“Queering” the Catholic Church


An article published in The Stream last March featured this headline: “Pope Francis Must Choose: LGBTQ Ideology or Children.” A few days before “Pride Month” began, Francis announced his choice, quietly but blatantly. When the Vatican celebrated World Children’s Day in late May this year — a holiday it created — a male drag performer danced in front of children, who even saw the performer’s posterior deliberately exposed to them. The performer, Carmine De Rosa, said on social media that the Vatican invited him to perform and knew what his act contained: “I would like to point out, reading the comments, that I was WANTED at this event FOR THE TYPE OF SHOW I CARRY ON STAGE and for professionalism…But I simply defend MY ART.” (Capitals in original) De Rosa’s appearance not only exposes Pope Francis’s public condemnation of gender ideology — which he called “ideological colonization”— as a lie; it shows he supports it. He fully intends to “queer” the Catholic Church, regardless of how it affects children or anyone else — and he has been doing so for quite some time.

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