First Byzantine Catholic priestly ordination in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna


 Next Saturday, June 1st, Siluan Gall will be ordained a priest in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. He belongs to the Greek Catholic Church. It is the first time in the 665-year history of St. Stephen’s Cathedral that a priestly ordination is being celebrated in the Byzantine rite, as the Archdiocese of Vienna announced on Monday. Gall is also the first “Byzantine” to emerge from the Vienna seminary, founded in 1758. He will be ordained by Stepan Sus, Bishop of the Curia of the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Kiev.

Siluan Gall was born in Germany in 1973. As a descendant of Germans expelled from Russia at the end of the Second World War, he was baptized and confirmed in the Protestant church. He began his career as a nurse. He worked for 20 years in various hospitals and a hospice.

On the one hand, Gall felt drawn to Orthodoxy at a young age, whose spirituality and liturgy fascinated him. As a Western European, he also felt at home in the Catholic Church. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church ultimately became his spiritual home. Its liturgy, theology and spirituality follow the Byzantine tradition and at the same time it is in full communion with the Pope.

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Cardinal Marx: Renunciation of Christian traditions promotes radicals


When it comes to integration , Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx criticizes the way in which our own traditions are handled. “As a society with Christian roots, we are facing an integration challenge. We have all underestimated this,” Marx told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Wednesday). “For example, the fact that people do not celebrate St. Martin or St. Nicholas in kindergarten because it is Christian is fodder for the radicals.” The Archbishop of Munich and Freising added: “You could also say that this is part of our tradition, this rigid omission is not integration.”

Marx warned: “You have to stand by your own and then be curious about what’s new. You can celebrate both: St. Nicholas and Eid al-Fitr. The churches should also take the lead in these meetings. But unfortunately, interreligious dialogue has become very difficult after the Hamas attack

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European bishops criticize Türkiye: “Another heavy blow for interreligious dialogue”


The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) commented on Thursday, May 23, 2024, on the recent implementation of the Turkish authorities’ decision to convert the Church of the Saviour in Chora into a mosque. “This step further dilutes the historical roots of the Christian presence in the country. Any initiative for interreligious dialogue promoted by the Turkish authorities loses credibility.”

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Bishop Bätzing irritated by Pope’s statement against women’s ordination


The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Georg Bätzing , is surprised and “somewhat irritated” by Pope Francis’ recent negative interview statements on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church . “I have never heard him speak like that before and have often spoken to him personally about these issues,” said the Limburg bishop on Monday evening in Frankfurt. “Let me say: for me, what the Pope says in interviews is not what he does in teaching – but what he decides to do and puts it down in official documents.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS at Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women – but not at serving with ordination.”

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Stetter-Karp: I am relaxed about the Pope’s “no” to the ordination of women


The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, does not attach much importance to the Pope’s latest “no” in an interview on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “I take this individual statement calmly. He has given so many interviews that it is difficult to see the common thread in them,” she said on Tuesday in Erfurt before the start of the general assembly of the lay umbrella organization. The organization has long advocated allowing women access to 

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Bishop Voderholzer: Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith was “not involved” in Fiducia supplicans

(CNA English Newsroom).

Regensburg Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer has confirmed that the members of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith were “not involved” in the drafting of the document Fiducia supplicans , “which was also criticized at the last plenary assembly”.

The document explicitly allows “blessings of couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples” under certain circumstances. In an interview with the Regensburger Bistumsblatt (current issue), Voderholzer emphasized that he “stands behind this text, which provides a remarkable and innovative teaching on ‘blessing’ and allows something that was never forbidden.”

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Nun: Pope’s veto on women’s diaconate “should not be overestimated”


Benedictine nun Philippa Rath says she would like to continue to promote the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “There are very, very many of us. And our arguments for the ordination of women are the better ones,” said Rath in an interview with the portal . Pope Francis’ recent “no” to the female diaconate should “not be overestimated.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS on Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the church clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women, but not at serving with ordination.”

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Pope wants new statutes for worldwide missionary organizations


Pope Francis wants to change the statutes of the Pontifical Mission Societies, which operate worldwide. These should further develop a “spirituality of the missionary community,” he said on Saturday in Rome to representatives of Catholic mission organizations from around 120 countries. It is about living in communion with God and with people. “We should enable the people we meet to have the fundamental experience of God’s love. They will be able to find it in our lives and in the life of the Church,” said Francis. Christians must be “shining witnesses” of God.

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Koch: Do not fear a schism in the Catholic Church over the ordination of women


Unlike in the Anglican Church, the Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch does not fear a split among Catholic bishops over the question of women’s ordination. “But even in the Catholic Church there are heterogeneous ideas and demands on this,” said Koch in an interview with the ” Tagespost ” newspaper (Thursday). “There are quite a few bishops in Germany, Switzerland and other countries who are firmly calling for the ordination of women and who are making the future viability of the Catholic Church dependent on it.” There are major differences within the Anglican Church regarding the ordination of women as priests and bishops . The blessing of homosexual couples has also recently caused discontent, particularly among Anglicans in Africa.

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Vatican News (English) uncritically publishes a picture of the scandalous priest Rupnik on the feast day of the Virgin Mary


The British periodista Damian Thompson commented: “Incredible, @VaticanNews used the art #Rupnik for the commemoration of Mary, Mother of the Iglesia. It is enfermizo y it intencional”.

“Increíble, @VaticanNews used the art #Rupnik for the commemoration of María, Mother of the Iglesia. It is enfermizo y it intencional”. This is what the renowned British periodist Damian Thompson describes. Thompson is co-editor of The Spectator and former editor and head of the Catholic Herald, among other publications. Thompson expresses the value in “X” (Twitter) and the application with a screen capture. Vatican News publicó la imagen sin ningún commentario distanciador y sin mencionar el name de Rupnik.ver enlace al artículo de Vatican News.

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“Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession

(Genevieve Gluck. Reddux).

Germany’s Parliament (Bundestag) has received the votes necessary to remove a section of the Criminal Code which made the possession of child sexual abuse materials a felony crime. Once the bill, passed last Thursday, comes into effect, minimum sentences for the possession of child pornography will be reduced, and the offense will be downgraded to a misdemeanor.

According to the Bundestag, the bill stipulates that “possession and acquisition should be punishable with a minimum penalty of three months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment. The offenses regulated in Section 184b of the Criminal Code are therefore classified as misdemeanors and not as crimes.”

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Nuncio Emeritus warns against clericalization of lay people


The Swiss cardinal and former apostolic nuncio to Italy and San Marino, Emil Paul Tscherrig , warns against replacing ordained priests with a kind of lay priesthood. This often leads to tensions. “The priest has his task, the laity theirs: only in the cooperation and complementarity of these two vocations are we the church, as the Second Vatican Council taught us,” emphasized the nuncio emeritus on Monday in an interview with the Internet portal ””. The church is a people on the move and must constantly deal with the changes in the world. 

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Cardinal Koch: “The heresy of Arius is relevant again today”

(Die Tagespost).

For the cardinal , the war in Ukraine in particular is a setback for the reputation of Christians in the world: The particular tragedy is that “Christians are waging war against Christians, and even Orthodox people are killing each other. This is the sad opposite of the ecumenism of the martyrs.” Because the persecution of Christians in today’s world does not separate Christians, but unites them. “But if, conversely, Christians wage war against Christians,” said Koch, “this is an extremely bad message for all of Christianity.”

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Christian Unity believes that negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are necessary “if their goal is a just peace”. It is not enough, the Cardinal stresses, “to conduct negotiations simply to find peace in the sense of the silence of the weapons. Since both sides have different ideas of peace, it must be made clear that negotiations must be about a just peace in Ukraine”.

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Document from the German bishops for the World Synod underlines the demands of the Synodal Way

(CNA. German Newsroom).

The document published on Wednesday morning by the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) as a contribution to the next session of the World Synod in October ultimately underlines the demands of the German Synodal Path: The aim is to represent “the positions developed on the Synodal Path” and to bring them “into the discourse of the world church”.

The well-known topics such as “review of the celibacy obligation of priests” and “admission of laypeople to the preaching service” or “further development of church sexuality teaching” and “integration of LGBTQ+ people into the church” are mentioned.

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Eastern Church Scholar: Ordained deacons were only a matter of time

(Katholisch. Felix Neumann).

The ordination of Angelic Molen as a deacon by the Orthodox Archbishop of Zimbabwe caused waves around the world: for the first time in modern times, a woman was ordained sacramentally like male deacons. The Patriarchate of Alexandria, to which Zimbabwe belongs, felt compelled to clarify , but emphasizes historical continuity. The question of the diaconate of women has been discussed in the Orthodox Church for a long time – there have been considerations about it and the occasional ordination of women for decades. The Viennese Eastern Church scholar David Heith-Stade explains in an interview with what distinguishes the earlier deacon ordinations from Molen’s ordination and what deacons do in Orthodoxy. He sees the consecration as a logical development – no matter how controversial it is discussed.

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Allegations against Polish Bishops’ Conference Chairman Wojda


The new chairman of the Catholic Polish Bishops’ Conference, Gdansk’s Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda , is coming under pressure over alleged failures in dealing with cases of abuse. In a letter published on Monday, 46 people who said they suffered sexual violence in the Catholic Church called for Wojda to be suspended from the presidency until the allegations against him were clarified. The archbishop had previously been accused in Polish media reports of negligently handling complaints in his diocese from two young women in 2021 who were said to have been sexually abused by a priest.

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Armenia: Katholikos criticizes Azerbaijan’s “barbaric acts”.


The Armenian Catholicos Karekin II calls for peace negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which also deserve the name, as well as the protection of Armenian Christian cultural assets in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). The head of the Armenian Apostolic Church recently expressed these demands to Innsbruck Bishop Hermann Glettler, whom he received at the church’s headquarters in Edschmiadzin near Yerevan. The Austrian delegation also included journalists.
In an interview with “Kathpress” and other media, the Catholicos criticized the “barbaric acts” of Azerbaijan, which wanted to completely erase the history and existence of the Armenian people and Christianity in Nagorno-Karabakh. Churches are being destroyed more and more often and cemeteries are being razed to the ground.
The fate of more than 4,000 unprotected cultural monuments in Nagorno-Karabakh is currently uncertain, including around 300 churches and monasteries, but also many cemeteries.
On September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan attacked Nagorno-Karabakh with superior military means. After just one day the war was decided. The attack was preceded by a total blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan that lasted around nine months. More than 100,000 Armenians had to leave their homes overnight in September 2023. At the end of 2023, Artsakh will officially cease to exist. After the Karabakh War of 2020, up to 30,000 Karabakh Armenians had permanently fled to Armenia, so that the small country has taken in and supplied or is still trying to provide and integrate more than 130,000 displaced people.

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First city in Poland bans religious symbols


Warsaw’s mayor has banned religious symbols such as crucifixes in state offices. Office employees are also not allowed to have religious symbols on their workstations, reports the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza (Thursday). However, the ban does not apply to “religious symbols for personal use worn by people who work in the office, for example in the form of a necklace, a tattoo or a bracelet,” it said.

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Church and communism: Thoughts on a confession from Pope Francis

(Kath. Lothar C. Rilinger).

“Communism, as it appears to us in the Communist Manifesto of 1848, in Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot… is essentially atheism.” Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller in the interview. By Lothar C. Rilinger

“If I look at the Gospel sociologically, then yes, I am a communist, and Jesus is one too.” With this dictum, Pope Francis explains the intention of the Gospel. In doing so, he brings communism closer to Christianity, yes, puts it on the same level as communism is said to have an intention that is compatible with that of Christianity. This assessment

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Woman sues church because she is not allowed to become a deacon

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


Eine Frau in Belgien verklagt die katholische Kirche, weil sie nicht zur Diakonenausbildung zugelassen wird. “Ich möchte die Ausbildung zum Diakon absolvieren, weil es mich interessiert und ich denke, dass ich dann mehr Rüstzeug habe, um das zu tun, was hier in der Gemeinde von mir erwartet wird. Und das kann ich nicht, weil ich eine Frau bin und deshalb ja, ich bin in der Tat wütend, aber auch entschlossen”, sagte die 62-jährige Veer Dusauchoit dem belgischen Rundfunk RTBF am Dienstag. Das Gericht hat einen Monat Zeit, um eine Entscheidung zu fällen.

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