Bätzing: “The Holy Father is open to change”


Bätzing insists on the creation of synodal councils
The president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, believes that the creation of synodal councils in the Catholic Church is possible despite the current Vatican ban. He is firmly convinced that a culture of consultation can be achieved in cooperation between the Church and the laity, the co-president of the Synodal Path stated on Thursday during a round table at the 103rd German Catholic Day in Erfurt. The church will always remain an Episcopal church, even when addressing the laity. That’s what defines her.

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“This Catholic Day is not a home game

(CHRISTOPH ARENS. Katholisch).

Can prayers change the world? The 103rd German Catholic Congress in Erfurt wants to show this. In view of the many crises and wars, the Christian meeting is looking for different solutions on the first day of substantive debates.

It sounds like the glory of the Catholic Day: the Federal President, Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are coming, the AfD is staying at home – these are the times of the future when the election campaign is taking place. The Erfurt Cathedral Hill, as well as the baroque squares and the more than 20 churches in the city center, form a perfect stage for events, singing together, celebrating and meeting people. At the start of the five-day Christian meeting, the Gloriosa even rang from the Erfurt Cathedral – the largest free-swinging medieval bell in the world.

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Cardinal Marx: Renunciation of Christian traditions promotes radicals


When it comes to integration , Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx criticizes the way in which our own traditions are handled. “As a society with Christian roots, we are facing an integration challenge. We have all underestimated this,” Marx told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Wednesday). “For example, the fact that people do not celebrate St. Martin or St. Nicholas in kindergarten because it is Christian is fodder for the radicals.” The Archbishop of Munich and Freising added: “You could also say that this is part of our tradition, this rigid omission is not integration.”

Marx warned: “You have to stand by your own and then be curious about what’s new. You can celebrate both: St. Nicholas and Eid al-Fitr. The churches should also take the lead in these meetings. But unfortunately, interreligious dialogue has become very difficult after the Hamas attack

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Bishop Bätzing irritated by Pope’s statement against women’s ordination


The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Georg Bätzing , is surprised and “somewhat irritated” by Pope Francis’ recent negative interview statements on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church . “I have never heard him speak like that before and have often spoken to him personally about these issues,” said the Limburg bishop on Monday evening in Frankfurt. “Let me say: for me, what the Pope says in interviews is not what he does in teaching – but what he decides to do and puts it down in official documents.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS at Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women – but not at serving with ordination.”

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Stetter-Karp: I am relaxed about the Pope’s “no” to the ordination of women


The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, does not attach much importance to the Pope’s latest “no” in an interview on the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “I take this individual statement calmly. He has given so many interviews that it is difficult to see the common thread in them,” she said on Tuesday in Erfurt before the start of the general assembly of the lay umbrella organization. The organization has long advocated allowing women access to 

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Nun: Pope’s veto on women’s diaconate “should not be overestimated”


Benedictine nun Philippa Rath says she would like to continue to promote the ordination of women in the Catholic Church. “There are very, very many of us. And our arguments for the ordination of women are the better ones,” said Rath in an interview with the portal kirche-und-leben.de . Pope Francis’ recent “no” to the female diaconate should “not be overestimated.”

In an interview with the US broadcaster CBS on Pentecost, the presenter asked the Pope whether a Catholic girl would ever have the opportunity to become a deacon and thus a member of the church clergy. Francis’ answer was a simple “no”. When asked, he explained: “If they are ordained deacons, then no. But women have always, I would say, taken on the duties of a deacon without being a deacon. Women are great at serving as women, but not at serving with ordination.”

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Pope wants new statutes for worldwide missionary organizations


Pope Francis wants to change the statutes of the Pontifical Mission Societies, which operate worldwide. These should further develop a “spirituality of the missionary community,” he said on Saturday in Rome to representatives of Catholic mission organizations from around 120 countries. It is about living in communion with God and with people. “We should enable the people we meet to have the fundamental experience of God’s love. They will be able to find it in our lives and in the life of the Church,” said Francis. Christians must be “shining witnesses” of God.

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Koch: Do not fear a schism in the Catholic Church over the ordination of women


Unlike in the Anglican Church, the Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch does not fear a split among Catholic bishops over the question of women’s ordination. “But even in the Catholic Church there are heterogeneous ideas and demands on this,” said Koch in an interview with the ” Tagespost ” newspaper (Thursday). “There are quite a few bishops in Germany, Switzerland and other countries who are firmly calling for the ordination of women and who are making the future viability of the Catholic Church dependent on it.” There are major differences within the Anglican Church regarding the ordination of women as priests and bishops . The blessing of homosexual couples has also recently caused discontent, particularly among Anglicans in Africa.

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Nuncio Emeritus warns against clericalization of lay people


The Swiss cardinal and former apostolic nuncio to Italy and San Marino, Emil Paul Tscherrig , warns against replacing ordained priests with a kind of lay priesthood. This often leads to tensions. “The priest has his task, the laity theirs: only in the cooperation and complementarity of these two vocations are we the church, as the Second Vatican Council taught us,” emphasized the nuncio emeritus on Monday in an interview with the Internet portal ” kath.ch”. The church is a people on the move and must constantly deal with the changes in the world. 

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Eastern Church Scholar: Ordained deacons were only a matter of time

(Katholisch. Felix Neumann).

The ordination of Angelic Molen as a deacon by the Orthodox Archbishop of Zimbabwe caused waves around the world: for the first time in modern times, a woman was ordained sacramentally like male deacons. The Patriarchate of Alexandria, to which Zimbabwe belongs, felt compelled to clarify , but emphasizes historical continuity. The question of the diaconate of women has been discussed in the Orthodox Church for a long time – there have been considerations about it and the occasional ordination of women for decades. The Viennese Eastern Church scholar David Heith-Stade explains in an interview with katholisch.de what distinguishes the earlier deacon ordinations from Molen’s ordination and what deacons do in Orthodoxy. He sees the consecration as a logical development – no matter how controversial it is discussed.

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Allegations against Polish Bishops’ Conference Chairman Wojda


The new chairman of the Catholic Polish Bishops’ Conference, Gdansk’s Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda , is coming under pressure over alleged failures in dealing with cases of abuse. In a letter published on Monday, 46 people who said they suffered sexual violence in the Catholic Church called for Wojda to be suspended from the presidency until the allegations against him were clarified. The archbishop had previously been accused in Polish media reports of negligently handling complaints in his diocese from two young women in 2021 who were said to have been sexually abused by a priest.

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First city in Poland bans religious symbols


Warsaw’s mayor has banned religious symbols such as crucifixes in state offices. Office employees are also not allowed to have religious symbols on their workstations, reports the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza (Thursday). However, the ban does not apply to “religious symbols for personal use worn by people who work in the office, for example in the form of a necklace, a tattoo or a bracelet,” it said.

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Woman sues church because she is not allowed to become a deacon

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


Eine Frau in Belgien verklagt die katholische Kirche, weil sie nicht zur Diakonenausbildung zugelassen wird. “Ich möchte die Ausbildung zum Diakon absolvieren, weil es mich interessiert und ich denke, dass ich dann mehr Rüstzeug habe, um das zu tun, was hier in der Gemeinde von mir erwartet wird. Und das kann ich nicht, weil ich eine Frau bin und deshalb ja, ich bin in der Tat wütend, aber auch entschlossen”, sagte die 62-jährige Veer Dusauchoit dem belgischen Rundfunk RTBF am Dienstag. Das Gericht hat einen Monat Zeit, um eine Entscheidung zu fällen.

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Pfeffer calls for an end to celibacy: “The priestly profession is almost dying out”

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


Der Essener Generalvikar Klaus Pfeffer sieht die Kirche an einem Scheideweg: Immer weniger Menschen seien bereit, sich auf das Priestertum unter den Bedingungen des Pflichtzölibats einzulassen. Er plädiert für weitreichende Reformen.

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Cardinal Kasper: Church needs more leadership from lay people

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


Der langjährige Kurienkardinal Walter Kasper hat sich für eine stärkere Übertragung kirchlicher Leitungsaufgaben an nichtgeweihte Katholikinnen und Katholiken (“Laien”) ausgesprochen. Zu den vordringlichsten Aufgaben der Bischöfe und Priester zähle eine “den Erfordernissen der Zeit entsprechende Verkündigung” des Evangeliums, sagte er in einem Gespräch mit dem Wiener Theologen Jan-Heiner Tück auf dem Online-Portal “communio.de” (Donnerstag) zum Fest Christi Himmelfahrt.

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Churches warn against ethnic nationalism ahead of the European elections


We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊

Wählen gehen, aber nicht aus Protest: Die Kirchen in Deutschland rufen zur Beteiligung an der Europawahl auf und warnen gleichzeitig vor Nationalisten. Denn: EU-Politik habe viele wichtige Dimensionen – und basiere auf christlich geprägten Werten.

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New record: Evangelical Church is losing more members than ever


Der Mitgliederverlust der beiden großen Kirchen in Deutschland scheint unaufhaltsam: Nun stellte die EKD ihre neue Statistik für das Jahr 2023 vor. Und muss abermals neue Negativ-Rekordwerte hinnehmen.

Die evangelische Kirche hat im vergangenen Jahr in Deutschland erneut mehr als eine halbe Million Mitglieder verloren. Wie die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) am Donnerstag in Hannover mitteilte, gehörten ihr zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2023 rund 18,6 Millionen Menschen an. Das entspricht einem Rückgang von rund 593.000 und 3,1 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.

Damit erreichte der Mitgliederverlust einen Rekordwert. Rund 21,9 Prozent der deutschen Bevölkerung sind demnach noch Mitglied einer der 20 evangelischen Landeskirchen (2022: 22,7 Prozent). Auch die Einnahmen aus der Kirchensteuer sanken im Jahr 2023, und zwar um 5,3 Prozent auf gut 5,91 Milliarden Euro.

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Moral theologian Brantl advocates a new type of blessing ceremony

We don’t know German neither, but we hit the button for automatic translation into our language because the article is interesting 😊


 Der Synodale Weg forderte “Segensfeiern für Paare”, die Vatikan-Erklärung “Fiducia supplicans” hat liturgische Segnungen von Paaren in “irregulären Situationen” aber ausgeschlossen. Moraltheologe Johannes Brantl macht nun einen Kompromissvorschlag.

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