Commentary: Why add Nicene Creed to our confession?

(Andrew Brown, Stephen Lorance, Steven McKinion & Malcolm Yarnell. Baptist Standard).

We will try to answer questions posed by Eric Black, editor of the Baptist Standard, regarding our hope to add the Nicene Creed to our Baptist Faith and Message.

When one of our number mentioned adding the creed to the confession, we immediately said, “Yes!”

Let us share with you our heart for the glory of God.

‘Why this motion, and why now?’

Black asked, “Why this motion, and why now?”

We believe it is right, good and necessary to add the creed to our confession now. Next year is an important trifold anniversary.

The year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2025 marks the centenary of the Baptist Faith and Message, the quincentenary of the modern recovery of believers’ baptism, and the 1,700th anniversary of the initial formation of the Nicene Creed.

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