Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

(Breitbart. Thomas D. Willians).

The Jesuit order, in fact, is known to have a remarkably high percentage of homosexual members, making it unsurprising that Father Martin has had gay priests as superiors, confessors, mentors, teachers, and spiritual directors. According to the estimates of one of Martin’s Jesuit brothers, some 50 percent of the members of the Jesuit order are homosexual. “Roughly half of the Society under the age of fifty shuffles on the borderline between declared and undeclared gayness,” wrote Jesuit Father Paul Shaughnessy in a 2002 essay in the Weekly Standard, titled, “Are the Jesuits Catholic?” In his piece, Father Shaughnessy added that “the majority of Jesuit formatores, Jesuits in charge of training, are homosexual as well.” For Catholics, Father Martin continued, gay priests have “celebrated Masses for you, baptized your children, heard your confessions, visited you in hospitals, presided at your weddings and buried your parents.” “The church would be immeasurably poorer without them,” he concluded.

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