Catholics Object to Buffalo Diocese’s Expulsion of Gay Men’s Chorus from Cathedral

(New Ways Ministry. Sarah Cassidy).

The Diocese of Buffalo has cancelled a scheduled concert by the city’s gay chorus, which was scheduled to be held at the local cathedral as part of a city-wide choral festival. However, some Catholics, including a U.S. congressman, have pushed back.

The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus was set to perform at St. Joseph’s Cathedral as part of an event by the Greater Buffalo Friends of Music, which also had invited several other singing groups. However, the Buffalo diocese eventually decided not to host the concert because “a choir identified to perform is a group whose values are inconsistent with Catholic teaching.” A diocesan spokesperson later confirmed that referred to the gay men’s chorus.

The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus issued a statement expressing its frustration with the diocese’s lack of inclusion, posting on Facebook:

“The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus is angered and deeply disappointed to learn the Choral Festival scheduled on Sunday, June 9th at St. Joseph Cathedral, was to be cancelled by the Catholic Diocese, in part due to the inclusion of the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus.”

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