Gallagher in viaggio nelle Filippine, incontri con il presidente e con i vescovi

.  (Vatican News. Staff).

Prende il via oggi, 1 luglio, il viaggio nelle Filippine di monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher, segretario per i Rapporti con gli Stati e le Organizzazioni internazionali, il quale prenderà parte alla “Festa del Papa” presso la Nunziatura Apostolica a Manila. L’arcivescovo resterà nel Paese del sud-est asiatico fino al 5 luglio. Numerosi gli incontri e gli appuntamenti che scandiranno il programma del viaggio, reso noto dall’account X della Segreteria di Stato @TerzaLoggia. Domani, martedì 2 luglio, è prevista la visita di cortesia al presidente delle Filippine, Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., poi l’incontro con il segretario per gli Affari Esteri, Enrique Manalo. Il 3 luglio Gallagher si trasferirà a Malaybalay, nella regione del Mindanao Settentrionale, per partecipare alla Sessione plenaria della Conferenza Episcopale delle Filippine. Con i vescovi, il giorno successivo 4 luglio, il presule celebrerà l’Eucarestia nell’Abazia della Trasfigurazione di Malaybalay. 

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El cardenal Marx teme que la Unión Europea se rompa debido a los nacionalismos étnicos


El cardenal de Múnich, Reinhard Marx, está preocupado por la Unión Europea. Este proyecto está amenazado por un «nacionalismo étnico», advirtió el arzobispo de Múnich y Freising el domingo por la noche durante un servicio religioso en la Basílica de San Bonifacio en Múnich, en memoria del periodista Fritz Gerlich (1883-1934), asesinado hace 90 años en el campo de concentración de Dachau.

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Cardinal Müller becomes cardinal priest – promotion after ten years


German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller has been promoted from cardinal deacon to cardinal priest. On Monday, the consistory led by Pope Francis decided to elevate Müller to the class of cardinal priest upon his request, the Vatican announced . Müller’s titular deaconry, Sant’Agnese in Agone, will be temporarily elevated to a titular church during his term of office (“pro hac vice”). After ten years in office, cardinal deacons have the right to ask the Pope for elevating them to cardinal priest and for a titular church (“optatio”). Müller was admitted to the College of Cardinals on February 22, 2014. Following his retirement as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Müller is now a judge at the Apostolic Signatura , the Church’s highest court.

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Cardinal Marx warns: European Union could fall apart again


Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx is concerned about the European Union (EU). This peace project is threatened by “ethnic nationalism,” warned the Archbishop of Munich and Freising on Sunday evening during a service in Munich’s St. Boniface Basilica. The service was held in memory of the journalist Fritz Gerlich (1883-1934), who was murdered in the Dachau concentration camp 90 years ago.

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Bulgaria’s Orthodox Church elects a new patriarch with pro-Russian views

(AP News).

Bulgaria’s Orthodox Church on Sunday elected Daniil, a 52-year-old metropolitan considered to be pro-Russian, as its new leader in a vote that reflected the divisions in the church and wider society since Russia invaded Ukraine more than two years ago. Growing divisions between pro-Russian and anti-Russian factions within the senior clergy began after some of them attempted to warm relations with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which was recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople in 2019. Russian and most other Orthodox patriarchs refused to accept the designation that formalized a split with the Russian church.mUnlike his late predecessor, who in his last prayers criticized Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, Daniil has taken the side of the Moscow Patriarchy in its dispute with the Ecumenical Patriarch over the independence of Ukraine’s Orthodox Church.

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Ex-Missionaries of Charity allege culture of abuse and neglect

(Crux. Elise An Allen).

Almost three decades after her death, Saint Teresa of Kolkata, commonly and affectionately referred to as “Mother Teresa,” remains an international icon of charity and among the most beloved figures in the world, probably the Catholic Church’s most celebrated 20th century personality who wasn’t a pope. Named Time’s “Person of the Year” in 1975, Mother Teresa also founded a religious order, the Missionaries of Charity, which has become one of the Catholic Church’s most celebrated institutions, almost universally hailed for its service to the “poorest of the poor.”

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“No se trata de destruirlos”: ¿Qué le piden hacer al Vaticano las víctimas con los mosaicos de Rupnik?

(José Lorenzo. Religión Digital).

“No se trata de destruir los mosaicos ni de comentar sobre su calidad. Tampoco se trata de pronunciar o anticipar el veredicto del actual juicio canónico. Ni siquiera posicionarse directamente en los debates actuales sobre la separación de los artistas de sus obras. Lo que pedimos es que estas obras se trasladen a otros lugares, pero no a lugares de oración”.

Es la petición, clara y firme, de una de las decenas de víctimas del exjesuita y reconocido artista, Marko I.Rupnik, para que se retiren sus obras de los lugares de culto que los acogen en numerosos países de todo el mundo, incluido el Vaticano, cuya agencia de noticias suele usar también sus imágenes para ilustrar algunas notificaciones, lo que ha motivado también una protesta de las afectadas.

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An insider’s guide to the Vatican’s inner workings

(National Catholic Reporter. Christopher White).

The antiquated and often secret inner workings of the Vatican’s bureaucracy have been compared to the government of North Korea in its difficulty to make sense of and understand.  That challenge, however, is a bit easier now thanks to a new book penned by a true Vatican insider that has made the complicated web of Vatican operations much more accessible to outsiders. In The Roman Curia: History, Theology, and Organization, just out by Georgetown University Press, Msgr. Anthony Ekpo admits that for centuries, the work of the Vatican’s governance has often perplexed Catholics and non-Catholics alike, leaving some to ask: “Can anything good come from the Roman Curia?”

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Coming Out Is To Be Touched by Jesus’ Hand

(New Ways Ministry. Gregory Greiten).

Before attending the theater with a friend last March, we enjoyed dinner at the Saint Kate-The Arts Hotel in Milwaukee. As we wandered the lobby, enjoying the art decorating the walls, we stumbled upon an exhibit room entitled, “The Closet.” Taking a peek inside the small room, I lightheartedly said to my friend, “I am going to step back into the closet. Would you take my picture to capture this moment?” As I momentarily stepped into the closet exhibit, my friend snapped the picture. I quickly leaped out of the closet remarking to him, “I spent way too many years of my life locked up in the closet. I don’t ever wish to go back.” After coming out of the closet publicly as a Roman Catholic priest in December 2017, I have finally been able to live authentically and with integrity, no longer being silenced by our Church leaders, but being truthful about who I am. As we end Pride Month, I want to offer love and support to those in the LGBTQ+ community who let their lights shine brightly for others to see, especially to those who may have stepped out of the closet, but also to those who are unable to come out because of the real negative consequences they would have to endure.

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Indonesian island set to become an international Catholic pilgrim destination

(CNA. Kristina Millare).

Flores, Indonesia’s most Catholic island located in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is set to become an international pilgrim destination following government support to boost religious tourism. Initial efforts will concentrate on attracting tourists to participate in Semana Santa (Holy Week) celebrations held each year in the Larantuka Diocese as well as the annual festivities organized by the Ruteng Diocese in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Aug. 10–15. “Flores Island is famous for its history and Catholic heritage. Flores is also often referred to as Missionary Island; this island has extraordinary potential and attraction for religious tourism, especially through the enculturation of the Catholic Church and the local community’s culture,” stated Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, Indonesia’s minister for tourism and creative economy, during a webinar held in May organized by the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Implementing Agency (BPOLBF). 

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“Seeds of Synodal Church already sprouting all over Africa”: African Member of Theological Commission of Synod

(Jude Atemanke. ACI Africa).

The spirit of the Synod on Synodality has been introduced in Africa and is spreading across the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent, an African member of the Vatican Theological Commission of the Synod has said. 

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El Vaticano gastó en 2023 más de 370 millones de euros para sostener los Dicasterios, organismos y organizaciones

(Por Redaccioninfovaticana ).

En 2023, los ingresos del Fondo del Óbolo de San Pedro, destinado a cubrir las necesidades de la Iglesia universal y a apoyar numerosas iniciativas en favor de los más necesitados, alcanzaron los 52 millones de euros.

De este total, 48,4 millones provinieron de donaciones y 3,6 millones de ingresos financieros derivados de los activos del fondo. Los gastos, por otro lado, ascendieron a 109,4 millones de euros.

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El Papa Francisco nombra al nuevo Arzobispo de Caracas, en medio de la tensión política en Venezuela

(Andrés Henríquez. Aciprensa).

El Papa Francisco aceptó hoy, 28 de junio, la renuncia del Cardenal Baltazar Porras, de 79 años, como Arzobispo Metropolitano de Caracas (Venezuela) y ha designado como su sucesor a Mons. Raúl Biord Castillo, hasta hoy Obispo de La Guaira.

Mons. Biord nació en Caracas el 23 de octubre de 1962. Hizo su profesión perpetua como salesiano el 8 de septiembre de 1987, y fue ordenado sacerdote el 15 de julio de 1989.

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«Cómo tener un padre gay me hizo ver las mentiras del progresismo católico» tipo James Martin

(Religión en Libertad).

Katie Gillio es una madre que educa a sus 9 hijos en Nueva York en homeschooling. Ha sido colaboradora de medios católicos como Aleteia y One Peter Five y ofrece su testimonio de vida en Crisis Magazine, todo un llamamiento a que la Iglesia transmita la verdad sobre la sexualidad sin disimularla ni falsearla por temor a la cultura ambiente.

Cómo tener un padre gay me hizo ver las mentiras del progresismo católico

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India faces ‘crisis and conflict’ under influence of Hindu nationalist, priest says

(Crux. Nirmala Carvalho).

A Catholic priest in India says “crisis, conflict and violence are becoming the way of life” in the country, after it suffered a rebuke in the U.S. State Department’s 2023 religious freedom report issued this week. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. government is concerned about the increase in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, demolitions of homes and places of worship of members of minority faith communities in India.

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Churches in Holy Land denounce ‘coordinated attack’ against Christians by Israeli authorities

(CNA. Diego López Marina).

In the midst of the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza, the patriarchs and leaders of ancient Christian churches in Jerusalem have signed a joint document in which they denounce that four Israeli municipalities have sought to levy municipal taxes on church properties in violation of “centuries” of historical agreements. The church leaders, including Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem, and Franciscan Father Francesco Patton, custos of the Holy Land, accuse local authorities of launching a “coordinated attack” against the Christian presence in the Holy Land.

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New Essay Highlights Voices of Queer Catholic Women Celebrating Pride

(New Ways Ministry. Ariell Watson Simon).

LGBTQ+ Catholics are “the church’s future saints,” says Angela, a woman interviewed in a National Catholic Reporter article that featured the voices of queer Catholic women. Angela says of the LGBTQ+ faithful, “Every voice around them in the church and outside of the church tells them that they don’t really belong ….[T]o be able to ignore that and stay focused on Christ is saintly, I think.”

Reporter Emily Claire Schmitt gathered the stories of queer women who, like Angela, understand and live their sexuality in a variety of ways, showcasing the spectrum of experiences among LGBTQ+ Catholic women. “Without exception,” Schmitt, who is a queer Catholic, concludes, “every woman I spoke with had read the catechism — as well as additional church documents on the subject — and understood that the church does not view sex-same desire as inherently sinful, but considers same-sex acts sinful. However, the women differed on whether or not they accepted this teaching.” Those interviewed include women in queer partnerships, living celibately, and in mixed-orientation marriages.

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New York Priest Celebrates ‘Pride Mass’ Outside of Gay Monument — on LGBT Flag

(NCR. Joe Bukuras ).

A New York City Catholic church, previously caught up in LGBT controversy, hosted a “Pride Mass” Thursday evening using an altar shrouded with a gay and transgender “pride” flag at a local federal monument with sculptures of two same-sex couples and decorated by dozens of LGBT rainbow flags. The federal monument enshrining a gay bar, The Stonewall Inn, and its surroundings, memorializes the location of a June 28, 1969, LGBT uprising. “When you think about it, the altar servers during the summer go to the amusement park or Yankee Stadium, the senior group will go to the shrine or they’ll go to the slots in Atlantic City. Where is Out at St. Paul supposed to go for their summer pilgrimage?” Father Eric Andrews, pastor of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, said in a homily at the Stonewall National onument in the city.  “Out at St. Paul” is St. Paul the Apostle church’s ministry “to the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans and Queer community,” which is made up of “mostly gay men,” Paul Snatchko, a spokesman for the Paulist Fathers, told CNA, the Register’s sister news outlet, last year.

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