DBK-Queer representative Schepers: See gender as an ellipse with two poles

(Die Tagespost. Die Freiheit).

In an in-depth interview with the Tagespost newspaper, the Auxiliary Bishop of Essen explained: “Some assume that there is a core of man and a core of woman.” However, one could also take as a starting point that the two are human beings, which is also the root of the biblical word Adam. “Being human is what connects them,” says Schepers. He sees gender “more as an ellipse with two poles and the possibility of what lies between them. With this model, I remain in the bipolarity of gender and still have the opportunity to include these people in the image of humanity.”

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Cardinal Koch: “The heresy of Arius is relevant again today”

(Die Tagespost).

For the cardinal , the war in Ukraine in particular is a setback for the reputation of Christians in the world: The particular tragedy is that “Christians are waging war against Christians, and even Orthodox people are killing each other. This is the sad opposite of the ecumenism of the martyrs.” Because the persecution of Christians in today’s world does not separate Christians, but unites them. “But if, conversely, Christians wage war against Christians,” said Koch, “this is an extremely bad message for all of Christianity.”

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Christian Unity believes that negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are necessary “if their goal is a just peace”. It is not enough, the Cardinal stresses, “to conduct negotiations simply to find peace in the sense of the silence of the weapons. Since both sides have different ideas of peace, it must be made clear that negotiations must be about a just peace in Ukraine”.

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Psychotherapist Ingeborg Kraus: “Our profession is being abused”

(Franziska Harter. Die-Tagespost).

Ingeborg Kraus ist Mitglied der Grünen und bezeichnet sich selbst als linke Feministin. Kurz nach der Verabschiedung des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes veröffentlichte der psychologische Psychotherapeut, PhD, am 12. April einen Text mit dem Titel „Warum ich als Psychotherapeut das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz völlig ablehne!“ Der Artikel erhielt mehr als 500.000 Aufrufe auf der Plattform X. (ehemals Twitter) und wurde hunderte Male geteilt.

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