Indonesian island set to become an international Catholic pilgrim destination

(CNA. Kristina Millare).

Flores, Indonesia’s most Catholic island located in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is set to become an international pilgrim destination following government support to boost religious tourism. Initial efforts will concentrate on attracting tourists to participate in Semana Santa (Holy Week) celebrations held each year in the Larantuka Diocese as well as the annual festivities organized by the Ruteng Diocese in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Aug. 10–15. “Flores Island is famous for its history and Catholic heritage. Flores is also often referred to as Missionary Island; this island has extraordinary potential and attraction for religious tourism, especially through the enculturation of the Catholic Church and the local community’s culture,” stated Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, Indonesia’s minister for tourism and creative economy, during a webinar held in May organized by the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Implementing Agency (BPOLBF). 

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Churches in Holy Land denounce ‘coordinated attack’ against Christians by Israeli authorities

(CNA. Diego López Marina).

In the midst of the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza, the patriarchs and leaders of ancient Christian churches in Jerusalem have signed a joint document in which they denounce that four Israeli municipalities have sought to levy municipal taxes on church properties in violation of “centuries” of historical agreements. The church leaders, including Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem, and Franciscan Father Francesco Patton, custos of the Holy Land, accuse local authorities of launching a “coordinated attack” against the Christian presence in the Holy Land.

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Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion

(CNA. CNA Staff).

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Biden “is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion,” Burke said in an Aug. 31 interview with Thomas McKenna, who as head of an organization called Catholic Action for Faith and Family periodically conducts interviews with the cardinal. “This is not a political statement, I don’t intend to get involved in recommending any candidate for office, but simply to state that a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life, and has always been considered to be intrinsically evil and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin.

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Vatican rules supposed apparitions of Virgin Mary near Rome ‘not supernatural’

(Courtney Mares, CNA),

The Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith announced Thursday that alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary outside of Rome are not supernatural, upholding the local bishop’s ban on Masses and pilgrimages to the site.

The DDF communique on June 27 confirmed the legal validity of an Italian bishop’s decree that the supposed apparitions in Trevignano Romano, a town about 30 miles northwest of Rome on the shores of Lake Bracciano, are “not supernatural.”

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Pope Francis meets with leaders of Institute of Christ the King, a Latin Mass group

(CNA. Tyler Arnold).

Pope Francis on Monday met with three leaders of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) — an institute whose priests celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass and live according to the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales.

The June 24 meeting comes at a time when celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass are restricted by the pontiff’s motu proprio Traditionis Custodes

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Christians in Egypt embark on construction of churches as persecution ebbs

(CNA. Oleg Shihskov).

Church projects that had been halted in Egypt when the northern African nation was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood are being resumed as Christians in the country begin to enjoy some measure of freedom. According to Catholic pontifical and charity foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) International, Egypt’s Christians have more freedom of worship today than they did a few years ago, when the country was dominated by the radical Islamist group that ruled from 2012 until the beginning of July 2013. The patriarch of Alexandria, Archbishop Ibrahim Sidrak, told ACN that even though Christians in Egypt still experience different kinds of persecution, Coptic Catholics in the country — who number some 300,000 faithful — have seen it necessary to embark on the construction of churches to provide pastoral care to their members. “Now that the government has lifted the obstacles to building new churches, all the dioceses have building projects,” Sidrak said.

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El papa Francisco se reúne con el embajador ruso en el Vaticano

(CN. Jonah McKeown).

El Papa Francisco se reunió el 22 de junio con Ivan Soltanovsky, embajador de Rusia ante la Santa Sede, en su primer encuentro desde que Soltanovsky presentó sus cartas diplomáticas al pontífice . Soltanovsky, un diplomático de carrera de 69 años, fue nombrado para su actual cargo en mayo de 2023. Aún no se han dado a conocer detalles de la reunión más reciente. Soltanovsky dijo a la agencia oficial de noticias Tass a principios de este mes que la Santa Sede sigue siendo uno de los pocos actores globales que favorecen la diplomacia, la paz y el diálogo basados en el respeto mutuo y la consideración de los intereses.

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Pope Francis meets with leaders of Institute of Christ the King, a Latin Mass group

(Tyler Arnold. CNA).

Pope Francis on Monday met with three leaders of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) — an institute whose priests celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass and live according to the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales.

The June 24 meeting comes at a time when celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass are restricted by the pontiff’s motu proprio Traditionis Custodes

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The Catholic Church in France will have 105 new priests in 2024

(By Walter Sánchez Silva.CNA).

The French Bishops’ Conference (CEF) reported that, in 2024, 105 new priests will be ordained, 17 more priests than in 2023, when 88 new priests were ordained in the European country.

An article published on the CEF website said the vast majority of priestly ordinations are celebrated during the month of June, particularly on the Sunday before the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, which the Catholic Church celebrates every year on June 29.

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U.S. bishops commemorate 2nd anniversary of Dobbs ruling

(CNA. Gigi Duncan).

The chairman of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ pro-life committee has released a statement commemorating the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, as chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, reflected on the challenges faced by the pro-life movement since the historic decision. “On June 24, 2024, we celebrate the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, ending the tragic reign of Roe v. Wade,” he said. “It is a day for thanksgiving to God for answering our prayers and blessing the many years of hard work. This anniversary calls us to reflect on where we have been and where we are going,” Burbidge said.

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Thousands take part in Italy’s pro-life march

(CNA. Hannah Brockhaus).

Thousands of people from across Italy braved the summer heat to join the national Demonstration for Life in Rome on the afternoon of June 22. “Let’s Choose Life” was the motto of the annual procession, which began at 2 p.m. in Rome’s Piazza della Repubblica, close to the city’s main Termini train station. The slow march continued almost one mile down the Via Nazionale before reaching the area of the ancient Imperial Forum, where a rally with speeches and musical performances was held.

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Pope Francis names Chinese bishop who attended Synod on Synodality to Archdiocese of Hangzhou

(CNA. Hannah Brockhaus).

Pope Francis has named Bishop Joseph Yang Yongqiang to lead the Archdiocese of Hangzhou in China, transferring him from the Diocese of Zhoucun, the Vatican announced Saturday. The June 12 nomination took place “within the framework of dialogue concerning the implementation of the Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China,” the Vatican’s June 22 press release said. The new archbishop was one of two bishops from mainland China to participate in the October 2023 session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome. He has led the Zhoucun Diocese in Shandong Province since 2013.

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Holy See convenes UN panel urging global abolition of surrogacy

(CNA. Daniel Payne).

The Holy See this week hosted a panel at the United Nations at which advocates highlighted the “exploitation and commodification” inherent in the surrogacy industry and stressed the need to regulate and eventually abolish surrogacy around the world. The participants “highlighted the need for a universal ban to protect against exploitation and commodification,” the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations said, with the panelists calling for “increased awareness and concrete steps at the U.N. level to abolish surrogacy and uphold human dignity.” The event, titled “At What Price? Towards the Abolition of Surrogacy: Preventing the Exploitation and Commodification of Women and Children,” was held at the Palais des Nations at the U.N.’s Geneva headquarters.

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Can generous family policies help boost fertility rates?

Daniel Payne for CNA).

Advocates and policymakers have for years argued that extending family benefits — such as paid leave, job guarantees, and cash payouts for new babies — could help reverse the steep declines in fertility rates observed in recent decades in most of the developed world.

The data, meanwhile, paint a less optimistic picture, though there are signs that some policies could play a role in convincing families to have more children.

Government leaders in numerous countries have been struggling in recent years to address falling birth rates. In South Korea, for instance — where the birth rate has cratered to less than one birth per woman — the Seoul metropolitan government will next year begin offering housing subsidies to newlywed couples, in part so husbands and wives might have more children.

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Pope Francis tells Communion and Liberation leader: ‘Do not look at your navel’

(CNA. Jonah McKeown).

Pope Francis in an audience last week with the president of Communion and Liberation (CL) reportedly told the leader not to “look at your navel” but to share their movement with the whole Church.

Communion and Liberation is an ecclesial movement founded in the 1950s by Italian priest Father Luigi Giussani, a theologian and public intellectual. It received papal recognition in 1982 and today is present in 90 countries worldwide, with its members — clerical and lay — primarily focusing on community, culture, and Catholic education and faith formation. Its members meet weekly in small discussion groups that they call the “School of Community.”

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U.S. bishops approve plan for youth, young adult ministry

(Kate Quiñones. CNA).

The U.S. bishops approved a new pastoral framework for youth and young adult outreach, titled “Listen, Teach, Send,” following their spring meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, last week. 

The framework was approved on Monday, passing with 188 in favor, four against, and four abstentions, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) announced in a Tuesday press release

The initial vote was held at the bishops’ spring plenary assembly, but not enough eligible bishops were present to vote and were contacted to cast their votes after, the release noted.

“We’re hoping that ‘Listen, Teach, Send’ can offer new life for these ministries in our local Churches,” Bishop Robert Barron, who is heading the initiative as chair of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, explained at the USCCB June Plenary Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky. 

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Pope Francis erects new metropolitan see in Zambia, appoints pioneer archbishop

(CNA. Silas Mwale Isenjia).

Pope Francis has erected the Archdiocese of Ndola in Zambia and appointed Bishop Benjamin Phiri as its first archbishop. The southern African nation has had two metropolitan sees — the Archdiocese of Lusaka, headquartered in the country’s capital city, and the Archdiocese of Kasama in northern Zambia. The latest administrative changes in the southern African nation were made public by the Holy See Press office on Tuesday, June 18. The newly erected metropolitan see is located in the central region of ​​Zambia and measures 32,000 square kilometers (about 12,400 square miles) and has a population of 3.2 million, of which 1.9 million are Catholic, representing 59.6% of the total population of the archdiocese, according to the Holy See Press report.

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Catholic migrant shelter calls ‘human smuggling’ accusations ‘utter nonsense’

(Peter Pinedo. CNA).

As Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is threatening to shut down a Catholic nonprofit known as Annunciation House for allegedly facilitating illegal border crossings from Mexico, a lawyer for the group has called the state’s claims “utter nonsense.”

Attorneys representing both sides argued before El Paso District Judge Francisco Dominguez in a hearing on Monday.

Jerome Wesevich, a lawyer with Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid (TRLA), which is representing Annunciation House, claimed that Paxton’s actions constitute an attack on the free exercise of religion and violate the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Rob Farquharson, an attorney with the Texas attorney general’s office, claimed that Annunciation House has been breaking portions of the Texas penal law that prohibits “knowingly encourag[ing] or induc[ing] a person to enter or remain in this country in violation of federal law by concealing, harboring, or shielding that person from detection.” 

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Tension between state and church: prayer becomes “sidewalk nuisance”

(Von Martin Grünewald. CNA).

The current federal government is deviating from social consensus – for the first time in history – introducing high fines and wanting to interfere with freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Self-determination law
In future, every citizen will be allowed to determine their own gender – supposedly a social construct. All they have to do is go to the registry office and have the entry changed there. Anyone who calls a so-called trans person by their original first name and thereby “intentionally harms” them can incur a hefty fine. It is completely new and constitutionally controversial that mentioning biological facts is punishable by a high fine of up to 10,000 euros. This is because the name change does not have to involve any medically effective changes. It is still unclear what is meant by “harm” – it may not even mean material damage.

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