Cardinal Müller becomes cardinal priest – promotion after ten years


German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller has been promoted from cardinal deacon to cardinal priest. On Monday, the consistory led by Pope Francis decided to elevate Müller to the class of cardinal priest upon his request, the Vatican announced . Müller’s titular deaconry, Sant’Agnese in Agone, will be temporarily elevated to a titular church during his term of office (“pro hac vice”). After ten years in office, cardinal deacons have the right to ask the Pope for elevating them to cardinal priest and for a titular church (“optatio”). Müller was admitted to the College of Cardinals on February 22, 2014. Following his retirement as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Müller is now a judge at the Apostolic Signatura , the Church’s highest court.

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Cardinal Marx warns: European Union could fall apart again


Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx is concerned about the European Union (EU). This peace project is threatened by “ethnic nationalism,” warned the Archbishop of Munich and Freising on Sunday evening during a service in Munich’s St. Boniface Basilica. The service was held in memory of the journalist Fritz Gerlich (1883-1934), who was murdered in the Dachau concentration camp 90 years ago.

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Rupture by stealth?


According to a source well-positioned to know, one of the behind-the-scenes dramas of the present pontificate involved Pope Francis’s determination to amend the Catechism of the Catholic Church and declare capital punishment an intrinsically evil act: something that can never be countenanced. After a lengthy and bruising argument over whether that was doctrinally possible, a compromise was reached and CCC 2267 now declares the death penalty “inadmissible” – a strong term, but one with no technical theological or doctrinal meaning.

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Bishop Voderholzer prohibits ordinations of Pius Brothers in Zaitzkofen


Regensburg Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer has banned the ordinations of deacons and priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (FSSPX) announced for Saturday in their seminary in Zaitzkofen, Bavaria. As the Diocese of Regensburg announced on Wednesday, Voderholzer stressed in a letter to the rector Pascal Schreiber that the ordinations were being administered without permission. The Pius Brotherhood is ignoring the necessary legal conditions of the Roman Catholic Church for the ordination. “Due to this behavior, I once again feel compelled to protect the order of the Church and, as Ordinarius loci (local bishop, editor’s note), to prohibit the unauthorized ordinations for the area of ​​the Diocese of Regensburg, as I have done in previous years,” Voderholzer said in his letter.

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Pope Francis meets with leaders of Institute of Christ the King, a Latin Mass group

(CNA. Tyler Arnold).

Pope Francis on Monday met with three leaders of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) — an institute whose priests celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass and live according to the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales.

The June 24 meeting comes at a time when celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass are restricted by the pontiff’s motu proprio Traditionis Custodes

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Un colloquio teologico internazionale per rilanciare la vocazione ecumenica della Chiesa melchita

(Agenzia Fides).

Mentre la Chiesa cattolica greco-melchita celebra i 300 anni dal ripristino della piena comunione con la Chiesa di Roma (1724-2024), un Colloquio teologico internazionale di alto livello punta a rilanciare la valenza e la vocazione ecumenica di quella comunità ecclesiale e delle altre Chiese cattoliche orientali, in un momento in cui anche i conflitti geopolitici lacerano Chiese sorelle appartenenti alla stessa tradizione, come le Chiese dell’Ortodossia.

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Erezione della Diocesi di Labuan Bajo e nomina del primo Vescovo

(Agenzia Fides).

 Il Santo Padre in data 21 giugno ha eretto la Diocesi di Labuan Bajo (Indonesia), con territorio dismembrato dalla Diocesi di Ruteng, rendendola suffraganea della Chiesa Metropolitana di Ende. Il Santo Padre ha nominato primo Vescovo di Labuan Bajo, il Rev. Sac. Maksimus Regus, del clero di Ruteng, finora Rettore della Catholic University of St.Paul Ruteng.
S.E. Mons. Maksimus Regus è nato il 23 settembre 1973 a Woang, reggenza di Manggarai, nell’attuale Diocesi di Ruteng. Ha frequentato il Pontificio Seminario Romano Minore Pius XII e svolto gli studi in Filosofia e Teologia presso il Pontificio Seminario Maggiore St. Petrus-Ritapiret, Diocesi di Maumere. È stato ordinato sacerdote il 10 agosto 2001.

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In historic ruling, High Court says government must draft Haredi men into IDF


In a landmark ruling on Tuesday, the High Court of Justice ruled unanimously that the government must draft ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students into the military since there is no longer any legal framework to continue the decades-long practice of granting them blanket exemptions from army service.

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Victims of abuse renew calls for Bishop Meister to resign


Those affected by abuse have reiterated their call for the resignation of Hanover’s regional bishop Ralf Meister and rejected an offer of talks from the Protestant bishop. “We will not accept the invitation,” the initiative declared in an open letter in Hanover on Friday. “We have not asked Bishop Meister for an audience.” From the perspective of those affected, resignation is more than ever “the only responsible option.” The initiative had already called for the 62-year-old’s resignation at the beginning of June, before the Synod’s deliberations. He must accept the consequences of the church’s inadequate handling of cases of abuse, it said at the time

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Il conflitto sempre più duro tra la Chiesa e il governo in Armenia

(asianews. Vladimir Rozanskij).

– La Chiesa Apostolica Armena ha assunto ormai una posizione politica esplicita di confronto con il governo di Erevan, con il rischio di una radicalizzazione sempre più violenta delle proteste di piazza, guidate dall’arcivescovo di Tavowš, Bagrat Galstanyan, che continua a ripetere che “non lasceremo le strade fino alla vittoria”, cioè fino alle dimissioni del primo ministro Nikol Pašinyan.

Galstanyan non si limita ad arringare le folle, ma le spinge all’assalto dei palazzi del potere, com’è successo nei giorni scorsi, cercando di rinchiudere il premier e i deputati in quello dell’Assemblea nazionale per costringerli poi a presentarsi davanti al “tribunale popolare” da lui stesso presieduto. La polizia ha cominciato a usare le maniere forti per disperdere i dimostranti, anche se finora l’arcivescovo rivoluzionario non è stato toccato. Pašinyan e i sostenitori della maggioranza di governo stanno però utilizzando argomenti sempre più infuocati contro gli oppositori ecclesiastici.

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India’s Eastern Church fails to settle liturgy dispute

(UCANews reporter).

Pacts achieved to settle the vexed liturgy dispute in India’s Eastern rite Syro-Malabar Church collapsed again when the Church’s synod allegedly altered the agreements and refused to withdraw its earlier circular that threatened to excommunicate priests who failed to follow the Church’s official liturgical rubrics.

Most priests and laity in the Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese of the Syro-Malabar Church have rejected the synod formula for resolving the crisis, saying it unilaterally modified resolutions agreed by both sides during the two sessions of the Synod.

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Cardinal Parolin to discuss Lebanon’s crises

(UCANews reporter).

A top Vatican official visiting Lebanon has said that he will participate in discussions on the socio-economic and political issues the country faces and assured assistance towards solving them, says a report.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, made his remarks after his arrival in Beirut on June 23 to begin his five-day state visit, Lebanon’s government-run National News Agency (NNA) reported.

“There is great concern in terms of politics in Lebanon and the economic crisis that affects the poor, namely the political crisis, the institutional crisis, and the problem of electing the president,” Parolin said.

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 Le ragazze afghane da mille giorni senza scuola

(Agenzia Fides).

Da mille giorni le ragazze afghane non vanno a scuola. Sono passati più di 1.000 giorni da quando i Talebani hanno vietato l’istruzione secondaria femminile in Afghanistan. Milioni di donne e ragazze afghane vivono oggi in un sistema di discriminazione di genere, impossibilitate ad andare a scuola, a lavorare o a partecipare alla vita pubblica. Nonostante tali circostanze, donne e ragazze resistono e studiano in  segreto, riferisce il “Malala Fund”, organizzazione nata da Malala Yousafzai, la studentessa pakistana ferita dai Talebani nel 2012, la persona più giovane mai insignita del Premio Nobel per la pace. Nella sua crescita professionale, la giovane è stata fondatrice del Fondo a lei stessa intitolato, organizzazione che promuove l’istruzione per le ragazze in tutto il mondo.
Il Fondo ha annunciato più di 1,5 milioni di dollari in nuovi finanziamenti per le organizzazioni che lavorano per far sì che le ragazze continuino a studiare in Afghanistan. Sono 13 le organizzazioni beneficiarie, che offrono di programmi di apprendimento digitale e alternativo per le ragazze in Afghanistan. “Siamo orgoglios

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Can generous family policies help boost fertility rates?

Daniel Payne for CNA).

Advocates and policymakers have for years argued that extending family benefits — such as paid leave, job guarantees, and cash payouts for new babies — could help reverse the steep declines in fertility rates observed in recent decades in most of the developed world.

The data, meanwhile, paint a less optimistic picture, though there are signs that some policies could play a role in convincing families to have more children.

Government leaders in numerous countries have been struggling in recent years to address falling birth rates. In South Korea, for instance — where the birth rate has cratered to less than one birth per woman — the Seoul metropolitan government will next year begin offering housing subsidies to newlywed couples, in part so husbands and wives might have more children.

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India’s Eastern Church settles dispute, awaits Vatican nod

(UCANews. Saji Thomas).

A liturgy dispute that pushed India’s eastern rite Syro-Malabar Church to the verge of a split has been settled following concessions from both parties, said a bishop who attended the synod meeting that achieved the breakthrough.

“Subject to the Vatican’s approval, the dispute is settled. The breakthrough came after both sides agreed to accommodate each other. The official announcement will be made in a day or two,” said a bishop who attended the July 19  Synod of Bishops.

The five-decade-long dispute in the Syro-Malabar Church, based in southern Indian Kerala state, intensified three years ago after most priests and Catholics in the Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese refused to accept the rubrics of a mass approved by the synod.

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Pope Francis tells Communion and Liberation leader: ‘Do not look at your navel’

(CNA. Jonah McKeown).

Pope Francis in an audience last week with the president of Communion and Liberation (CL) reportedly told the leader not to “look at your navel” but to share their movement with the whole Church.

Communion and Liberation is an ecclesial movement founded in the 1950s by Italian priest Father Luigi Giussani, a theologian and public intellectual. It received papal recognition in 1982 and today is present in 90 countries worldwide, with its members — clerical and lay — primarily focusing on community, culture, and Catholic education and faith formation. Its members meet weekly in small discussion groups that they call the “School of Community.”

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China jails woman for teaching Quran to Uyghur children

(UCANews reporter).

A Uyghur Muslim woman has been sentenced to an additional 14-year prison term for allegedly teaching the Quran to teenagers following a decade in jail, says a report.

Heyrinisa Memet was sentenced on June 11 for imparting religious instructions to the youths in 2014, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on June 18.

Memet had provided religious instructions to the children at the request of her neighbors, the director of security of Zulkum village in Kashgar prefecture, who wished to be unidentified over fears of reprisals, said.

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Breakthrough seems to be here – Years-long liturgical dispute likely to be settled


liturgical dispute that has lasted for years in the Syro-Malabar Church, which is linked to Rome, could now possibly be ended after concessions from both sides. “Subject to the approval of the Vatican, the conflict has been resolved,” an unnamed bishop told the Asian news portal “Ucanews” (Thursday). An official announcement will be made in a day or two. The compromise states that priests in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly can continue to celebrate Mass as traditional, said the clergyman, who wished to remain anonymous. “But they must celebrate a uniform Mass in their parishes on Sundays, as approved by the Synod.”

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Mecca, oltre mille morti per il caldo: la minaccia del clima sull’Hajj


Più dei timori della guerra a Gaza e dei rischi legati alla calca nei luoghi santi, in passato fonte di incidenti mortali dal bilancio (a volte) pesantissimo, quest’anno il nemico numero uno per i fedeli alla Mecca per l’Hajj è il caldo. Un bilancio diffuso questa mattina dall’Afp, che tiene conto dei dati forniti dai rispettivi Paesi, finora sono morte oltre mille persone che stanno partecipando, in questi giorni, al pellegrinaggio maggiore ai luoghi santi dell’islam. Ad oggi Riyadh non ha fornito un numero ufficiale dei morti – con l’Egitto che paga il prezzo maggiore con 658 deceduti per afa e colpi di calore – ma sottolinea che la grande maggioranza (almeno 630) erano irregolari che non si erano registrati e non avrebbero titolo per partecipare. 

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Söding to absent bishops: Door to Synodal Committee is open


The Vice President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Thomas Söding, has appealed to the bishops of Eichstätt, Cologne, Regensburg and Passau to still take part in the Synodal Committee. “The door is still open, but they have to go through it,” said Söding on Monday in an interview with . The absence of the four bishops creates an unpleasant situation. However, he hopes that through the “further constructive work of the Synodal Committee and through coordination with the World Synod” this gap in the Bishops’ Conference can ultimately be bridged.

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