Droghe, Papa Francesco: “Spacciatori e trafficanti sono assassini”

(Rai News).

“Avendo conosciuto tante storie tragiche di tossicodipendenti e delle loro famiglie, sono convinto che è moralmente doveroso porre fine alla produzione e al traffico di queste sostanze pericolose“. Lo ha detto il Papa nell’udienza generale, dedicata alla Giornata Mondiale contro l’abuso e il traffico illecito di droga, che ricorre oggi, istituita dall’Assemblea  generale delle Nazioni Unite nel 1987. “Quanti trafficanti di morte ci sono, perché i trafficanti di droga sono trafficanti di morte, spinti dalla logica del potere e del denaro ad ogni costo! Questa piaga, che produce violenza e semina sofferenza e morte, esige dalla società nel suo complesso un atto di coraggio”.

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Nepalese spiritual leader ‘Buddha Boy’ convicted of sexual assault on minor

(AP News. Binaj Gurbacharya).

A court in southern Nepal convicted a controversial spiritual leader known as “Buddha Boy” on charges of sexually assaulting a minor. Ram Bahadur Bamjan, who’s believed by some to be the reincarnation of the founder of Buddhism, was arrested by police in January on charges of sexual assault and suspicion of involvement in the disappearance of at least four of followers from his camps. A judge at the Sarlahi District Court on Monday found him guilty of sexually assaulting an underage girl, and said sentencing will be on July 1. The charges related to the disappearances of his followers are still pending trial. He could face at least 12 years in jail, but can still appeal his conviction. Bamjan is believed by many Nepalese to be the reincarnation of Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in southwestern Nepal some 2,600 years ago and became revered as the Buddha. Buddhist scholars have been skeptical of Bamjan’s claims.

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Supreme Court Agrees to Hear SAFE Act Case

(The Washington Stand. Joshua Arnold).

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a challenge to the 2023 Tennessee law protecting minors from gender transition procedures. After a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit struck down a preliminary injunction against Tennessee’s law in September, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) appealed that decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. The nation’s highest court has now agreed to hear the appeal in United States v. Skrmetti. “As a practical necessity, the Supreme Court needed to take up the case,” Family Action Council of Tennessee president David Fowler told The Washington Stand. The Supreme Court is more likely to consider a case on which the circuit courts are split — that is, where federal appellate courts have issued contradictory precedents over how to handle the constitutional questions at issue. Justice Neil Gorsuch recently noted “an apparent circuit split” on such laws. (Gorsuch noted this in a concurring opinion accompanying an unsigned order that granted Idaho an emergency stay, narrowing a preliminary injunction issued against its law protecting minors from gender transition procedures, in Labrador v. Poe.)

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“Silence is complicity”: Nigerian Cardinal Encourages Catholic Church Leaders to “speak out against injustice”

(Silas Isenjia. ACI Africa).

John Cardinal Onaiyekan has encouraged Catholic Church leaders in the West African nation of Nigeria to speak out against injustices in the country.

In a report following the inauguration of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) program at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) headquartered in the country’s Catholic Archdiocese Abuja, Cardinal Onaiyekan is quoted as saying, “We cannot afford to remain silent in the face of injustice.”

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“Spécial” : Un évêque catholique sud-africain parle de la conférence sur la transparence à Rome

(Silas Isenjia. ACI Africa).

Mgr Thulani Victor Mbuyisa, évêque du diocèse catholique sud-africain de Kokstad, qui a participé à l’atelier sur la transparence et la responsabilité dans l’Église catholique qui s’est tenu à Rome du 16 au 22 juin, a qualifié la convention de “spéciale”.

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Ordinations increase in France as country continues to buck secular trends

(James Jeffrey. Catholic Herald).

The number of French priests being ordained in 2024 has exceeded 2023’s numbers as France continues to baffle when it comes to secular trends. 

Ordinations in 2024 will see 105 new priests created in France, reports the French Bishops’ Conference (CEF), 17 more than in 2023, when 88 new priests were ordained. The uptick is all the more notable coming at a time when France often appears to be gripped by hardline secularism. 

Social liberalism is increasingly dominant in French politics, resulting in policies spearheaded by French President Emmanuel Macron that are anathema to Catholic teaching, not to mention basic traditional morality.

As a result, the country increasingly appears representative of the clash in Europe between modern liberal progressivism and the Catholic Church as the guardian of tradition and Christian values. 

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Lobby religioso presiona contra resoluciones de la OEA en Paraguay

(Juan Oteiza. RDN).

Representantes de la Iglesia Católica y evangélicas realizaron un lobby en la Cancillería paraguaya contra resoluciones de la Asamblea de la OEA.

En un acontecimiento que ha generado controversia, se ha revelado que representantes de diversas instituciones religiosas, incluyendo la Iglesia Católica, Iglesias Evangélicas y la Alianza Evangélica Latina, efectuaron un lobby en la Cancillería paraguaya. El objetivo de esta presión fue influir en la postura del país respecto a ciertos temas que serán abordados en la inminente Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).

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Christian protesters join march for nature through London

(Aili Channer. Church Times).

CHRISTIAN groups came together last Saturday to host a service of “prayer and lament for creation” at the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London, before joining more than 60,000 people on a march through London to protest against the drastic decline of the wildlife in the UK, and damage to the ecosystem.

The Restore Nature Now march was organised by a coalition of environmental organisations: Extinction Rebellion was joined by some of the biggest nature charities in the UK, including the RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts, the Climate Coalition, WWF UK, the National Trust, WWT, Woodland Trust, Wildlife and Countryside Link, and Rewilding Britain

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El ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ del Sínodo de la sinodalidad regresa a las bases


Los días 23-24 de junio de 2024, se reunieron en presencia y por videoconferencia los miembros del XV  Consejo Ordinario*, acompañados por algunos Consultores de la Secretaría General del Sínodo, para  discutir una primera versión del Instrumentum Laboris (IL), el instrumento de trabajo para la Segunda  Sesión de la XVI Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos. 

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Crónicas Vaticanas: difícil semana para el Papa: 4 cismas, 1 demanda y 1 petición incómoda y 1 luto

(Jorge Enrique Múgica. Zenit).

Han pasado 36 años desde la ordenación de 4 obispos sin mandato pontificio por parte de Monseñor Marcel Lefebvre. Aquel acto mereció la ex comunión que, por misericordia, fue levantada en 2009 por Benedicto XVI. Por aquel entonces, entre 1986 y 1992, Jorge Mario Bergoglio estaba estudiando un doctorado  en Alemania -que no terminó-, después trabajó en el colegio El Salvador de Buenos Aires, posteriormente en una iglesia en Córdoba y finalmente fue llamado a ser obispo auxiliar de la capital argentina.

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Las monjas cismáticas de Belorado expulsan del convento a Pablo de Rojas y José Ceacero

(JOSÉ BELTRÁN. Vida Nueva).

  • Según ha podido confirmar Vida Nueva en exclusiva y de varias fuentes, el falso obispo excomulgado y su portavoz ya no se encontrarían dentro del monasterio
  • Al parecer, el nuevo equipo jurídico de las clarisas les habrían abierto los ojos en la reunión mantenida este lunes sobre la realidad de los promotores de la Pía Unión San Pablo Apóstol
  • “No voy a hacer declaraciones al respecto, yo me encuentro en Bilbao”, asegura el fundador del grupo cismático a esta revista

Las clarisas excomulgadas de Belorado habrían expulsado del convento al falso obispo Pablo de Rojas y a su colaborador José Ceacero, garantes de la llamada Pía Unión San Pablo Apóstol.

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This election, the Catholic vote is essential for the Biden campaign


President Biden has returned from two very successful trips to Europe. One was to mark the 80th anniversary of the Normandy invasion during World War Two. The other was to attend a G-7 meeting in Italy. 

Both journeys emphasized Biden’s foreign policy chops and highlighted the danger of fragmenting key U.S. security alliances, should Donald Trump return to office. 

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El papa Francisco se reúne con el embajador ruso en el Vaticano

(CN. Jonah McKeown).

El Papa Francisco se reunió el 22 de junio con Ivan Soltanovsky, embajador de Rusia ante la Santa Sede, en su primer encuentro desde que Soltanovsky presentó sus cartas diplomáticas al pontífice . Soltanovsky, un diplomático de carrera de 69 años, fue nombrado para su actual cargo en mayo de 2023. Aún no se han dado a conocer detalles de la reunión más reciente. Soltanovsky dijo a la agencia oficial de noticias Tass a principios de este mes que la Santa Sede sigue siendo uno de los pocos actores globales que favorecen la diplomacia, la paz y el diálogo basados en el respeto mutuo y la consideración de los intereses.

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Erezione della Diocesi di Labuan Bajo e nomina del primo Vescovo

(Agenzia Fides).

 Il Santo Padre in data 21 giugno ha eretto la Diocesi di Labuan Bajo (Indonesia), con territorio dismembrato dalla Diocesi di Ruteng, rendendola suffraganea della Chiesa Metropolitana di Ende. Il Santo Padre ha nominato primo Vescovo di Labuan Bajo, il Rev. Sac. Maksimus Regus, del clero di Ruteng, finora Rettore della Catholic University of St.Paul Ruteng.
S.E. Mons. Maksimus Regus è nato il 23 settembre 1973 a Woang, reggenza di Manggarai, nell’attuale Diocesi di Ruteng. Ha frequentato il Pontificio Seminario Romano Minore Pius XII e svolto gli studi in Filosofia e Teologia presso il Pontificio Seminario Maggiore St. Petrus-Ritapiret, Diocesi di Maumere. È stato ordinato sacerdote il 10 agosto 2001.

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Un colloquio teologico internazionale per rilanciare la vocazione ecumenica della Chiesa melchita

(Agenzia Fides).

Mentre la Chiesa cattolica greco-melchita celebra i 300 anni dal ripristino della piena comunione con la Chiesa di Roma (1724-2024), un Colloquio teologico internazionale di alto livello punta a rilanciare la valenza e la vocazione ecumenica di quella comunità ecclesiale e delle altre Chiese cattoliche orientali, in un momento in cui anche i conflitti geopolitici lacerano Chiese sorelle appartenenti alla stessa tradizione, come le Chiese dell’Ortodossia.

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Cologne Catholics do not want AfD members in associations “No place in our ranks”


In the Archdiocese of Cologne, AfD members should not have a place in associations or parish councils. This was decided by the representatives of the Catholic laity. The party is also not electable for Catholics.

The plenary assembly of the Diocesan Council of Catholics passed a corresponding incompatibility resolution.

“The AfD tramples on the values ​​of the Christian concept of humanity, on which our constitution and democracy are built,” the Catholic lay representatives said on Monday evening in justification. The party’s ideology is fundamentally contrary to the commandment to love God and neighbor.

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El Papa recuerda la tragedia de Melilla en la que murieron al menos 23 migrantes: “Los arrinconaron”


Este 24 de junio se han cumplido dos años de la tragedia en la que 1.700 personas trataban de cruzar la frontera. La Fiscalía de Marruecos y España archivaron la causa

Coincidiendo con la festividad de San Juan se han cumplido dos años de la masacre en Melilla, donde al menos 23 migrantes murieron y otras 76 desaparecieron al tratar de cruzar la frontera entre España y Marruecos a través de la Ciudad Autónoma.

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What Does the Pope Really Mean?

(Crisis Magazine. Msgr. Richard C. Antall).

The pope is a pastor more than a thinker. We cannot expect the intellectual rigor of either of his two most recent predecessors. But am I the only one who feels like this “two steps forward, two steps back” is a little confusing? “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” —Walt Whitman.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his famous essay “Self-Reliance” that a “foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” I suspect that the Holy Father would not like the full implications of the remark, but I wonder that he doesn’t realize that some people might see in his many different interventions in the broad stream of social commentary similar disregard for said hobgoblin. In his 60 Minutes interview with Norah O’Donnell, he seemed to rule out the morality of surrogate motherhood. When O’Donnell said that sometimes this was the only hope a couple might have, the pope said:

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Législatives: les instances religieuses dépassées par leur base

(LE FIGARO. Jean-Marie Guénois).

Les élections législatives plongent les religions dans un embarras profond. Si les consignes de vote ne sont plus à l’ordre du jour, sauf dans certains milieux très communautaires, plusieurs instances religieuses se voient désormais dépassées par leur base, où certains n’hésitent plus à voter aux extrêmes. Celui qui résume le mieux le malaise actuel face à ces élections est le pasteur Christian Krieger, président de la Fédération protestante de France. Dans un communiqué daté du 19 juin, il constate : « Alors que les législatives devraient permettre un débat démocratique constructif, des délais trop courts et des promesses démagogiques irréalistes menacent de semer un profond désordre ». Il analyse : « Les trois principales formations politiques poussent les électeurs à voter par rejet plutôt que par adhésion, risquant au second tour de piéger les Français dans un choix cornélien entre le racisme de l’extrême droite et l’antisémitisme de la gauche extrême. »

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