El gobierno de Estonia presiona para que los ortodoxos del país dejen el patriarcado de Moscú

(InfoCatolica. Redacción).

La Iglesia Ortodoxa Estonia del Patriarcado de Moscú (EOK-MP), que se encuentra bajo presión política, planea aparentemente cambiar sus estatutos. En respuesta a una consulta de la radio ERR, el obispo Daniil (Lepisk) de Tartu, quien también es obispo auxiliar de Tallin, declaró que la dirección de la iglesia está trabajando en los cambios, según informa el «Servicio de Noticias de las Iglesias Orientales» (NÖK) en su edición actual. Las propuestas de cambio se presentarán próximamente, probablemente a finales de junio o principios de julio, en una sínodo de la iglesia. Según el obispo Daniil, el objetivo es tomar decisiones sobre cómo actuará la EOK-MP en el futuro. Una posibilidad es ampliar el estatus autónomo actual de la iglesia dentro del Patriarcado de Moscú, de modo que solo se mantenga una «conexión de oración» con el patriarca ruso. Actualmente, «todas las cuestiones están sobre la mesa» y se están tratando. La «conexión de oración» implica que la EOK-MP seguiría reconociendo al Patriarca de Moscú en sus oraciones y ceremonias litúrgicas, manteniendo así un lazo espiritual. Este reconocimiento puede incluir mencionarlo en las liturgias y oraciones públicas, lo cual es un símbolo de respeto y unidad espiritual. Pero aparte de eso, la iglesia en Estonia sería autónoma en su administración y toma de decisiones. Esto significa que no estaría sujeta a la autoridad directa o a las decisiones del Patriarcado de Moscú en asuntos operativos, financieros, o de política interna.

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Cardinal says Catholic Church won’t take mine deals in Indonesia

(Crux. Nirmala Carvalho).

MUMBAI, India – A Catholic cardinal says the Church will not take advantage of a new law in Indonesia allowing religious organizations to get permits to operate mines. President Joko Widodo – called Jokowi – signed the decree last week as a sign of appreciation for the role religious organizations played in the country’s struggle for independence from the Netherlands. A leading Indonesian environmental watchdog, Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM), said the government’s attempt to keep and control natural resources for the benefit of elites. “We saw this as a transaction between Jokowi and religious groups,” JATAM’s national coordinator Melky Nahar told AFP. “We read this as a gratitude from Jokowi to religious groups for supporting him during his two terms,” he said. Jokowi, speaking to reporters, said the requirements are very strict, “whether it’s given to cooperatives within religious organizations or perhaps business entities and others.” “So, it’s the business entity that is given, not the organization,” the president said.

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Parolin: sulle riforme la Chiesa italiana è libera di esprimersi

(Vatican News. Alessandro Di Bussolo).

l segretario di Stato, a margine della presentazione di un libro di don Giussani alla Gregoriana, ricorda che è responsabilità dei vescovi italiani esprimersi sulla situazione del Paese, e invita i cittadini europei a partecipare alle imminenti elezioni. Riguardo alla presenza del Papa al G7 in Puglia, il 14 giugno, il cardinale ritiene che parlerà “dell’applicazione dell’intelligenza artificiale sulle armi” e che potrebbe avere un incontro bilaterale con il presidente Usa, Joe Biden. “La Conferenza Episcopale italiana è la Chiesa in Italia e come ogni Chiesa del mondo, anche i vescovi italiani sono liberi di esprimersi. Lo faranno con i dovuti modi ma questo ricade sotto loro responsabilità”. Così il cardinale segretario di Stato, Pietro Parolin, a margine della presentazione del libro “Il senso cristiano dell’uomo secondo Reinhold Niebuhr”, tesi di dottorato di don Luigi Giussani presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana, risponde ai giornalisti che gli chiedono se la Santa Sede condivide le preoccupazioni dei vescovi sulle riforme del premierato e autonomia differenziata. Sulle imminenti elezioni europee, Parolin sottolinea invece che: “Uno dei punti sui quali la Chiesa torna è quello della partecipazione, che è un esercizio di democrazia. Quindi l’invito a tutti i cittadini è quello di agire responsabilmente, partecipando al voto”.

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Camara given ban for covering anti-homophobia logos

(BBC Sport).

Mohamed Camara has been suspended for four matches after the Monaco midfielder covered up anti-homophobia messages on his shirt. The 24-year-old Mali international placed white tape over the campaign logo on his chest during the club’s 4-0 win over Nantes in Ligue 1 on 19 May. In a statement, the Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP) said the decision to impose the ban was made after hearing from Camara and considering the player’s refusal “to carry out one or more actions to raise awareness of the fight against homophobia”.

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Profanan la Eucaristía y causan destrozos en iglesia católica en Chile

(Aciprensa. Julieta Villar).

Un desconocido ingresó a la parroquia Nuestra Señora del Rosario, en Quilpué (Chile), durante la madrugada del martes 4 de junio, causando destrozos y profanando el Santísimo Sacramento. En un comunicado a los fieles, desde la parroquia precisaron que los delincuentes “ocasionaron daños estructurales, provocaron destrozos en un vitral histórico y, lo más doloroso, profanaron el Santísimo Sacramento contenido en la Custodia que estaba en el Sagrario Lateral”.

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Gänswein nunzio a Vilnius, è quasi fatta

(La Nuova Bussola. Nico Spuntoni).

L’esilio di monsignor Georg Gänswein potrebbe finire presto. A Friburgo, diocesi originaria nella quale è tornato senza incarichi lo scorso luglio dopo che Francesco lo ha privato anche formalmente del ruolo di prefetto della Casa Pontificia a fine febbraio 2023, sono già pronti i bagagli del fedelissimo collaboratore di Joseph Ratzinger. C’è da scommettere che siano pieni di cappotti, guanti e altri vestiti pesanti: la sua prossima destinazione, infatti, è la Lituania. L’indiscrezione lanciata lo scorso aprile da Elisabetta Piqué, vaticanista molto vicina a Bergoglio sin dagli anni di Buenos Aires, ha trovato conferme anche in fonti vaticane da noi consultate. Salvo complicazioni dell’ultimo minuto, la nomina ufficiale non dovrebbe tardare troppo ad arrivare.

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THE GOD DEBATE: Richard Dawkins vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali


At the UnHerd-sponsored Dissident Dialogues Festival in New York, Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali discussed her recent conversion to Christianity, and whether the whole ‘New Atheism’ movement of which they had both been key members had done more harm than good.

Freddie Sayers
Ayaan, I think we have to start with the extraordinary few months you’ve just had. For those people who haven’t been following it, tell us the story. How did such a famous atheist, someone who had rejected religion, come to call herself a Christian?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
I didn’t, like many people who come to faith, see big banging lights. And I didn’t have any of those spectacular experiences that some people share. I wish I did, but I didn’t. I had a personal crisis. I lived for about a decade with intense depression and anxiety and self-loathing. I hit rock bottom, I went to a place where I actually didn’t want to live anymore, but wasn’t brave enough to take my own life. So I was self medicating. I had over a long period of time seen a psychiatrist, other  doctors. I was trying to understand my condition and trying to treat it with the help of pure evidence-based science. And in January, February of last year, I saw one therapist who said, perhaps it’s something else that you have. And she described it as spiritual bankruptcy. And that resonated with me. And having reached a place where I had absolutely nothing to lose, I prayed and I prayed desperately. And for me, that was a turning point. And what happened after that is a miracle in its own right. I feel connected to something higher and greater than myself, I feel I… my zest for life is back. And that and that experience has filled me with humility, I have to say it and it is something that’s very subjective, it’s extremely difficult to explain. I’m trying to work to get into the details, the granular details of how I got there in a book, but that is a short book. That’s the shortest story that I can tell.

Richard Dawkins
Ayaan, that’s a moving personal story. But to call yourself a Christian is a bit different. A Christian has to believe in something. You go to church now and listen to the vicar. Do you notice what a lot of nonsense he talks? I mean, do you really take it seriously that Jesus is the Son of God? That Jesus rose from the dead? Jesus was born of a virgin? That is a part of Christianity.

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Vaticano, cerca di vendere manoscritto di Bernini: arrestato ex dipendente


Un ex dipendente del Vaticano ha provato a vendere un antico manoscritto su Gian Lorenzo Bernini dopo averlo trafugato. L’uomo, ora nelle carceri vaticane, è stato arrestato con le accuse di ricettazione, estorsione e truffa. L’uomo avrebbe provato a rivendere alla Fabbrica di San Pietro, dove aveva lavorato in passato, il documento del 600, che avrebbe precedentemente rubato. Ancora incerta la provenienza del manoscritto: non si sa se fosse in Vaticano o parte di una collezione privata. L’uomo, storico dell’arte e già docente, tra il 1995 e il 2011 era stato capo della comunicazione dell’istituzione vaticana.

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Arzobispado de Buenos Aires aclara circunstancias de masiva cena solidaria en la catedral

(Aciprensa. Julieta Villar).

El Arzobispado de Buenos Aires (Argentina) emitió un comunicado en el que aclara las circunstancias en las que el martes por la noche se realizó una multitudinaria cena solidaria en la catedral metropolitana, especialmente realizada para personas en situación de calle. La aclaración llega ante algunas noticias difundidas en las últimas horas, que hicieron una lectura política de la actividad.

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Vreni Peterer on abuse measures: “Trust only grows through actions”

(Kath.ch. Sarah Stutte).

Another example is the classification and meaning of spiritual abuse. Church-specific advice is required here and in this respect those affected are currently being left out in the cold. But also we, who are in contact with those affected. The first decisions regarding how the concept will proceed will now be made in June. So we have to keep waiting. RKZ President Roland Loos said at the workshop meeting that “a few months more or less doesn’t matter”. They criticized that. Peterer: Of course, time is an important factor for those affected. The IG-MikU never tires of saying that nothing was prepared on September 12, 2023 and those affected were not well received. I still can't fully understand why there is still nothing, especially since the church repeatedly emphasizes that they were busy with this long before September 12, 2023. In this regard, Bishop Bonnemain speaks, among other things, of a lack of human resources. But that doesn't help those affected.

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Pope warns of new world war on D-Day


Pope Francis has warned of new dangers of war on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. In a message released by the Vatican to mark the anniversary on June 6, the Pope wrote that for decades people had been determined to avoid a new global conflict because of the mistakes of the past. "I realize sadly that this is no longer the case today and that people have short memories." The Pope continued: "It is truly disturbing that the idea of ​​a generalized conflict is sometimes being reconsidered and peoples are gradually being prepared for this unacceptable possibility." Destroying the peace order "because of ideological, nationalistic or economic ambitions is a grave offense before people and before history - a sin before God."

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Jakarta: permessi di estrazione mineraria alle organizzazioni religiose, il ‘no’ della Chiesa

(AsiaNews. Mathias Hariyadi).

La Chiesa cattolica dell’Indonesia ha respinto il progetto del presidente Joko Widodo di permettere alle organizzazioni religiose di gestire i giacimenti minerari le cui concessioni sono state ritirate alle aziende. La settimana scorsa Jokowi – come è conosciuto il presidente in patria – ha firmato un decreto per ufficializzare la proposta, come gesto di apprezzamento per il contributo dato dai gruppi religiosi alla lotta per l’indipendenza dell’Indonesia, ha detto il ministro degli Investimenti Bahlil Lahadalia. Nel 2022 il presidente, il cui mandato terminerà a ottobre, aveva annunciato che avrebbe revocato una serie di permessi minerari perché le concessioni si stavano sviluppando troppo lentamente. Bahlil ha affermato che alle organizzazioni religiose è data la possibilità di subentrare nelle concessioni per migliorare il benessere della comunità. Ma le organizzazioni religiose non hanno le capacità di esplorazione e sfruttamento e nemmeno i fondi per proporre investimenti minerari. Le critiche sono arrivate da parte della Chiesa e da diversi gruppi della società, tra cui gli ambientalisti. “Non so come o chi altri risponderanno a questa questione presentata dal presidente”, ha detto ieri il cardinale Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, arcivescovo di Jakarta. “Ma la Conferenza episcopale dell’Indonesia e la Chiesa cattolica indonesiana non accetteranno mai l’offerta di gestire progetti minerari perché non è dominio della Chiesa”.

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Zero Abortions in Arkansas for 2023: A Pro-Life Victory

(National Catholic Register. Adriana Azarian).

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) released its yearly report on induced abortions, recording no abortions in the state in 2023.  Following the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson decision in 2022, Arkansas law prohibited abortion in all cases except to save the life of the mother. Prior to the Dobbs decision, the ADH reported around 3,200 abortions on average each year. Arkansas is one of 14 states with a “total ban” on abortion. “It’s the constant teaching of the Church that abortion is always gravely immoral, and we know it’s never medically necessary, so we do welcome that report,” said Catherine Phillips, director of Respect Life in the Diocese of Little Rock. 

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