Unità dei cristiani: card. Koch, “continuare il dialogo sull’infallibilità”

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(SIR Agenzia d’informazione),

“Tutti parlano dell’infallibilità del Papa, ma al Concilio Vaticano II si è detto dell’infallibilità della Chiesa”. A precisarlo è stato il card. Kurt Koch, prefetto del Dicastero per la promozione dell’unità dei cristiani, rispondendo alle domande dei giornalisti, durante la presentazione – in sala stampa vaticana – del Documento di studio “Il vescovo di Roma. Primato e sinodalità nei dialoghi ecumenici e nelle risposte
all’enciclica ‘Ut unum sint’”. “Il Papa non può avere altra infallibilità che la fede della Chiesa cattolica”, ha ricordato il cardinale: “E’ colui che può interpretare, annunciare questa infallibilità della Chiesa. Può dire: “Non è la mia infallibilità, ma io pronuncio l’infallibilità della Chiesa’. Nel caso dei dogmi dell’ Immacolata Concezione e dell’Assunzione di Maria, ad esempio, “prima di proclamare i dogmi hanno chiesto a tutti i vescovi del mondo”. “Continuare il dialogo, per l’interpretazione autentica della Chiesa”, l’auspicio di Koch.

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El Vaticano da el primer paso para aclarar el dogma de la infalibilidad papal

(ABC. Javier Marinez-Brocal).

El Vaticano estudia preparar un «comentario oficial» para aclarar qué significa el dogma de la infalibilidad papal. Se trata de una decisión reclamada por los cristianos no católicos, que abriría el camino a reconocer en el sucesor de Pedro una autoridad común. Según propone la Santa Sede, la idea sería «aclarar la terminología adoptada, que a menudo sigue siendo equívoca y se presta a malentendidos, por ejemplo: jurisdicción ordinaria, inmediata y universal; infalibilidad; gobierno; autoridad suprema y poder» del Papa.

La propuesta ha sido publicada en un documento oficial del Dicasterio para la Unidad de los Cristianos, aprobado explícitamente por el Papa Francisco y presentado en una rueda de prensa en el Vaticano, lo que puede interpretarse como una confirmación de que esta cuestión se afrontará en un futuro cercano.

«Es una propuesta», adelantó el cardenal Kurt Koch, responsable del diálogo entre el Vaticano y las Iglesias cristianas. «La idea es subrayar que cuando el Papa invoca la infalibilidad, no es una cualidad de su persona sino ligada a la infalibilidad de la Iglesia, pues antes de proclamar un dogma consulta a todos los obispos».

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Descubren el primer manuscrito del Evangelio sobre la infancia de Jesús

(El Mundo).

Llevaba décadas conservado en la Biblioteca Estatal y Universitaria de Hamburgo y nadie había reparado en él, hasta que el fragmento de papiro con el número de inventario P.Hamb.Graec. 1011 cayó en manos de los papirólogos Lajos Berkes, del Instituto para el Cristianismo y la Antigüedad de la Universidad HumboldtU de Berlin (HU), y Gabriel Nocchi Macedo de la Universidad de Lieja, en Bélgica. Los dos expertos han identificado ese fragmento de documento como la copia más antigua que se conserva del Evangelio de la infancia de Tomás.

Se trata de un descubrimiento importante para el campo de la investigación ya que el manuscrito se remonta a los primeros días del cristianismo. Hasta ahora, un códice del siglo XI era la versión griega más antigua conocida del Evangelio de Tomás, que probablemente fue escrito en el siglo II d.C. El Evangelio narra episodios de la infancia de Jesús y es uno de los apócrifos bíblicos. Estos escritos no estaban incluidos en la Biblia, pero sus historias fueron muy populares y difundidas en la Antigüedad y la Edad Media, informa la universidad alemana en un comunicado.

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El proceso de excomunión implica sólo a diez de las quince monjas de Belorado

(ABC. José Ramón Navarro-Pareja).

Un proceso de excomunión a tres velocidades y sólo para diez de las religiosas. La estrategia del Tribunal Eclesiástico de Burgos no es igual para las quince monjas que todavía viven en Belorado. A las cinco más mayores, que no han sido vistas en ni un solo momento de este proceso, no se ha planteado ningún proceso canónico, mientras que de las otras diez, a las tres más mediáticas se les ha dado un plazo de diez días para comparecer (el mínimo que establece el derecho), mientras que para las otras siete se ha ampliado hasta quince.

De esta forma el lunes, el primer plazo vence el domingo, la exabadesa sor Isabel de la Trinidad, sor Sión y sor Paz –las que presentaron la denuncia por «abuso de poder y usurpación» en Logroño y posteriormente la ratificaron en Burgos y han sido más visibles en los medios de comunicación– podrían ver cómo se publica el decreto de su excomunión.

Desde el arzobispado de Burgos han confirmado a este diario, que, de no comparecer y retractarse, el procedimiento será inmediato, puesto que son ellas las que ya han incurrido en excomunión ‘latae sententiae’. Una firmeza que podría comenzar a sembrar las dudas en el resto de las religiosas, que tendría todavía cinco días para evitar la misma suerte.

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Catholics Object to Buffalo Diocese’s Expulsion of Gay Men’s Chorus from Cathedral

(New Ways Ministry. Sarah Cassidy).

The Diocese of Buffalo has cancelled a scheduled concert by the city’s gay chorus, which was scheduled to be held at the local cathedral as part of a city-wide choral festival. However, some Catholics, including a U.S. congressman, have pushed back.

The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus was set to perform at St. Joseph’s Cathedral as part of an event by the Greater Buffalo Friends of Music, which also had invited several other singing groups. However, the Buffalo diocese eventually decided not to host the concert because “a choir identified to perform is a group whose values are inconsistent with Catholic teaching.” A diocesan spokesperson later confirmed that referred to the gay men’s chorus.

The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus issued a statement expressing its frustration with the diocese’s lack of inclusion, posting on Facebook:

“The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus is angered and deeply disappointed to learn the Choral Festival scheduled on Sunday, June 9th at St. Joseph Cathedral, was to be cancelled by the Catholic Diocese, in part due to the inclusion of the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus.”

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Donald Trump tells a group that calls for banning all abortions to stand up for ‘innocent life’

(AP. Michelle L. Price and Peter Smith).

Donald Trump on Monday urged a staunchly anti-abortion Christian group to stand up for “innocent life,” ambiguously revisiting an issue that Democrats want to make a focus of this year’s presidential election.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee’s pre-recorded message praised the work of those attending the event hosted by The Danbury Institute, which is meeting in Indianapolis in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. The newly-formed institute is an association of churches, Christians and organizations that wants to eradicate abortion in its entirety.

A panel of in-person speakers doubled-down on that anti-abortion stance on Monday, and a top Southern Baptist leader called for a hardline position against in vitro fertilization. Albert Mohler, the president of the SBC’s flagship seminary, said IVF is a “commodification of the embryo” that assaults human dignity. He criticized pastors as well as politicians showing openness to it including in Alabama, which shielded IVF providers from prosecution and civil lawsuits after a state Supreme Court ruling said frozen embryos are children.

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A Rabbi Goes To Church: What Christians Should Know about Israel at this Moment

(The Times of Israel. Michael L. Feshbach).

Friends, I want to express my deep gratitude to you, and to your wonderful pastor, for the invitation to be with you this morning.  Reverend Ney is certainly familiar with, and a friend of the Jewish community in this area, having davened out of a different siddur – I mean prayed out of a different prayerbook – over years of service as the accompanist at both my congregation, Beth Israel, in its original Atlantic City location and, later, at Emet Shalom, now part of Shirat Hayam synagogue in Ventnor.  And then, of course, she also taught at the Hebrew Academy.

This is my second time in this special place.  The first was last November, for the area interfaith Thanksgiving service.  I used that occasion to thank Reverend Ney for her powerful words of support for the Jewish community at a  service of solidarity held a few weeks prior, a gathering meant to bring comfort following the events of early October.  What she said then was, and remains, deeply meaningful to me, and to many others.

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With “All Are Welcome” as Its Motto, New York Church Persists in LGBTQ+ Journey

(New Ways Ministry. Phoebe Carstens).

In the National Catholic Reporter, a recent profile of a New York City parish highlighted its efforts to be widely inclusive, including of LGBTQ+ people. 

The Church of St. Francis Xavier in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood was the subject of NCR’s report about how the parish is redefining what acceptance in the church means.

According to NCR, “over the past 40 years since, it has stood out among others in the New York Archdiocese for its pastoral activities aimed at LGBTQ parishioners’ inclusion, its constant liturgical and eucharistic renewal to make the sacraments more accessible to everyone, and its mission to fight racism, poverty, hunger and homelessness.”

That commitment to greater LGBTQ+ inclusion is evident through dedicated small groups, educational programs, liturgical choices, and elements of the physical sacred space. For example, there is a small side altar consecrated as a memorial for those who have died of HIV/AIDS. The altar is dedicated to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, patron of, among other things, AIDS patients and caregivers. For 10 years, the parish hosted “Gonzaga Group,” a place of spiritual support for LGBTQ+ parishioners living with HIV/AIDS. And in 1986, St. Francis Xavier was the first U.S. Catholic parish to hold a memorial service for a man who had died of AIDS.

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In secular France, chaplains prepare to provide Olympians with spiritual support during the Games

(AP. Giovanna Dell’Orto).

PARIS (AP) — As athletes rev up their training and organizers finalize everything from ceremonies to podiums before the Paris Olympics, more than 120 faith leaders are preparing for a different challenge — spiritually supporting some 10,000 Olympic athletes from around the world, especially those whose medal dreams will inevitably get crushed.

“We’ll need to bring them back to earth, because it can feel like the end of the world after working on this goal for four or five years,” said Jason Nioka, a former judo champion and deacon who’s in charge of the largest contingent of Olympic chaplains, about 40 Catholic priests, nuns and lay faithful.

Ordained and lay representatives from the five major global religions — Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism — have been working together for months to set up a shared hall in the Olympic village outside Paris.

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U.S. Bishops’ Synod Report Acknowledges LGBTQ+ Tensions, But Offers No Proposals

(New Ways Ministry. Kevin Molloy).

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has released its next national synthesis for the Synod on Synodality, and the document notes the passionate tensions among U.S. Catholics, including disagreements over LGBTQ+ issues.

The National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Interim Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod, drawn from over 1,000 listening sessions involving 35,000-plus participants, reported that participants articulated two hopes for Catholicism: that it be a church of “Safe Harbor of certainty and openness and prophetic mystery [which] is at the heart of our Fiery Communion.”

As a church of Safe Harbor, the USCCB acknowledges that many participants in listening sessions believe the “‘Church is at its best when it’s warm, welcoming, and focuses on community building and doing more for other people’ (Region XII).” The report recognizes, too, that the church is a vastly diverse community, and U.S. Catholics want to focus on diverse community building. The report stated:

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Papa in Campidoglio: “Roma città unica e universale, continui a essere faro di pace”

(SIR Agenzia d’informazione. M.Michela Nicolais).

Papa Francesco è salito per la seconda volta sul Colle capitolino per ricordare a Roma la sua vocazione universale, in vista del Giubileo.

“Roma è unica”. Lo ha ripetuto Papa Francesco, nella sua seconda visita in Campidoglio, dopo quella del 26 marzo 2019. Roma, “città dallo spirito universale”, che deve continuare ad essere “faro di civiltà e promotrice di pace”, forte della sua millenaria tradizione di carità, ospitalità e accoglienza. Soprattutto alla vigilia del Giubileo, che “potrà avere una ricaduta positiva sul volto stesso della città, migliorandone il decoro e rendendo più efficienti i servizi pubblici, non solamente nel centro ma favorendo l’avvicinamento tra centro e periferie”.

“Vengo a incontrare voi e, tramite voi, l’intera città, che pressoché dalla sua nascita, circa 2.800 anni fa, ha avuto una chiara e costante vocazione di universalità”,

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El Papa reúne a los embajadores de Israel y Palestina para regar el olivo que plantaron Simón Peres y Mahmoud Abbas

(ABC. Javier Martínez-Brocal).

«Shalom, salam, paz». El Papa ha usado estas tres palabras para suplicar a Dios el fin de la guerra en Tierra Santa, ante representantes de la comunidad judía y musulmana de Roma, los embajadores de Israel y Palestina, y todo el cuerpo diplomático. Lo ha hecho este viernes por la tarde en los Jardines Vaticanos para recordar que hace justo diez años reunió en este mismo lugar a los entonces presidentes de Israel y Palestina Simón Peres y Mahmoud Abbas para rezar por esta misma intención.

Simbólicamente, el Papa ha pedido ayuda a un rabino, un representante de la comunidad islámica y a los embajadores de Israel y Palestina ante la Santa Sede para regar el olivo que ambos líderes plantaron hace diez años. Igual que entonces, con este gesto Francisco ha mostrado que es una blasfemia usar el nombre de Dios para hacer la guerra, y que el papel de las religiones es sostener cualquier tímido esfuerzo de paz.

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