UK cultural grandees urge Vatican to keep TLM in new ‘Agatha Christie’ letter

(The Pillar. Luke Coppen).

In a letter to the Times of London, published July 3, more than 40 signatories, Catholic and non-Catholic  — including “Downton Abbey” creator Julian Fellowes, human rights activist Bianca Jagger, and opera singer Kiri Te Kanawa — lamented “worrying reports from Rome that the Latin Mass is to be banished from nearly every Catholic church.” “We implore the Holy See to reconsider any further restriction of access to this magnificent spiritual and cultural heritage,” said the letter, also signed by composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, historian Tom Holland, and Princess Michael of Kent, a member of Britain’s royal family.

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Islam in British democracy and the dangers to our Jewish neighbours

(Gavin Ashenden. Catholic Herald).

For the first time, this 4 July a British General Election will be fought in part over Islamic ideology.

There are currently four constituencies where Muslims constitute over 50 per cent of the electorate in 2024. Tim Dieppe, Head of Public Policy at Christian Concern, has published figures showing the slow steady growth of Islamic influence in the British Electorate.

A recent report revealed that Islam is the largest minority religion in 129 of the 220 most marginal seats in this UK General Election.

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Former Vatican auditor: Death of Cardinal Pell “shrouded in mystery”


The former Vatican auditor, Libero Milone , has described the death of Cardinal George Pell as “shrouded in mystery”. “At his funeral, at his coffin, I promised him that we would bring the truth to light,” Milone said, according to a report in the newspaper “The Australian” on Wednesday (local time). The economic expert thus suggests a connection between Pell’s death and the real estate scandal in the Vatican. According to research by the Australian media, there were rumors in the Vatican for months about the last hours of Pell’s life because of the unusual handling of his body. After the autopsy, it was said that it was not prepared, as is usually the case, but was left “in disarray”. After a routine hip joint operation on January 10, 2023 in Rome’s Salvator Mundi Hospital, the Australian former Curia cardinal died as a result of complications.

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Settimana sociale dei cattolici, il vuoto di chi non parte da Dio

(Stefano Fontana. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana).

Il vuoto della proposta della Settimana sociale di Trieste non è improvvisato. Alle sue spalle ha la lunga strada della “svolta antropologica” che consiste nel partire non da Dio ma dall’uomo e comporta non solo un cambio di contenuti, ma anche un cambio di linguaggio.

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El Gobierno de México quiere formar a los sacerdotes en materia de ‘Símbolos patrios’ y los obispos responden


Con la finalidad de lograr los objetivos que el gobierno de la Cuarta Transformación ha fijado para los mexicanos en el periodo 2020-2024, la Secretaría de Gobernación quiere impartir un curso a todos los presbíteros.

A finales de junio, la Secretaría de Gobernación (Segob) solicitó a algunos obispos de México proporcionar un directorio con los datos de contacto de sus sacerdotes a fin de invitarlos a participar en un curso virtual sobre ‘Símbolos patrios’.

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What’s behind Venezuela’s new archbishop appointments?

(The Pillar. Edgar Beltrán).

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of 79-year-old Cardinal Baltasar Porras of Caracas, and appointed Bishop Raúl Biord, SDB of the Diocese of La Guaira as his successor. The pope also filled two major vacant sees. Archbishop Jesús González de Zárate of Cumaná was appointed as the archbishop of Valencia. González is also president of the Venezuelan bishops’ conference. Bishop Polito Rodríguez of San Carlos was appointed archbishop of Barquisimeto. Those appointments – in three of the four largest sees in Venezuela – would appear to clear an episcopal deadlock in the country that had lasted for the past few years. There are several possible reasons for the appointments – including a strategic decision in an election year or the result of Vatican diplomacy. But whatever the reason, the relationship between Church and state remains complicated in the volatile nation.

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On Abortion, Trump and Biden Both Got It Wrong

(Cris magazine. Mónica Miller).

The above NBC News headline was typical of media reaction to the June 27, 2024, presidential debate between Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump. Indeed, it was a most humiliating and embarrassing moment for the 81-year-old president, who spoke incoherently and stumbled over his words before an audience of 50 million viewers. Now in a true panic, the Democratic Party is desperately trying to plug up the many holes the Biden debate debacle drilled into its political ship as it sails to a possible wreck come the November election.  The debate itself was dominated by false statements from both sides: exaggerations, untrue claims, insults, and accusations—with the two candidates managing to speak the truth occasionally. However, on the issue of legalized abortion, and in particular the Roe v. Wade decision itself, both Biden and Trump got it wrong. Indeed, it is staggering just how wrong a sitting president and a former president were regarding the most important social issue of our time. Biden especially misrepresented what the 1973 Supreme Court decision actually said and what it actually permitted in terms of the legalization of abortion, and Trump seemed not to understand the goals of the pro-life movement.

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Cardenal Parolin: “La democracia está en crisis y los católicos tienen la tarea de llenarla de valores”

(Visa Nueva).

El secretario de Estado del Vaticano ha participado en la V edición del Premio Literario de Embajadores ante la Santa Sede.

“La paz es tarea de cada uno de nosotros a partir de nuestra vida cotidiana, en nuestras ciudades, en nuestros países, en el mundo”. Así lo afirmaba, tal como recoge Vatican News, el cardenal secretario de Estado, Pietro Parolin, en su discurso pronunciado de ayer, 2 de julio, en la Embajada de Italia ante la Santa Sede, con ocasión de la V edición del Premio Literario de Embajadores ante la Santa Sede, concedido en esta ocasión a Piero Damosso, periodista de la RAI, por su libro ‘¿Puede la Iglesia detener la guerra? Una investigación sesenta años después de Pacem in Terris’ (San Paolo).

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Más Unión y más Europa: el rapapolvo de los obispos alemanes a las nuevas autoridades comunitarias

(José Lorenzo. Religión digital).

Piden que salvaguarden la democracia y congelen los fondos a los Estados que la pongan en peligro.

La Conferencia Episcopal Alemana ha publicado hoy la declaración Ideas orientadoras para la política de la Unión Europea, un completo y poco complaciente análisis sobre los retos a los que se enfrente en estos momentos el proyecto común europeo -sueño en el que colaboraron decisivamente políticos y pensadores cristianos- y que lleva la rúbrica del Grupo de Trabajo Episcopal para Europa, presidido por el obispo de Essen, Franz-Josef Overbeck.

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El edificio de Londres del ‘caso Becciu’ llega a los tribunales británicos: Edgar Peña Parra declarará como testigo

(JOSÉ BELTRÁN.Vida Nueva).

A partir de mañana, el sustituto de Asuntos Generales de la Secretaría de Estado participa en el Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Reino Unido para explicar cómo se ejecutó la estafa que sufrió la Santa Sede.

El caso Becciu llega a la justicia británica. A partir de mañana, el sustituto de Asuntos Generales de la Secretaría de Estado de la Santa Sede, Edgar Peña Parra, comparecerá como testigo ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Reino Unido para dar cuenta que cómo se ejecutó la compraventa de un edificio en la Sloane Avenue del Londres. 

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Revival and Revolution. The disputed thesis that underpins MAGA evangelicalism

(John Fea. Commonweal).

On April 5, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would be streaming the Palm Sunday service at Harvest Christian Fellowship, an Evangelical megachurch in Riverside, California, run by Pastor Greg Laurie.

Laurie’s biography is a large part of his appeal. Imagine a member of the Beach Boys getting saved and forming a megachurch. Now seventy years old, he still exudes California cool: always tan and usually clad in blue jeans, denim jackets, sunglasses, and sneakers. Born in Long Beach, Laurie was raised by a single mother—a “raging alcoholic,” in Laurie’s words—who married seven times.

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Suicidio dell’Occidente. Per il Segretario di Stato USA i “diritti” LGBTQI+ sono “questione di sicurezza nazionale”

(Aldo Maria Valli. Korazym).

“Difendere e promuovere i diritti LGBTQI+ a livello globale è la cosa giusta da fare, ma oltre a ciò è la cosa intelligente e necessaria da fare per il nostro Paese, per la nostra sicurezza nazionale, per il nostro benessere”. Parola di Antony J. Blinken, Segretario di Stato americano, che ha fatto queste affermazioni durante un ricevimento [QUI] offerto dal Dipartimento di Stato americano per salutare la fine di giugno, il mese dell’”orgoglio omosessuale” e dei gay pride.

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The Holy See could be a bridge for UN climate negotiations

(National Catholic Reporter. John Leo Algo).

The United Nations Bonn climate change conference (SB60) in Germany June 3-13 was expected by many to lay the groundwork for critical negotiations to accelerate the mobilization of finance and climate action at the U.N. climate change conference, COP29, in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November. Instead, the midyear meetings ended with familiar tones of disappointment, mistrust and frustration that quickly overshadowed any progress attained in Dubai at COP28 last year. Calls for transformative change continue, including for a just transition away from fossil fuels and for an overhaul of the global finance architecture. However, many negotiators refuse to acknowledge an obvious truth: The conduct of climate negotiations itself needs to change. While climate action is not limited to what happens within the COP process, these negotiations produce the single most impactful outcomes at the global level. It will not be easy, but climate multilateralism under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) must change. This change can be ushered by an unlikely entity: the Holy See.

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Lourdes bishop faces resistance on removal of Rupnik art

(Crux Staff).

The Catholic leader responsible for a world-famous and much beloved Marian healing shrine in France has ordered measures to lower the visibility of mosaic artwork by an accused serial rapist, but has stopped short — for the time being — of ordering the removal of the art. Father Marko Rupnik is accused of abusing dozens of victims — most of them women religious — over several decades, much of which he spent in Rome at the Centro Aletti art institute he founded in the early 1990s.

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Olivia Maurel luce hoy un traje de chaqueta celeste, a juego con su mirada. Una transparente, casi traslúcida, y a la vez impenetrable mirada. Es martes, 18 de junio, y acaba de protagonizar un discurso abolicionista de la maternidad por subrogación en la sede de la ONU en Ginebra. Ella nació en Louisville, en Kentucky (Estados Unidos), pero su cuna se trasladó pronto a Francia, a una familia acomodada donde nunca le faltó de nada, reconoce.

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Preocupa a la Iglesia en Costa Rica la violencia generalizada en el país


Los obispos aseguran que muchos de los homicidios que se han registrado recientemente están ligados al narcotráfico o la delincuencia organizada

En un mensaje dirigido al Pueblo de Dios, la Conferencia Episcopal de Costa Rica –cuyo presidente es el obispo de Limón, Javier Román Arias– señaló que se observa “un agravamiento en la perversidad y capacidad organizativa con que se perpetran“.

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U.S. Government Criticized for Omitting Nigeria from Religious Persecution Watchlist

(Peter Pinedo. ACI Africa).

Religious freedom activists are criticizing the Biden State Department for continuing to leave Nigeria off its “countries of particular concern” (CPC) watchlist, despite the department’s own report highlighting the violent persecution of Christians in the country.

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Arzobispo boliviano sobre el intento de golpe de Estado: “No se puede meter miedo a la gente”

(Julieta Villar. Aciprensa).

El Arzobispo de Santa Cruz (Bolivia), Mons. René Leigue Cesarí, reflexionó sobre la actualidad boliviana, en referencia a lo ocurrido el pasado miércoles con el presunto intento de golpe de Estado.

En la tarde del miércoles pasado, un grupo de militares irrumpió en el Palacio Quemado, sede del Gobierno Nacional de Bolivia, en la ciudad de La Paz, en un hecho catalogado por el presidente Luis Arce como un intento de golpe de Estado.

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