos fundamentales.

“En el marco de un diálogo fraterno y respetuoso, y guiados por los principios establecidos en la encíclica ‘Fratelli Tutti’ del papa Francisco, presentamos a continuación algunos planteamientos que consideramos importantes para la toma de estas primeras decisiones de la virtual ganadora de las elecciones presidenciales”, expuso a través de la editorial de su semanario ‘Desde la fe’.

La Arquidiócesis Primada de México indicó que las propuestas vertidas están encaminadas “a la búsqueda del bien común y la promoción de una sociedad más justa y humana”.

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Nigeria: Church “always full” two years after massacre

(Filipe d’Avillez and Amy Balog. ACN International).

The parish priest at St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Church, Owo, where over 40 worshippers were murdered during Pentecost Sunday in 2022, told the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) that two years after the massacre, the suspects are in police custody but have not yet been brought before a court.

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Catholic Communicators in Africa Covering Synod on Synodality Urged to “protect image of the Church”

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

Catholic communicators in Africa have been urged to “work and protect the image of the Church” as they cover the ongoing Synod on Synodality.

Speaking during a Friday, June 7 webinar, Fr. Rafael Simbine Junior Secretary General of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) reminded communicators of their role to evangelize “amid forces seeking to destroy the Church”.

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What Is Missing in the Interreligious Dialogue With Muslims?

(Crisis magazine. Fr. Mario Alexis Portela).

Showing charity toward Muslims is best manifested by the ardent desire to see them become fully children of God, which can only be arrived at by Baptism, something interreligious dialogue misses altogether.

Last month was the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue. Formerly called the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, it created the Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims with the end not to covert those who profess Islam to the teachings of Christ but “to promote mutual understanding, respect and collaboration between Catholics and the followers of others religious traditions; to encourage the study of religions, and to promote the formation of persons dedicated to dialogue.”

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Los jesuitas de Bolivia depurarán responsabilidades por la ocultación de los abusos de Tó en el país andino.

(El Periódico).

La ocultación de los jesuitas durante décadas de las agresiones sexuales en Bolivia de Lluís Tó –sacerdote del colegio Sant Ignasi de Barcelona enviado al país andino a raíz de una condena por abusos infantiles– ha llegado hasta el país andino. Tras la información destapada por este diario y TV3 sobre la correspondencia entre miembros de la orden que acredita que, en contra de lo que siempre han mantenido, sí conocían las agresiones del religioso, los responsables de la Compañía de Jesús en Bolivia han comunicado que son “conscientes de que deben asumir responsabilidades personales” quienes resulten implicados o señalados por la justicia. De momento, los catalanes Ramon Alaix y Marcos Recolons, provinciales en Bolivia durante los hechos, están siendo investigados por encubrimiento.

En un comunicado hecho público esta mañana, la orden, desmarcándose de direcciones anteriores, también lamenta que en su momento -“hace tres décadas”- no se actuara de forma diligente “para evitar situaciones de riesgo para la población vulnerable en sus obras en Bolivia, con la presencia de Luis Tó, quien llegó al país con acusaciones previas y una sentencia por abusos en España”.

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In a meeting with Pope Francis, Haddad defends taxation of the super-rich.

(Tiago Pereira. Rede Brasil Atual).

On a trip to Europe, Fernando Haddad also sought support from the ministers of Spain and Italy in the global effort to tax the world’s billionaires.

São Paulo – The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, met this Thursday morning (6) with Pope Francis, at the Vatican. In a meeting lasting around 25 minutes, Haddad once again defended the creation of a global tax on the super-rich .

In this sense, the intention is to garner support from the pontiff of the Catholic Church for Brazil’s proposal for the presidency of the G20, which envisages charging a 2% tax on the wealth of around 3,000 billionaires around the world. In this way, the resources would be used to combat hunger and climate change.

During the audience, Haddad presented the pope with a gourd and mate bomb, a reference to the floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul . Last month, the Vatican donated 100 thousand euros in aid to the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

Through social media, the minister celebrated the meeting with the pontiff, in the name of “a global economy with ties that combat misery and poverty”. The Vatican also released a video showing the pope’s reception of Haddad.

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