South African bishops urge politicians to ‘work together’ after ANC loses majority

(The Tablet. Marko Phiri).

South Africa’s Catholic bishops urged all politicians to accept the national election results announced on Sunday and to turn their attention to helping the country. The elections held on 29 May saw the ruling African National Congress (ANC) lose its outright majority, which it has retained since the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. Scores of newly-formed parties had contested the election as worsening economic inequality undermined the ANC’s support. In a statement issued on 3 June, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) called on all “parties to avoid utterances and behaviour that could lead to acts of violence, destruction, and loss of life”.

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Why women’s voices must be heard in the Church

(THE TABLET. Sarah Mac Donald).

Significant challenges to women’s participation in the life and mission of the Church include the need for canonical and institutional reform and the lack of representation in leadership roles, according to the Irish Church’s feedback for this autumn’s synodal assembly in Rome.

The summary report, from dioceses and groups in the Irish Church, says that while there is a growing recognition of the valuable contributions that women are making, the question of women’s ordination to the priesthood and the permanent diaconate continues to be present in Irish contributions.

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