Mexican Church criticizes Biden’s ban on asylum claims.

(Eduardo Campos Lima. CRUX).

After President Joe Biden’s new directive on asylum claims on the border with Mexico made it even more difficult for refugees to get into the United States, the Mexican Church said such issues “shouldn’t be guided by the pressures of electoral times and politics.”

In a declaration released on Jun. 10 by the Bishops’ Conference’s Human Mobility Pastoral, Bishop J. Guadalupe Torres Campos of Ciudad Juarez said “every country has a right to manage its borders, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to restrict the people’s right to ask for asylum and international protection.”

“The new migratory policies of the United States’ government announced last week leave under the discretionary power of migratory agents of that country the access of a person to manifest her or his wish to request asylum, something that allows – without formalities, nor a due process or a thorough analysis of each person’s particular situation – arbitrary deportations without any guarantee for asylum claiming,” the letter read.

The document emphasizes that Mexico keeps receiving deportees from the United States, which leaves them in a vulnerable situation, given that there are no conditions to ensure the respect to their human rights.

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