Netherlands permits euthanasia for physically healthy 29-year-old woman

(AC Wimmer. CNA).

A physically healthy 29-year-old woman was allowed to end her life through physician-assisted suicide in the Netherlands on the grounds of depression, sparking renewed debate about the sanctity of life and legislation.

Zoraya ter Beek died by euthanasia on May 22. Despite being physically healthy, the woman from Oldenzaal, a town near the German border, chose to end her life due to mental health issues.

Only days before her death, ter Beek told The Guardian: “People think that when you’re mentally ill, you can’t think straight, which is insulting.”

Diagnosed with depression, anxiety, trauma, and other issues, she was approved to die by assisted suicide for “unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement,” as per the official Dutch Euthanasia Code.

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Catholic bishop: Biden administration ‘subverted’ pro-family policy by mandating abortion leave

(Tyler Arnold. CNA).

A law meant to offer accommodations for pregnant workers has been “twisted” to “undermine human dignity” thanks to a new regulation mandating paid abortion leave, according to the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Archbishop Timothy Broglio.

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which requires employers to accommodate women for workplace limitations that arise from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, had the full support of the USCCB when lawmakers considered the bill in 2022. 

However, regulations issued by President Joe Biden’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) this year have interpreted the related medical conditions covered in the law to include abortion.

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, Broglio denounced the EEOC for its new regulations. His op-ed comes less than one week after the USCCB filed a lawsuit that asks a court to strike down the abortion accommodation rule.

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La diócesis de Barbastro y el Opus Dei acercan posturas sobre Torreciudad

(Infovaticana. Javier Arias).

Atrás parece que queda la posible demanda civil que se rumoreó a comienzos de este año cuando el Opus Dei no se presentó al acto de conciliación en un juzgado de Barbastro. En aquel momento, fuentes de la prelatura confirmaron a InfoVaticana que no asistieron ya que de haberlo hecho hubiera supuesto aceptar de algún modo las demandas y exigencias de la diócesis y que la prelatura considera inadmisibles. A falta de poco más de un mes para que se cumpla el primer año desde que estalló este culebrón, la diócesis de Barbastro y el Opus Dei están cerca de sellar un acuerdo que sea satisfactorio y beneficioso para ambas partes en relación al control y gestión del santuario mariano de Torreciudad que mandó construir san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.

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L’isola di Flores ancora “terra promessa” di vocazioni

(Agenzia Fides).

“In questi tempi di fine anno scolastico stiamo vivendo buoni risultati vocazionali. Noi Camilliani cerchiamo di tenerci in forma il più possibile con tante piccole cose belle da fare non solo nel campo vocazionale ma anche con le nostre iniziative sociali e di carità.” Lo racconta all’Agenzia Fides padre Luigi Galvani, pioniere nella diocesi di Maumere dove i Missionari Camilliani sono presenti in tre diocesi con 4 seminari, due centri sociali in cui coordinano un programma nutrizionale per 160 bambini poveri, il sostegno a distanza per una ventina di studenti meritevoli, un progetto di ‘casette speciali’ per liberare malati mentali da situazioni di oppressione e, infine, un modesto progetto di produzione di acqua minerale e del gelato ‘San Camillo’.

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Major Archbishop wants to settle liturgy dispute with special synod


The Syro-Malabar Major Archbishop Raphael Thatill has called his church’s synod to a special meeting to discuss the dispute over the liturgical form. The bishops were informed yesterday by Thatill that the synod would be called on June 14, the Syro-Malabar Church announced on Tuesday. The only topic of the two-hour meeting was “questions relating to the holding of the Unified Holy Mass in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly”. There have been protests in the archdiocese for years, some of them violent, against the liturgical form decided by the synod. The Eastern Catholic Church did not provide any further information about the planned consultations.

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HK cardinal stresses forgiveness to mark Tiananmen anniversary

(UCANews Reporter).

Cardinal Stephen Chow of Hong Kong has stressed the need for forgiveness as the world marked the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre.

“What happened 35 years ago has left a deep wound in parts of our psyche, though it has been buried and scarred over,” said the cardinal in his “reflection” published in the diocesan weekly the Sunday Examiner.

In the tragic event of June 4, 1989, China’s communist regime used military tanks and guns to crush the students-led democracy protest that began in April of that year and spread to some 400 cities.

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Il Papa: troppi conflitti aperti e sangue umano versato, non si ceda alla logica delle armi

(Vatican News. Salvatore Cernuzio).

Lettera di Francesco per gli 80 anni del voto di Pio XII e della città di Roma a Maria Salus Populi Romani durante l’infuriare della Seconda Guerra mondiale. Il Pontefice chiede che l’anniversario sia occasione di “meditazione intorno al tremendo flagello della guerra”. E guardando a Ucraina, Medio Oriente, Sudan, Myanmar, esorta ad ascoltare le “grida di terrore e sofferenza” che chiamano in causa le coscienze di tutti e ad “operare per la pace in Europa e nel mondo”

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South African bishops urge politicians to ‘work together’ after ANC loses majority

(The Tablet. Marko Phiri).

South Africa’s Catholic bishops urged all politicians to accept the national election results announced on Sunday and to turn their attention to helping the country. The elections held on 29 May saw the ruling African National Congress (ANC) lose its outright majority, which it has retained since the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. Scores of newly-formed parties had contested the election as worsening economic inequality undermined the ANC’s support. In a statement issued on 3 June, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) called on all “parties to avoid utterances and behaviour that could lead to acts of violence, destruction, and loss of life”.

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Misa de récord en Uganda: millones de personas en el Día de los Mártires

(Alex Navajas. El Debate).

Juan Pablo II solía repetir que Hispanoamérica era el «continente de la esperanza» para la Iglesia católica. Sin desmerecer esa apreciación, África también pugna por ese título. Si en 1900 el número de católicos en el continente negro era de tan solo 2 millones de personas, un siglo más tarde la cifra rondaba los 236 millones de fieles. Parte de este espectacular incremento se debe al testimonio de los mártires, como el de san Carlos Lwanga y 24 jóvenes conversos al cristianismo, que fueron martirizados en 1886 en Namugongo por orden del rey Mwanga.

Sobre la tierra que fue regada con su sangre se construyó posteriormente el santuario de los Mártires de Uganda, donde cada 3 de junio se celebra una multitudinaria misa desde hace 60 años por el Día de los Mártires. Este año, millones de personas –el National Catholic Register habla de una asistencia cercana a los cuatro millones– han vuelto a darse cita en la explanada para honrar su memoria. El propio presidente ugandés, Yoweri Museveni, quiso estar presente en la eucaristía que celebró el arzobispo de Gulu, monseñor Raphael p’Mony Wokorach.

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U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection Releases Annual Report


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection has released the 2023 Annual Report – Findings and Recommendations on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The report is based on the audit findings of StoneBridge Business Partners, a specialty consulting firm headquartered in Rochester, New York, which provides forensic, internal, and compliance audit services to leading organizations nationwide. A survey conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) regarding allegations of abuse of minors and costs is also included as a part of the report. This is the twenty-first such report since 2002 when the U.S. bishops established and adopted theCharter for the Protection of Children and Young People, a comprehensive framework of procedures to address allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy and establish protocols to protect children and young people.

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¿Por qué un grupo de campesinos e indígenas se tomó la Nunciatura Apostólica como “refugio humanitario”?

(El Colombiano. Juan Pablo Patiño).

Un grupo de indígenas, campesinos y afros se tomaron la sede de la Nunciatura Apostólica de Bogotá como “refugio humanitario”. Los manifestantes adelantan una protesta en la capital desde la mañana de este martes 4 de junio por lo que han denominado como una incursión del paramilitarismo en sus territorios.

“Estamos aquí para denunciar la arremetida paramilitar y genocida en contra de las comunidades en nuestros territorios. (…) Estaremos en carreteras y en varias ciudades del país, particularmente en Bogotá y haremos una visita al Ministerio del Interior para presentar un pliego de peticiones y proceder a la negociación del mismo”, señaló el Congreso de los Pueblos en un comunicado.

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Un año del congelamiento de cuentas bancarias, ¿qué se sabe del dinero que se le decomisó a la Iglesia en Nicaragua?

(Vida Nueva. Miroslava López).

En aquel momento, la Superintendencia de Bancos solicitó a la Conferencia Episcopal de Nicaragua y al arzobispo de Managua, el cardenal Leopoldo Brenes, que justificara los movimientos de las cuentas bancarias de las diócesis. Al no conocerse el avance de la investigación, Vida Nueva consultó con la abogada católica nicaragüense en el exilio, Martha P. Molina, para saber más sobre el desarrollo de esta acusación. A ese respecto, la abogada destacó que no existe ninguna información al respecto: “lo único cierto es que las cuentas bancarias continúan inmovilizadas de manera ilegal. La Policía Nacional no se ha pronunciado respecto a la supuesta investigación que están realizando desde hace un año, y todo parece indicar que el dinero se lo robaron y ya debe de estar siendo utilizado para la represión”.

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