
Catholic Radar is a website created in April 2024 with the aim of presenting the most relevant news worldwide about the Catholic Church.

Religious information websites do not cover the wide panorama of international news and, therefore, do not offer a broad and comprehensive view of the Church, extracted from media around the world. Thus, Catholic Radar was born to provide a service that we consider necessary.

We offer credible information by publishing news from a wide range of specialized, general, international, and local media worldwide for free.

What sets us apart?

  1. We do not publish our own news but the relevant ones that appear in the main agencies and media outlets.
  1. We select news with credibility.
  1. We select around 35 daily news items, gathered from more than 200 media outlets worldwide.
  1. We provide news with diverse points of view, reflecting a plurality of opinions and avoiding polarization.
  1. We publish the news in Italian, English, French, and Spanish.

Catholic Radar is run by a group of people from different professions. The team has an interdisciplinary background with extensive experience in various fields (business management, communication, teaching, etc.), all united by a great love for the Church

We are convinced that Catholic Radar is very useful for staying updated on the events of the Church worldwide, and for this, we put all our effort and dedication into maintaining the website.