The Synod does not please me: response from a bishop on the equality of men and women in the Church


Synodalin after the bishop’s appearance: “I just don’t understand it”
Monika Zimmerli, a member of the Zurich Synod, wanted to know from Bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain what equality between men and women was in the Church. Her detailed response did not satisfy all members of the synod.

The bishop was called, came and again clearly rejected the ordination of women on Thursday morning in Zurich City Hall. And this despite the fact that he was convinced that equality and the teaching of the Church can and should work in harmony.

“Not negociable”
The fact that ordination positions are reserved for men is, on the one hand, non-negotiable, but on the other hand it does not hinder equal rights per se, explained Bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain at the beginning of the fourth session of the Catholic Synod. Roman in the current mandate. However, it is right and good that senior leadership positions in the church are increasingly filled by women.

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¿Por qué la Santa Sede no firmó la declaración a favor de Ucrania en Cumbre Suiza?


Los días 15 y 16 de junio de 2024, la Santa Sede, aceptando la invitación conjunta de la Presidenta de la Confederación Suiza, Viola Amherd, y del Presidente de Ucrania, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, participó como observador en la Cumbre de alto nivel sobre la paz para Ucrania, celebrada en Suiza. La Santa Sede estuvo representada por el Secretario de Estado, Cardenal Pietro Parolin, acompañado por el Nuncio Apostólico en Suiza, Monseñor Martin Krebs, y por Monseñor Paul Butnaru, funcionario de la Sección para las Relaciones con los Estados y las Organizaciones Internacionales de la Secretaría de Estado. De acuerdo con la naturaleza de la Santa Sede y su estatus de Observador, y siguiendo la práctica de no firmar declaraciones conjuntas, la Delegación de la Santa Sede se abstuvo de firmar el Comunicado Final, aunque expresó su apoyo a las conclusiones de la Cumbre, tal y como se recoge en el discurso que el Card. Parolin pronunció durante la Sesión Plenaria final, que reproducimos a continuación, traducido al castellano por ZENIT:

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A first, spontaneous reaction to the new document on the exercise of the Peter’s office

(Swiss. Bishop Emeritus).

In my opinion, it is wrong to see the acceptance of the Roman Catholic papal primacy of jurisdiction by other Christians as a criterion for its validity and legitimacy and to understand or exercise the papacy accordingly (newly, differently) than before. It cannot be a matter of downgrading the Peter’s office until it becomes acceptable to as many separated Christians as possible, but is no longer what Christ wants it to be. The criterion is therefore whether it in its current form corresponds to this will and the truth of the Gospel, remains a foundation by Christ (i.e. divine right), and whether its development and dogmatization over time took place in the Holy Spirit or not.

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Vreni Peterer on abuse measures: “Trust only grows through actions”

( Sarah Stutte).

Another example is the classification and meaning of spiritual abuse. Church-specific advice is required here and in this respect those affected are currently being left out in the cold. But also we, who are in contact with those affected. The first decisions regarding how the concept will proceed will now be made in June. So we have to keep waiting. RKZ President Roland Loos said at the workshop meeting that “a few months more or less doesn’t matter”. They criticized that. Peterer: Of course, time is an important factor for those affected. The IG-MikU never tires of saying that nothing was prepared on September 12, 2023 and those affected were not well received. I still can't fully understand why there is still nothing, especially since the church repeatedly emphasizes that they were busy with this long before September 12, 2023. In this regard, Bishop Bonnemain speaks, among other things, of a lack of human resources. But that doesn't help those affected.

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