Selected Evangelisation Stories Posted on August 19, 2024August 17, 2024by Catholic Radar JI Belgium. Concours de 1000 € : Cette église a besoin de vos idées pour garnir sa façade ! Indonesia. Go, Team Jesus! Indonesian badminton hopeful Mia joins the church Papua New Guinea. Papua Nuova Guinea, dove i missionari testimoniano il Vangelo tra sfide e diversità Philippines. Franciscan friar uses art to help young survivors recover from war, disaster Spain. Tiempo libre… para evangelizar U.S. Expert calls rise of AI an ‘evangelical moment’ for Catholicism U.S. Catholic model found support in faith community after scandals U.S. «Hacedme preguntas», retó el obispo Barron en Reddit: 27.000 comentarios, se repetían estos 4 temas