Papabili(ty): The cardinals who have seen their prospects in the next conclave harmed and improved by recent news events

(John L Allen Jr. Catholic Herald).

Stock markets are notoriously fickle, forever expanding or contracting on the basis of whatever new wind happens to blow. Let a coup occur in Bahrain, and the Dow may drop 100 points over fears about oil production; should the US land a new rover on Mars, the NASDAQ may soar amid rising confidence in American technological prowess.

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Finnish MP to stand trial for third time for tweeting Bible verse

(The Catholic Herald. TCH satff).

Former government minister and sitting Finnish parliamentarian Päivi Räsänen will stand trial a third time for her Bible-verse tweet, the Supreme Court of Finland has confirmed. The State prosecutor appealed the case despite the Christian grandmother of 11 being acquitted unanimously of “hate speech” charges before both the Helsinki District Court, and the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear that appeal on a date to be set in the future.

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Pope calls for truth about ‘Vatican Girl’ as Italian Parliament launches probe 

(Chatholic Herald. Crux Staff).

ROME – Pope Francis has repeated his own desire that the truth surrounding the 1983 disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi finally emerge, just as the Italian Parliament is gearing up to launch a large-scale investigation of the infamous “Vatican Girl” case. “In the Vatican, we are still suffering greatly from the disappearance, more than forty years ago, of one of our citizens, Emanuela Orlandi, who was fifteen years old at the time,” the Pope said, noting that an inquiry has been opened at the Vatican to “shed light on the story and bring out the truth”. He added: “I continue to pray for her and her family, especially her mother…I would like every family that is mourning the loss of one of their own to feel my closeness. I am at their side.”

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