Not All Catholic AI Bots Are Creepy: Some New Tools for Learning About the Faith

(NCR. Jonah McKeown/CNA).

Nicolas Torcheboeuf, a 31-year-old Swiss engineer and a Catholic, developed CatéGPT in his spare time and launched it in the late spring of 2023.

If you have a question about a teaching of the Catholic Church in 2024, where do you go for a solid answer? You can crack open the catechism yourself, ask a trusted personal source like a priest or theologian, or you can delve into that famously infallible repository of knowledge — Google. A friendly arms race of sorts has arisen among Catholics around the world to provide Catholics with another option, however — one based around artificial intelligence (AI). In the past year or so, several online AI tools have been released that generate authoritative-sounding answers about Catholic teaching based on users’ questions.

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Notre Dame’s New Ethics Center Causes Controversy, Indicates Potential Catholic-Identity Clashes Ahead.

(Jonathan Liedl. National Catholic Register).

At a normal Catholic university, the announcement of a new center devoted to virtue ethics would likely be an uncontroversial cause for celebration.

But the University of Notre Dame, where competing visions of Catholic identity play out at one of the nation’s most prestigious institutes of higher learning, isn’t an ordinary Catholic university. 

And the newly announced Father John Jenkins, C.S.C, Center for Virtue Ethics, named for the university’s outgoing president, is anything but uncontroversial.

In fact, its establishment may be a key indicator of how administrators intend to implement Notre Dame’s ambitious plan to become “the leading global Catholic research university” by 2033 — and what vision of Catholic identity will be guiding that pursuit.

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China, Church and State: Easter in Beijing at Three Cathedrals

(Victor Gaetan. National Catholic Register).

There are an estimated 10-12 million Catholics in mainland China, spread across 147 ecclesiastical jurisdictions recognized by the Vatican, including 20 archdioceses and 97 dioceses. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the Chinese Communist Party’s monitoring and control of Catholic worship. This campaign of control has been criticized as a violation of religious freedom by a number of  human rights experts, including the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its 2024 annual report. During a stopover in Beijing in April, Register contributor Victor Gaetan set out to visit several government-registered Catholic parishes in China’s capital as the faithful celebrated Easter.

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Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Takes Possession of Rome Titular Church After Delays Due to War

(Almudena Martínez-Bordiú. National Catholic Register).

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem, finally took possession on May 1 of his assigned titular church in Rome after having postponed the ceremony due to the war in the Holy Land.

Part of the process of becoming a cardinal is being assigned a titular church in Rome known as his “title” or “deaconry” in accordance with his role in assisting the pope, the bishop of Rome.

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Cardinal Fernández: New Document on Discerning Apparitions ‘Being Finalized’

(NCR. Edward Pentin).

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is putting the finishing touches to a new document that sets out clear rules on discerning apparitions and other such supernatural events. The dicastery’s prefect, Cardinal Victor Fernández, told the Register April 23 that he and his staff are “in the process of finalizing a new text with clear guidelines and norms for the discernment of apparitions and other phenomena.” The cardinal, who met with Pope Francis in private audience on Monday, did not divulge any further details on the document, nor exactly when it will be published. The last time the Vatican’s doctrinal office issued a general document on apparitions was in 1978, during the final months of the pontificate of Pope Paul VI. In “Norms Regarding the Manner of Proceedings in the Discernment of Presumed Apparitions or Revelations,”the then-Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Croatian Cardinal Franjo Šeper, outlined the process the Catholic Church follows when investigating alleged apparitions or revelations.

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Nuns Who Feuded With Texas Bishop Say They Will Defy Vatican Order on Monastery’s Governance

(NCR. Tyler Arnold/CNA).

As the Vatican tries to settle a chaotic yearlong dispute between a Carmelite monastery and Diocese of Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson, the nuns at the center of the controversy announced they will defy a Vatican decree that delegates their governance to an outside religious association. The dispute centers on Bishop Olson’s investigation into the former prioress of the Arlington-based Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity: the Reverend Mother Superior Teresa Agnes Gerlach. The prioress, who is now defrocked, admitted to sexual misconduct occurring over the phone and through video chats with a priest — a confession she has since retracted and claims was given when she was medically unfit and recovering from an operation.

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The Hormonal Hatchet Job

(NCR. Emily Zanotti).

The Washington Post and other left-leaning outlets are terrified that women are making choices — specifically, the choice to drop hormonal birth control in favor of more natural — and, increasingly, more scientific, options. The “Democracy Dies in Darkness” publication fretted publicly, last month, that women were falling prey to “misinformation” propagated, they suggested, by a vast right-wing anti-birth-control conspiracy, using social-media platforms, to wean poor, unsuspecting women off the monthly pill. 

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Eucharist, Unity, Clarity: What Attracts Converts to the Catholic Church?

(NCR. Matthew McDonald).

Zack Short was kneeling during adoration last fall, silently struggling with whether the Host in the monstrance was actually Jesus or merely a piece of bread. To his left was his girlfriend, Katie, a Catholic who had invited him to join the campus ministry’s catechism program for converts. “I was like, ‘Lord, if this is really you, please speak to me. Lord, help my unbelief,’” Short recalled. “I kid you not: I saw light coming out of the Eucharist. It just clicked for me: This is really God.” Later, he asked Katie if she saw the light. She didn’t. Short, 19, a sophomore majoring in mechanical manufacturing engineering technology who grew up going to a nondenominational church in Colorado, entered the Catholic Church during last month’s Easter vigil Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M.

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Catholics in Gaza are Burying Dead in Muslim Cemeteries

(Marinella Bandini/CNA.-National Catholic Register).-

In the chaos of the Israel-Hamas war, where any movement can be fatal, even burying the dead is not guaranteed. Hundreds still lie under the rubble across the Gaza Strip, and transporting bodies to cemeteries is nearly impossible. This is compounded by the heartbreak of mass graves.

The challenge is even greater for Christians, whose cemeteries are all in the northern part of Gaza, next to their places of worship. For those who die in the south, receiving a Christian burial is impossible.

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It’s Time to Remove Father Rupnik’s Art

(National Catholic Register. Editorial).

While it is far short of the sort of justice that this case demands, we have reached beyond the point in the Father Marko Rupnik scandal when concrete steps must be taken to remove the disgraced artist’s ubiquitous mosaics from public display.

Certainly, this is easier said than done. But that is a logistical discussion, involving the mechanics of disassembling his works, replacing them with something better, and raising the funds needed to make that happen.

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Trump’s Big Abortion Announcement Is a Big Disappointment

NCR. The editors.

On April 8, both the Vatican and former president Donald Trump issued major pronouncements on abortion and other life issues, adding an extra dose of drama to Total Solar Eclipse Day here in the U.S. There was a lot to digest. The good news is that the Vatican’s declaration, titled Dignitas Infinita, is a robust reiteration of the Church’s consistent teaching against abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, surrogacy, poverty, gender ideology and other grave attacks on human dignity.

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Portuguese Bishops Announce Financial Compensation Fund for Church Abuse Victims

(Daniel Payne. NCRegister).

The Portuguese Episcopal Conference announced on Thursday the creation of a “financial compensation” fund for victims of Church abuse in that country.

The Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa (CEP) said on its website that the bishops at their plenary assembly “unanimously approved the allocation of financial compensation, on a supplementary basis, to victims of sexual abuse against vulnerable children and adults in the context of the Catholic Church in Portugal.”

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Brazil’s Yanomami leader asks the Pope to support President Lula in reversing damage to the Amazon.


Pope Francis met Wednesday with a leader of Brazil’s Yanomami people, who asked for papal backing for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ‘s efforts to reverse decades of exploitation of the Amazon and better protect its Indigenous peoples.

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Chaldean patriarch returns to Baghdad after nine months of self-imposed exile amid political dispute

(ALI JABAR. NCRonline).

Nearly 30 years ago, a revered professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School named Richard B. Hays published The Moral Vision of the New Testament , a sweeping 508-page meditation on Christian ethics in which Hays concluded that the Christian Bible condemns homosexual acts. Hays called homosexuality “one among many tragic signs that we are a broken people” and said churches should not sanction or bless homosexual unions.

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A Voice Unheard: The Absence of Deacons at the Synod

(Deacon Dominic Cerrato. NCR).

In the heart of the Church’s synodal journey, an essential voice calls, awaiting recognition. The voice of the diaconate remains notably absent in the ongoing dialogue of the Synod on Synodality and particularly those conversations related to the order itself. Imagine if the Synod were to exclude women when it has, as a focus, women. 

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‘Dignitas Infinita’ and the Roots of Human Dignity

(NCR-Vatican. Father Raymond J. de Souza Vatican).

The exploration of what dignity means in different contexts will open new avenues for discussion, apologetics and evangelization.

Dignitas Infinita, the new declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), affirms that “every human person possesses an infinite dignity” and enumerates assaults on that dignity, with particular attention to new developments in “gender theory.”  While the sections dealing with abortion, surrogacy and gender ideology contain nothing new, the April 8 text has received “widespread praise” from many Catholic commentators who were apprehensive after last year’s declaration, Fiducia Supplicans (on blessings for “irregular same-sex couples”), proved disastrous. 

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