VATICAN: Pope Appeals for Global Action to End Eastern DRC Conflict, Declares Christians Killed in ‘Odium Fidei’ Martyrs

(CISA news).

Pope Francis has called on both national and international actors to help bring peace and reconciliation to the conflict-ridden Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In his message after the Sunday Angelus on June 16, 2024, the Holy Father noted that the news of clashes and sporadic murders coming from Eastern DRC is disheartening and emphasized the need for dialogue and international cooperation to end the violence and alleviate the suffering of the Congolese people.

“Painful news continues to arrive of clashes and massacres in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I appeal to the national leaders and the international community to do everything possible to stop the violence and safeguard the lives of civilians,” appealed the pope.

The Holy Father decried the indiscriminate killing of the population in the area, the majority of Christians, whom he called Martyrs for being killed because of their faith.

“Among the victims, many are Christians killed in odium fidei meaning “in hatred of the faith”. They are martyrs. Their sacrifice is a seed that germinates and bears fruit, and teaches us to bear witness to the Gospel with courage and consistency,” declared the Supreme Pontiff.

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