Indian bishops tell Modi to make his new term ‘inclusive’

(UCANews. Bijay Kumar Minj And Nirendra Dev).

Catholic bishops have appealed to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make his new term “inclusive” by treating all citizens equally and upholding the country’s constitutional values.

Modi was sworn in for another five-year term on June 9 after his pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with the help of allies, secured 293 seats in the Indian parliament.  

The coalition government was formed after the BJP, accused of following a Hindu-first policy, failed to win the required simple majority of 272 seats in the 543-seat Lok Sabha (lower house).

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Bishop Marek Marczak is the new Secretary General of the Polish Episcopal Conference

(Polish Episcopal Conference).

In the Polish Episcopal Conference, Bishop Marczak serves as a member of the Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, a member of the Council for Youth Pastoral Care and a delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for Academic Pastoral Care. As Secretary General, he is a member of the Presidium of the Polish Episcopate. The Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate is also an ex officio member of the Permanent Council and a member of the Council of the St. Foundation. Józefa KEP, a member of the Council of the Joy of Love Foundation and a member of the Mixed Commission of Bishops – Higher Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

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Vatican wants to propose new type of papal office


 The Vatican wants to present a document on Thursday that could have far-reaching consequences for relations between the Christian churches. The text was prepared by the Pope’s ecumenical authority, the Vatican press office announced.

The paper is entitled “The Bishop of Rome – Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Discussions and the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint”. It takes up an encyclical from 1995 by Pope John Paul II. The doctrinal text, which was groundbreaking for Christian unity at the time, had promised a new self-understanding and a different way of exercising the papal office, especially with regard to the churches of the East.

At the time, the Pope had invited the other Christian churches to seek, in a “brotherly, patient dialogue” with Rome, ways in which the papal office could be understood as a “service of mercy” to all churches. The Vatican’s ecumenical department then set up its own dialogue forums with several churches, which consulted for decades. The results are now available.

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Pakistani Christians chant ‘Jesus is great’ at blasphemy victim’s funeral

(UCANews. Aftab Alexander Mughal, OSV News).

After being severely beaten by a Muslim mob May 25 in Sargodha, about 150 miles south of Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, a Christian man died on June 3 in a Rawalpindi hospital. Nazir Masih was 72.

June 3 videos from Sargodha showed Christians carrying Masih’s coffin through the street. They shouted “Praise to Jesus” and “Jesus is great.” The casket was draped in black cloth and bore a small crucifix, ABC News reported.

The Christian man died despite twice undergoing surgery and was buried in the city of Sargodha, in eastern Punjab province, amid tight security, said district police officer Assad Ijaz Malhi, according to ABC News.

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Galstanyan, il vescovo armeno che aspira al governo

(asianews. Vladimir Rozanskij).

Una nuova figura si sta imponendo sulla scena politica dell’Armenia, dilaniata dal contrasto tra le forze di maggioranza, favorevoli alle trattative di pace con l’Azerbaigian, e quelle di opposizione che rivendicano la difesa dei territori di confine. Queste ultime dal 9 maggio scorso hanno trovato la loro guida in un religioso, l’arcivescovo Bagrat Galstanyan della diocesi di Tavowš, la zona più interessata alle ultime dispute tra armeni e azeri.

Dopo una “marcia su Erevan” per tutta l’Armenia dalla periferia verso il centro, a imitazione di quella che condusse al potere l’attuale premier Nikol Pašinyan, il vescovo sta ora incitando a continue proteste di piazza. L’ultimo corteo è partito dalla chiesa di Sant’Anna della capitale senza dire dove era diretto, “verso un posto importante” ha assicurato Bagrat, e raggiungendo infine l’ufficio del Garante per i diritti dell’uomo, “per ottenere risposte alle nostre domande, e sapere se esistono ancora dei diritti nel nostro Paese”.

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Oldest manuscript of the Gospel about Jesus’ childhood discovered


Papyrus experts have deciphered a manuscript fragment as the earliest surviving copy of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. They dated the manuscript to the 4th or 5th century, as the Institute for Christianity and Antiquity at the Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin announced on Tuesday . The gospel tells of the childhood of Jesus and is one of the so-called apocryphal writings . These were not included in the Bible, but their stories were very popular and widespread in antiquity and the Middle Ages.

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Report: More hostility towards Christians in Israel


The number of attacks against Christians has increased alarmingly in the past year, according to the Jerusalem-based Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue. On Tuesday, the interfaith organization presented its 2023 annual report on “Attacks on Christians in Israel and East Jerusalem” at the ecumenical Tantur Institute. In it, it calls for urgent action, but also better mechanisms for collecting relevant data.

According to the report, cases of spitting , verbal and physical harassment, serious damage to property and desecration of graves have increased . Based on information from victims, witnesses, churches and police as well as media reports, the center recorded, among other things, 32 cases of attacks on church property, seven cases of violence against Christians and around 30 spitting attacks in 2023 , including against foreign Christian pilgrims.

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India’s Syro Malabar Church convenes Synod to solve liturgy row

(UCA News Reporter).

Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, the head of the crisis-ridden Eastern rite Syro Malabar Church, has convened an extraordinary synod of its bishops to solve the decades-old liturgy dispute in his seat of power in India.

In a June 3 communication to 65 bishops, Thattil said a special virtual meeting of the Synod, the top decision-making body of the second-largest Eastern rite Church, would be held to resolve the dispute.

The communication said the Church’s online synod, based in southern Indian Kerala state, is scheduled for two hours on June 14. 

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Vatican clears New Zealand Cardinal John Dew of abuse allegations

(CNA. AC Wimmer)

A Vatican-led review of an abuse complaint against New Zealand Cardinal John Dew has concluded that no further Church inquiry is required, according to a statement by Archbishop Paul Martin of Wellington provided to CNA on Wednesday.

The allegation of historical sexual abuse had been raised against Dew around the time he retired as archbishop of Wellington in May of last year.

The archdiocese said on June 5 that New Zealand police had also conducted a lengthy inquiry that led to a decision not to file any charges.

The accusations dated back to the 1970s and involved an alleged incident at St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Upper Hutt, roughly 20 miles northeast of Wellington, where Dew was serving as an assistant priest at the time. 

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L’isola di Flores ancora “terra promessa” di vocazioni

(Agenzia Fides).

“In questi tempi di fine anno scolastico stiamo vivendo buoni risultati vocazionali. Noi Camilliani cerchiamo di tenerci in forma il più possibile con tante piccole cose belle da fare non solo nel campo vocazionale ma anche con le nostre iniziative sociali e di carità.” Lo racconta all’Agenzia Fides padre Luigi Galvani, pioniere nella diocesi di Maumere dove i Missionari Camilliani sono presenti in tre diocesi con 4 seminari, due centri sociali in cui coordinano un programma nutrizionale per 160 bambini poveri, il sostegno a distanza per una ventina di studenti meritevoli, un progetto di ‘casette speciali’ per liberare malati mentali da situazioni di oppressione e, infine, un modesto progetto di produzione di acqua minerale e del gelato ‘San Camillo’.

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Major Archbishop wants to settle liturgy dispute with special synod


The Syro-Malabar Major Archbishop Raphael Thatill has called his church’s synod to a special meeting to discuss the dispute over the liturgical form. The bishops were informed yesterday by Thatill that the synod would be called on June 14, the Syro-Malabar Church announced on Tuesday. The only topic of the two-hour meeting was “questions relating to the holding of the Unified Holy Mass in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly”. There have been protests in the archdiocese for years, some of them violent, against the liturgical form decided by the synod. The Eastern Catholic Church did not provide any further information about the planned consultations.

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HK cardinal stresses forgiveness to mark Tiananmen anniversary

(UCANews Reporter).

Cardinal Stephen Chow of Hong Kong has stressed the need for forgiveness as the world marked the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre.

“What happened 35 years ago has left a deep wound in parts of our psyche, though it has been buried and scarred over,” said the cardinal in his “reflection” published in the diocesan weekly the Sunday Examiner.

In the tragic event of June 4, 1989, China’s communist regime used military tanks and guns to crush the students-led democracy protest that began in April of that year and spread to some 400 cities.

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Cardinal Schönborn and Viennese dogmatician Tück speak out against the ordination of women

(CNA. Alexander Folz).

Following Pope Francis’ clear no to female deacons, the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, spoke out against a sacrament of ordination for women in a sermon at the Catholic University ITI in Trumau, Lower Austria, on Saturday, as the Catholic weekly newspaper “Die Tagespost” reports .

Schönborn was “deeply convinced that the Church cannot and must not change this, because it must keep the mystery of women present in its purest form.” All social evidence suggests that the Church’s order of the sacrament of ordination is “the last remnant of a patriarchal system” and is therefore discriminatory.

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Nuncio Eterović emphasizes Pope Francis’ “no” to the ordination of women


 The Apostolic Nuncio in Germany, Nikola Eterović, explained on the sidelines of the Erfurt Catholic Day to the Würzburg “Tagespost” newspaper: Pope Francis has repeatedly made it clear that the decision of St. Pope John Paul II to reserve sacramental ordination for men remains in place. “Ordinatio sacerdotalis” is still as relevant as ever. “Ordinatio sacerdotalis” is an apostolic letter from John Paul II from 1994 which emphasizes that priestly ordination is reserved for men only (see link to the Vatican website: “Ordinatio sacerdotalis”).

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Processioni eucaristiche in tutto il Paese in occasione della solennità del Corpus Domini

(Agenzia Fides)

Le comunità cattoliche cinesi hanno partecipato in tutto il Paese alle processioni eucaristiche e mariane che si sono svolte domenica 2 giugno, nella solennità del Corpus Domini, a conclusione dei tre giorni che hanno visto concludersi il mese di maggio, dedicato a Maria, e aprirsi il mese di giugno, in cui il popolo di Dio ravviva la sua tradizionale devozione al Sacro Cuore di Gesù. Da Pechino a Shanghai, dalle diocesi dell’Hebei a quelle dello Jiangxi, le celebrazioni moltitudinarie sono iniziate con la festa liturgica della Visitazione di Maria, il 31 maggio.
A Shijiazhuang, nella provincia di Hebei, migliaia di cattolici si sono ritrovati la sera di sabato presso la cattedrale, dedicata a Maria Immacolata, e hanno percorso le strade intorno alla chiesa con le candele accese, recitando Rosario

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Münster residents call for common budget law

ZdK Vice President Söding: Bishops’ monopoly on church taxes must end

(Kirche Leben.Jan Dirk Wiewelhove).

At the federal level, there is a “total bishops’ monopoly” on the distribution of church tax funds, criticized Thomas Söding during a panel discussion on synodality at the Catholic Convention in Erfurt. The Münster resident said he could not find any reason that spoke against changing the status quo.

The ZdK vice-president confidently demanded: “We want to have joint budgetary rights. These are our church taxes.” In the dioceses, Söding explained, there are already committees for participation, and now mechanisms are also needed at the level of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK).

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Austria’s bishops speak out for Europe


With regard to the election of the EU Parliament, Austria’s bishops are proving themselves to be convinced Europeans: the diverse challenges facing the world and with it Europe must be solved in solidarity – also on the basis of the foundation of Christian values ​​and the contribution of Christians, as the bishops state in a statement on the EU election. The statement was already adopted at the spring plenary assembly in St. Georgen am Längsee in March. The bishops appeal to all citizens of the EU to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming election, which will take place in Austria on June 9th, “in order to help shape Europe constructively and strengthen democracy”.
In their text on the European election, the bishops recall the origins of the European Union as a peace project and the “deeply Christian visionaries” who were responsible for the impetus for its founding. The EU has so far lived up to its “primary purpose” of creating lasting peace through reconciliation between once hostile nations. At the same time, “Russia’s terrible war of aggression against Ukraine” clearly shows “how important and at the same time endangered” peace is.
The bishops express concern about the Christian faith as a foundation of values ​​”that is increasingly in danger of being forgotten”. The European Union is based on unconditional respect for the dignity of every individual. “Where Europe loses these foundations, ultimately people are always in danger,” warn the bishops

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Auxiliary Bishop Karrer: Diaconate is also possible for women


Rottenburg’s auxiliary bishop Matthäus Karrer has spoken out in favor of allowing women to become deacons. For him, the office of permanent deacon includes pastoral care and the many charitable tasks in the church, not service at the altar, he said at the Catholic Convention in a conversation with the “Women’s Diaconate” network, as the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese reported on its website ( Thursday ). “That is why this important office is also possible for women,” said Karrer. Rome’s rejection of the diaconate for women can only be explained by the church leadership’s understanding that the diaconate is an intermediate step to the priesthood. And Rome is blocking this development because a door that has been opened once cannot be closed, said the auxiliary bishop.

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Money rules the German church world!


“Bishop Bätzing is not interested in what the Vatican says. He is only interested in his ideology. The whole of left-wing Catholicism really has a lot to do with money. These people no longer have any power to persuade. Bishop Bätzing cannot convince anyone of his path. All these synodal Catholics cannot convert anyone to Christ. But they have money and are in key positions. They have an incredible power of destruction.” This analysis was published by the Catholic journalist Mathias von Gersdorff on Thursday. According to Gersdorff, Ulrich Neymeyr, the Bishop of Erfurt, is said to have argued that he is dependent on these people’s money and therefore cannot do anything. The bishop used this to justify his anti-Roman demands.

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Who funds the reconstruction of churches destroyed by ISIS in Iraq

(ACIMENA. Georgina Behnam Hababa).

The donation of two wealthy Frenchmen from their inheritance to rebuild the Umm al-Ma’una Church and its school in Mosul, Iraq , which was destroyed at the hands of the terrorist organization ISIS, received prominent appreciation and appreciation. The issue prompted many questions about the sources of funding for the reconstruction of churches destroyed by the terrorist organization in Mosul and its environs, and whether the Iraqi state also bears responsibility for financing this reconstruction.

In this regard, Bishop Mikhail Najib, the Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul, praised the donors’ initiative and the cooperation of the “Save the Christians of the East” organization, and thanked all the supporting and assisting institutions, in a special interview with “Asi Mina” .

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